Effective recipes with ginger for cough

  1. Ginger effectiveness with cough
  2. Uses of ginger for cough
  3. How to use
  4. Precautions

Ginger is a remedy known all over the world from East Asia. Chinese and Indian healers added the root of this plant to various drugs used to combat a large list of diseases. Particularly good results have been seen in the treatment of colds and infections that affect the respiratory tract. Means from the root of the plant help to quickly eliminate such unpleasant symptoms as cough, runny nose, sore throat, and also very effective for preventive purposes. Any national recipe with ginger from coughs contributes to a noticeable relief of the course of the disease and acceleration of the healing process. Due to its spicy taste, pleasant aroma and simplicity of cooking, it is very popular in folk medicine to use ginger tea, which increases vitality and defenses of the body, which is so necessary during the period of ailments.

Efficiency of ginger with cough

Cough refers to the unconditioned reflexes of the body, aimed at cleansing the respiratory tract from foreign substances, mucus, dust, pathogenic bacteria. This symptom is characteristic for various diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, allergic reactions, colds, tuberculosis, certain pathologies of the heart and nervous system. Depending on the cause, the cough has a different character, it can be dry, wet, chronic, acute, present during the day constantly, prevailing during the night or daytime.

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Despite the fact that cough can be a consequence of various pathological processes in the body, most often it is a companion of cold and respiratory diseases of viral or bacterial origin. And in this case, folk remedies are very useful for treatment, one of which is ginger. At the root of this plant contains many valuable biologically active substances: vitamins, minerals, essential oil, polysaccharides, organic acids, etc.

Important: If you have a cough for cold or acute respiratory disease, you should immediately consult a doctor for listening to the stethoscope and determining the severity of the process. Untimely treatment of usual cough is fraught with the development of bronchitis and pneumonia.

Does ginger help cough? The effectiveness of the root of the plant with this symptom is due to the fact that it:

  • has antimicrobial activity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases immunity;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • facilitates sputum evacuation;
  • promotes the removal of a spasm in the airways;
  • has a warming effect;
  • improves blood circulation.

Ginger is often used in folk medicine for the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, caused by the defeat of the respiratory tract by infectious agents. It helps to relieve the symptoms of the disease and shorten its timing.

Ginger flowers in the East are used for decorative purposes.

. Apply ginger especially effectively for preventive purposes during seasonal epidemics of ARVI.Thanks to immunomodulating action, it strengthens the body and increases its ability to withstand viral infections. For prevention, you can simply drink ginger tea in the morning or add spicy spice powder to various dishes.

Features of the application of ginger for cough

Choose the recipes of products with ginger from cough should be given its type and cause of the disease. With a dry cough, the combination of the root of the plant with honey, and with wet - with milk, cloves or cinnamon helps.

When preparing medicinal products with ginger, consider the following:

  • should be started immediately when the first signs of a cold appear;
  • ingested drinks with ginger should be warm and small sips;
  • to give preference to recipes, where the fresh root of the plant is used, since it contains the maximum of active substances;
  • when using fresh ginger, you need to choose a young, elastic and smooth root of golden hue, without visible damage, eyes and thickening;
  • commercially available dry ginger powder may contain various additives and impurities that are not always useful for coughing;
  • for cough is not suitable pickled or canned ginger, this product is used only in cooking;
  • before using a fresh root for the preparation of medications, it should be placed for 2 to 3 hours in clean water, which will help remove various chemicals used in growing the plant to protect against diseases and pests.
The young ginger root has a lighter shade on the cut than the old

. Tip: If the recipe uses grated fresh ginger root, and if there is only ground dried ginger, then take it 2 times less.

