Cooking horseradish - the best recipes

Finished horseradish can be purchased today in any store. But still it is much better to cook this spicy seasoning yourself, besides, it's quite simple. The following recipe for horseradish does not take much time and energy from you, and as a result you will get a very tasty addition to a variety of dishes.

Prepare table horseradish yourself without tears and quickly will not be difficult

Table horseradish - taste with the benefit of

The main use of table horseradish is in the essential oils that make up the root. They show a powerful antiseptic effect, through which the body receives reliable protection from viruses and pathogens. This property makes horseradish a natural antibiotic. In addition, using this seasoning in small amounts, you can increase your appetite and stimulate the work of the intestines.

The horseradish root contains vitamins of group B, as well as PP and C. The latter in it is approximately 4-4.5 times more than in many citrus fruits. This product is rich in microelements, including sulfur, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

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The most useful is the freshly prepared horseradish, which is not more than seven days old. At the end of this time, useful substances are gradually destroyed and horseradish becomes just an acute seasoning. For this reason, no store product is comparable to a home-made sauce.

Important! However, remember that the table horseradish will not be useful for everyone. With caution, it should be used for diseases of the digestive system in acute form and diseases, which are accompanied by high acidity!

Cooking seasoning - basic recommendations

In order to make the table horseradish delicious, and the process of its preparation was extremely simple and pleasant, you must adhere to several important rules.

  1. Essential substances, which are rich in the root, are capable of provoking severe lacrimation and irritation on the skin. To prevent this from happening, work better in gloves, and cut the rootlets themselves not on a grater, but through a meat grinder, after putting on the outlet a plastic bag.

    Note! To horseradish became less aggressive, a couple of hours before processing, it should be put in the freezer!

  2. For the production of horseradish the most appropriate are the roots of autumn harvest, which were excavated in September and have a length of 30-40 cm.
  3. If the roots that you prepared for the seasoning are somewhat dry, then return them to "life" will help ordinary water. Simply soak the product, and after 3-4 days it will be completely ready for use.
  4. After a month of storage, the table horseradish loses its burning qualities, so fans of vigorous seasonings will not be interested in such a product. Of course, you can prepare a new portion every month, but we recommend doing it easier - to close the seasoning for the winter by corking it in sterilized jars. Some recipes allow you to store it from 4 months to a year, and right in the pantry room.

Let's find out how to make a table horseradish.

Table horseradish - the classic recipe

For the recipe, take:

  • kilo roots;
  • a quarter of a liter of water;
  • tables.a spoonful of salt;
  • pair of tables.spoons of sugar;
  • tables.spoon of lemon juice.
Clean the prepared roots and pass them through a meat grinder with a fine grate. The result should be a puree with a fine, gentle consistency. To ensure that the horseradish does not irritate the eyes, we attach a plastic bag to the outlet hole. Transfer the finished mass into a large bowl, add the specified amount of sugar and salt.

We pour water into the sauter, bring it to a boil and fill in the recycled roots. Thoroughly mix, In small sterilized jars, pour ¾ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice - it will act as a preservative and will not allow the mass to darken.

Note! It is better to use small jars, while adding a lot of juice is not necessary - otherwise the ready-made seasoning will be too acidic.

Immediately we stop the banks and send them to storage. Table horseradish, cooked according to this recipe, will retain its taste characteristics for three to four months.

Classic table horseradish

With beet juice

For the recipe, let's take:

  • half a kilo of horseradish;
  • 0,2 liters of water;
  • 0.2 liters of vinegar;
  • tables.a spoonful of sugar;
  • tables.a spoonful of salt;
  • a quarter of a glass of beet juice.

Roots carefully mine, pour water, leave for the night in the refrigerator. In the morning, we clean the food and cut it with random pieces. On the grinder set the grate with small holes and grind horseradish. The resulting mass is poured with steep boiling water, put sugar, salt and mix.

Beet and clean, rub on a small grater and squeeze the juice. Measure 2.5 tablespoons and combine with the specified amount of vinegar. Add this to the horseradish, mix it.

We distribute the seasoning on sterilized jars, seal it tightly and store it in the refrigerator. Table horseradish, cooked according to this recipe, can be stored for a year.

Horseradish with beetroot juice

With garlic and tomatoes

For the recipe you need to take:

  • kilo of horseradish;
  • kilos of tomatoes;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • pair of tables.spoons of sugar;
  • tables.spoon of salt.

Pour a little water into the stewpan and bring it to a boil. Blanch the tomatoes for 30 seconds, then peel and cut into four parts. Roots are soaked in water throughout the day, cleaned and cut into small pieces. Garlic is released from the husks and crushed.

We prepare the meat grinder: we install a grate in the grate and attach a plastic bag to the outlet. Chop the horseradish and tomatoes, scrolling them alternately. In the resulting mass, add crushed garlic, sugar, salt and mix well. We lay out the seasoning on dry sterilized jars, roll up the lids and put them away for storage.

The table horseradish cooked according to this recipe can be stored for 9 months.

Fragrant table horseradish with tomatoes and garlic

Bon appetit!

  • Mar 08, 2018
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