Do not eat during serious work

Do not eat during serious work.

Never eat during, just before or after serious work, physical and mental stress!

An ancient Roman proverb "full stomach does not like to think" can be added with the words: "and plow."It is very important to have free time to digest food. Every hour, stolen from digestion, intensifies indigestion. It has become a habit that the mind rushes into the dining room when the desired hour of eating approaches, even if at that hour real hunger does not come.

If you miss this hour of food, it is soon forgotten and the intended intention to eat disappears. The choice of a certain hour is much less important than never eating, if there is not enough free time for eating. A person can not assimilate and assimilate food if the functional energy of the organism is directed at other things.

Nourishing food, animals are removed to a quiet, secluded place. Afternoon rest serves as an indication for us to follow the example of animals and also give ourselves a rest after a dense meal. The idea that physical exercises after eating contribute to digestion is a gross mistake.

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Normal digestion requires almost full attention of the whole organism. Blood flows in large numbers to the digestive organs.

There is an expansion of the blood vessels in these organs in order to take extra blood. At the same time, in other organs, in order to compensate for the loss of blood, there is a significant reduction in blood vessels. Digestion can not occur without a large consumption of blood and nervous energy. The feeling of comparative fatigue after a large meal is proof that blood and energy are supplied at the expense of the rest of the body.

Man is so created that he can do well with only one thing at a time. Heavy food makes it "stupid", because all available energy is used to assimilate food. Food is a matter of its own, and it must be separated from all other forms of physical and mental activity.

No food should be eaten until the body has enough mental and physical rest for physiological relaxation and readiness for digestion. The state of "too tired to eat" is a universally observed fact, and laboratory studies have shown that the absence of hunger, accompanied often by aversion to food, accompanies the absence of hungry cuts in the stomach. This is the physiological basis of the rule "rest before meals."

Heavy food in a state of fatigue from physical and mental work will definitely lead to indigestion, malaise and inability to work due to a lack of active gastric juices. Rest, especially sleep in such conditions, is more important than food. You can start eating after relaxation and rest. No food can be taken immediately before or after the bath. You can not eat without resting completely after work or physical or mental exercises, as well as immediately before they are performed.

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