Vitamins( D, E)
Vitamin D. In the body it participates in the processes of assimilation and proper use of calcium and phosphorus. It is absolutely necessary for the growth and development of bones and teeth. Vitamin D is produced by the body under the action of solar ultraviolet. The body uses both existing forms of this vitamin - D2 and D3.The necessary amount of vitamin D3 is enough to take sun baths lasting from 10 to 30 minutes( depending on the solar activity) three times a week. Vitamin D2 is found in large quantities in a variety of foods.
First vitamin D enters the liver, then it enters the kidneys, where its active hormone-like form( 1,25( OH) 2D) is formed, the production of which is stimulated by parathyroid hormone( parathyroid hormone).So, it is produced by lowering the level of calcium in the blood to activate vitamin D. Functions of the activated form of vitamin D are similar to the steroid hormone inside cells that affect the production of certain proteins that control calcium absorption. An overdose of vitamin D can be toxic, but for this the dose should be exceeded 10-100 times. The recommended amount per day is 10 mcg. It is recommended to use vitamin D together with calcium preparations.
Vitamin E. Is a potent vitamin and antioxidant. It circulates with blood and neutralizes free radicals, prevents cell membrane damage, thereby reducing the risk of developing and developing heart disease, as well as various forms of cancer. Also vitamin E keeps "bad" cholesterol( LDL) from converting into even worse cholesterol - oxidized LDL, from which "plaques" are formed in the arteries( atherogenesis) which can lead to severe heart problems. In addition, vitamin E facilitates and speeds up the process of healing burns and postoperative trauma patients, and, as has been established by recent studies, helps with osteoarthritis and rheumatism, reduces the risk of cataracts, strengthens the immune system, and, in addition, slows the development of Parkinson's disease.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that enters the body in the form of two forms - tocopherol and tocotrienol. There are four different kinds of tocopherol necessary for the body, of which the most active is alpha-tocopherol. To measure the amount of vitamin E, D-alpha-tocopherol is equivalent, abbreviated as alpha-TE, the amount of which is calculated in milligrams.
Vitamin E deficiency causes hemolytic anemia. The sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils( such as corn, soy, barley), peanut butter, liver, green leafy vegetables, grains and nuts. Almost all of vitamin E from cereals removes their grinding, and the process of refining vegetable oil reduces its content by a quarter. Also vitamin E is lost from products as a result of long-term storage, freezing and intensive heat treatment. An overdose of this vitamin causes stomach upset. Vitamin E in comparison with two other fat-soluble vitamins( A and D) is relatively non-toxic.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"