- For good health
- For a perfect figure
- During pregnancy
- Spicy root of love
- For beauty of skin and hair
- Safe use
Useful properties of ginger for women have been known for several millennia. For the first time valuable qualities of this root they were discovered in the East - in China and India, and the residents of these countries immediately began active use of it. And until now this unique product is in demand not only in the field of cooking, but also in the medical and cosmetic field.
For good health
Considering what ginger is useful for women, first of all I would like to mention its unique ability to purify the body of toxins and toxins. Thanks to this root, all organs and systems come into tonus, the body is filled with vital energy, thanks to which the mood is always at an altitude.
Ginger has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates stress, prevents the development of depressive states and apathy, and therefore the presence of this product in the menu becomes especially relevant in the menopausal period. A bath with the addition of a ground root is perfectly soothing and allows you to relax almost instantly. What else does a woman need after a hard day's work?
In addition, ginger is considered a good antiparasitic and antibacterial agent. It calms inflammation, helps in the treatment of colds, influenza and alleviates asthma.
A hot drink with ginger and nettle is considered an excellent remedy for the pains and cramps that usually occur during the menstrual period. This is a great way to eliminate discomfort without medication and to avoid the side effects that they can have.
To the note! To prepare an analgesic drink, you should take ¼ of a teaspoon of ground ginger or half a spoonful of fresh ground, combine it with half a tablespoon of nettle leaves and pour it all over with boiling water. After a quarter of an hour the filter is filtered and taken half the glass three times a day!
For an ideal figure
The benefits of ginger for women is also that this spicy root helps to adjust the figure. And for this it is enough just to season your dishes with a small portion of spicy oriental spiciness. Being in your daily diet, the spice will improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolism, and as you know, this is what helps to lose weight.
In parallel, the ginger root will remove harmful substances from the body and purify the blood of cholesterol, which will certainly have a positive effect on your health, skin, hair and nails. However, it is important to observe moderation and at first limit to small doses of this spice, especially if you apply it for the first time. Plus, a healthy menu should be supplemented with physical exercises. Thus, in about six months you will be able to get rid of 5-7 kg - and this without hard diets.
The main advantage of this method of combating excess kilograms is its safety. Moreover, weight loss will be beneficial for health, as ginger will ensure the prevention of many diseases and stimulate the body's immune forces.
To the note! In order to lose weight for women, fresh ginger and dried ground root, and even pickled, will be useful, and the latter is considered an excellent means for preserving the youth of the body and energy, and spice in powder is better than other forms of ginger stimulates metabolic processes!
During pregnancy
Ginger is able to give its beneficial properties to the woman during pregnancy, but only in this case it can be used only in the early stages and only after consulting a doctor( !).This eastern spice will take care of the immunity of the expectant mother and at the same time help overcome some of the difficulties associated with this particular time - dizziness and toxemia. With these troubles, simple ginger tea is doing just fine. In a matter of minutes, this drink will eliminate headaches, and dizziness, and nausea and prevent vomiting. In addition, it will destroy bacteria and remove the inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, taking care, therefore, of its purity and health.
Important! In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding from eating ginger should be completely abandoned!
It is known that during pregnancy a woman is extremely undesirable to get sick, since even an innocuous, at first glance, cold can damage the developing fetus. Ginger perfectly copes with various symptoms of seasonal ailments and allows you to quickly restore strength if the cold does happen.
In addition, very useful in pregnancy for a woman will be another property of ginger - balancing the nervous system. After all, in these nine months, the baby's expectations are not uncommon moments of panic, causeless fear, tears and aggression. Ginger root will help to stabilize the mood and will keep it on top.
Rules for use during pregnancy
In order to avoid complications and do no harm to your body or the body of a child, ginger during pregnancy should be used with extreme caution. And beforehand, always consult with your doctor( !).