Ways of using

The root of ginger from cough can be consumed inside as a tea, adding other ingredients( honey, lemon, mint, cinnamon, citrus peel, etc.), infusions, decoctions, lozenges or outside, making compresses, rinsing solutionsand inhalations. The fresh root of the plant spoils rather quickly, storing it after purchase is permissible for no more than 5 days in the refrigerator. At the end of this period, he will begin to lose his medicinal properties. The main part of the nutrients is under the root of the root, so clean it carefully, trying to cut the knife in the direction of the fibers a minimum layer.

If there is no time to prepare special medicinal products according to folk recipes, simply cut a thin plate of the root of the plant, peel it from the peel and slowly dissolve in the mouth. Quickly brew tea from cough and ginger can be, using the ready-made ready-made filter bags.

Ginger tea in bags

Tea with honey and lemon

Tea with ginger is very effective for cough and cold. It has a warming effect, softens the pain in the throat and dry cough, eases sputum, eliminates the headache. Depending on what components, it is added in addition to ginger, receive a different taste and aroma of the drink. The most popular and effective tea is cough tea with ginger, lemon and honey, the recipe of which is quite simple.

A piece of fresh root is peeled and grated. The resulting mass( 1 tsp) is poured into a glass of boiling water, add a lemon slice and left under a closed lid for 15-20 minutes. Then to the already cooled beverage add honey( 1 tsp), as with strong heating, honey loses a largea part of useful properties and in it even the compounds that are toxic to the body are formed. Use this remedy for cough up to three times a day.

If you want to drink hot tea, then instead of honey in this recipe with ginger from cough use sugar, but the healing properties of such a drink will be much less. Ginger can be added by brewing ordinary black, green or herbal tea.


To treat cough in folk medicine often use inhalation. They help moisten and dilute sputum accumulated in the respiratory tract and facilitate the coughing process. To prepare inhalation with ginger, the root of the plant is rubbed into a pan in the amount of 1 tbsp.l. Add a little lemon zest and pour hot water. Then bend over a distance of 30 cm, cover the head with a towel and breathe in deeply for 5 to 10 minutes the resulting vapors.


Outer ginger with cough used in the form of warming compresses on the chest and back, which, according to the curative effect, are comparable with mustard plasters. The root of the plant is rubbed on a fine grater and honey is added in an equal amount. The mixture is wrapped in warm cabbage leaves, preliminarily dropped into boiling water and applied to the skin, covered with a warm towel on top and left for 15 minutes. It is best to conduct such a procedure before bedtime.

Ginger with milk

From wet cough helps milk with ginger. To prepare such a therapeutic agent, milk( 200 ml) is poured into a small saucepan, brought to a boil, add ½ tsp.ginger in the form of a dry powder. Withstand for another 2 minutes, and then turn off the gas. After cooling, add 1 tsp.honey and, if desired, turmeric, cinnamon or cardamom( at the tip of the knife).Take 2 - 3 times during the day, after eating it is recommended to lie in bed, covered with a warm blanket 30 - 40 minutes.

Cough syrup

Based on freshly squeezed ginger juice, you can prepare a cough syrup that will be a good alternative to syrups sold in pharmacies. The fresh root of the plant is finely grated on a grater, wrapped in gauze and squeezed juice. Sugar( 90 g) is dissolved in 200 ml of warm water, add 15 ml of pressed ginger juice. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat until it begins to thicken. Then add a pinch of saffron and nutmeg and turn off the gas. Take the prepared syrup for 1 tsp.3 times a day until symptoms improve.

Precautions for

Before you prepare a remedy for the ginger root from cough, you need to read the precautionary measures. To use them inside is contraindicated to people who have:

  • ulcers in the digestive tract;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • high temperature;
  • esophageal reflux;
  • internal bleeding;
  • arrhythmia;
  • is a plant allergy.

Given that ginger has a sharp taste, for the prevention of heartburn and irritation of the gastric mucosa, drinking beverages from it is recommended during or after a meal.

Ginger treatment is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Warning: Before using ginger to treat a cough, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as it is a fairly strong tool and has an effect on the effect of certain medications.

How to make cough drops with ginger:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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