General recommendations on the use of this root will be as follows:
- if there is a risk of premature birth or earlier there were miscarriages, then it is not worth using ginger at all;
- in the second half of pregnancy, ginger can be especially dangerous, which is due to its ability to increase blood pressure and aggravate the manifestations of toxicosis, and this, in turn, will lead to very serious consequences: convulsions, severe dizziness, loss of consciousness;
- if previously you did not try ginger, then the pregnancy period is not the best time for experiments;in this case it is better to refrain, as it is easy to provoke an allergic reaction, which is dangerous for the mother and the child;
- If ginger was present in your menu before pregnancy and did not cause any health problems, then in the early stages you can continue to use it, for example, adding a pinch of spice to the morning tea with lemon and sugar.
Note! Such tea is a real salvation from morning sickness! In addition, it will help with a breakdown, a spoiled mood and increased nervousness!
Spicy root of love
This property of ginger has been known since ancient times and is even referred to as a powerful aphrodisiac in the famous work "1000 and 1 night".According to the old recipe, in order to increase sexual desire and increase activity, ginger juice should be combined with honey and undercooked egg. Modern recipes are more simple, for example, the same tea, in which you can add as a few rings of fresh root, and a pinch of spice in powder.
In this case, ginger acts warming up, it stimulates blood flow to the genitals, increases sensitivity, soothes thoughts and allows you to forget about everything bad. As a result, the female libido rises, the imagination becomes liberated, and the quality of intimacy closes to a higher level.
For beauty of skin and hair
Ginger is very useful not only for women's health, but also for beauty. Providing a complex effect on the body, it helps to improve the skin condition:
- cleans the cover from contamination;
- narrows the pores;
- normalizes the production of sebum;
- improves and smooths the complexion;
- eliminates rashes;
- relieves inflammation.
This popular oriental spice can also be used to strengthen hair. In this case, ginger juice comes to the rescue, which is obtained with the help of a small grater and a cut of gauze. The root is rubbed and squeezed through the fabric. The resulting liquid should be slightly diluted with water and rubbed into the roots of the hair. This product perfectly copes with increased greasiness, dandruff, split ends, lack of shine and strength. Several such procedures will help to significantly improve the condition of the hair, give them natural shine and elasticity.
Ginger can also be used in various masks. Usually, juice, powder or essential oil derived from the root is used. This method of hair care is absolutely harmless and at the same time very simple to conduct at home.
Here are some recommendations for use:
- Ginger oil can be added to your normal shampoo - just a few drops of the drug will have a very beneficial effect on the hair, taking care of them from the roots and to the very tips.
- Want to speed up hair growth - dip your fingertips into ginger juice and massage your head. This procedure can be carried out daily.
Note! And after the massage the remedy is kept on the skin for about an hour and only after it is washed off with warm water!
- A mixture of ginger juice with olive oil( 1: 5) will help to give the hair a healthy radiance and make them elastic. Just mix the two ingredients and spread throughout the length of the hair, after 10 minutes, wash it off.
- Hair falls out strongly, and ends are split? Combine a couple of drops of orange, ginger and chamomile in a clay bowl, stir and dissolve everything in three tablespoons of warm olive oil. We distribute the mixture on the scalp and curls, we warm them with a towel and after about an hour wash it off.
Safe application of
It is obvious that the beneficial properties of ginger for women are very versatile, but there are contraindications.
- Stomach ulcer and intestines.
- Gastritis.
- Hypertensive disease.
- Gallstone disease.
- Bleeding and addiction to them.
- Liver diseases, especially those that are in acute form.
- Diabetes mellitus, in particular, taking drugs that lower the level of sugar.
- Elevated body temperature of any etiology.
And do not forget that eating ginger should be moderate, as it is a seasoning, not the main course. In case of an overdose, there may be side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, increased blood pressure and heart rhythm disturbances. At the same time, it is very easy to prevent such a situation - it is necessary not to lose sight of the first symptoms, which are heartburn, burning in the mouth and throat. When they appear, you need to drink a lot of water - this will help reduce discomfort and prevent further complications.