- Beneficial effect on the body
- Spicy root application
- Contraindications
Useful properties and contraindications for men ginger for today have been studied quite well, which makes it possible to apply this root to solve specific health problems as safely as possible. The spectrum of action of substances, concentrated in the composition of this product, on the body is quite wide: increasing man's strength, it helps to gain self-confidence, and at the same time helps to get rid of bad habits.
Beneficial effect on the body
The ginger root for men is an excellent preventive against many diseases: from a common cold to impotence and prostate cancer. This product is recognized as a natural source of inexhaustible man's strength, endurance and health. It contains the most valuable micro- and macroelements, essential amino acids, vitamins, essential oils and other biologically active components that take an active part in the synthesis of male hormones, are responsible for the qualitative state of sperm, motility of spermatozoa and stimulate blood circulation in all organs of the male reproductive system.
Is there a romantic dinner planned? Use as a seasoning ginger! It will not only improve digestion, but will also refresh your breathing and increase your libido, and this will definitely contribute to the perfect completion of your joint evening. By the way, you can use this root in almost any dish. It has a piquant somewhat burning taste and a pleasant tart aroma, but at the same time behaves unobtrusively, and therefore used in moderate amounts is not able to spoil the taste of food.
And on this benefit of ginger for men does not end. He is able to quickly give strength and literally fill the body with energy, and it is thanks to this quality that this root is often recommended as a mandatory supplement to the ration of athletes. Plus, it helps to relieve muscle pain that often occurs as a result of prolonged training and strength loads. Having in its composition a whole set of anti-inflammatory substances, ginger stimulates the process of regenerating the muscle tissue and significantly weakens the unpleasant sensations.
Ginger root has helped many men get rid of smoking. This product in this issue has become a real discovery and as evidenced by the reviews, it works much more efficiently than the counter-smoking drugs that are now sold in pharmacies. What do I need to do? It's very simple - if you want to smoke a cigarette, you need to put a small piece of spicy root into your mouth and slowly chew it.
.The rich biochemical composition of the root of fresh ginger makes from it a highly effective remedy for smoking, and its special taste qualities make it possible to struggle with nicotine addiction even deliciously!
Describing the effect on the body of ginger root, it should also be mentioned how useful the pickled product for men. This dish is considered an appetizer and is most common in Japanese cuisine. Its benefit consists in a powerful fortifying action. Being a natural antiseptic, the marinated root is very successfully used in the prevention and control of intestinal infections. In addition, such a product cleans the body of toxins and toxins very well, and due to its insignificant calorie content it can be used even in dietary nutrition. Such ginger shows good results in the treatment of prostatitis, only in this case it is necessary to consult with a doctor.
Spicy root application
Finding out how useful ginger for men, it remains only to consider how to use it. It is mainly used in three types: fresh, pickled or dried. With its burning taste, the product is due to gingerol - a special substance that has a warming effect and speeds up metabolic processes. It is believed that the greatest amount of gingerol is concentrated in dried ginger, and therefore it will be especially useful for men in this form. As for drinks with the addition of a medicinal root, they should not be too hot - so that ginger retains its valuable qualities, add it preferably to water, the temperature of which will not be more than 80 ° C.The last place is ginger cooked and fried - the value of such a product is minimal.
If you want to evaluate the whole benefit of ginger in practice, but this product is new to you, you should start acquaintance with it with minimal portions. In the absence of contraindications and health problems, the optimal daily rate for men is 2 g / kg.
- Drink that will help get rid of nicotine addiction, is prepared on the basis of only two ingredients: fresh ginger and lemon. We clean a small root and rub it on a small grater. A teaspoon of ginger gruel pour 200 ml of warm boiled water and add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon. We cover the drink and leave for an hour. Take this infusion for one cup three times a day. To improve the taste in it, you can put a little honey. This drink has powerful expectorant properties and it helps a lot from a strong cough that arose due to chronic smoker's bronchitis.
- Tea to the cells. Many nutritionists insist that ginger tea is constantly present in the diet, especially men's menus. In winter, this fragrant invigorating drink is able to quickly warm up and activate the immune system, in the summer it can be used in a cold form to provide your body with energy and give a reserve of energy. It is this tea that many athletes choose, as well as men who lead an active lifestyle and wish to remain in their tonus constantly. In cooking it is very simple: 200 ml of boiled water should be put several leaves of mint or lemon balm. When the drink is slightly cool, add 5-6 thin slices of ginger root, put sugar or honey to taste. All mixed. After 15 minutes, the tonic is ready. In a small such a bowl you can find much more strength and vivacity than in banal coffee.
- A simple drink to improve potency. This recipe is the simplest and at the same time effective. A teaspoon of chopped ginger pour a glass of boiled water and insist for 10-15 minutes.
Note! In all of the above recipes, it is possible to use the dried root of ginger - a glass of water about half a teaspoon of powder. And that it is better dissolved, it is premixed with honey!
Tinctures of
Having considered the usefulness of ginger for men, it is impossible to avoid the means that can be quite successfully used in complex therapy( !) Of the most insidious and at the same time quite common disease - prostatitis. In this case, traditional medicine can recommend two recipes.
- A grams of fresh ginger root is cleaned, rubbed on a grater and poured 300 ml of alcohol. Transfer the container with the future tincture to a dark place and leave it for two weeks. It is desirable to shake the contents of the jar daily. Take the finished product every day for about 3-4 hours before sleeping 10 drops.
- For the second recipe you need herbs: lemon balm, parsley, birch leaves and juniper berries. We connect herbs and berries in an equal proportion and separate 4 tablespoons. Separately, we prepare ginger water: two tablespoons of crushed root is combined with a tablespoon of lemon juice, we pour in 1.5 liters of boiled water and insist in a thermos for 4-5 hours. Finished ginger water( in this case, we need 500 ml) pour a mixture of herbs and leave for a couple of hours.
With honey
Ginger with honey is a recipe that includes the best combination for men's health and brings invaluable benefits. It will not only prevent many diseases, but also an excellent stimulant of the senses.
- For 100 g of natural liquid honey, it is necessary to add a similar amount of the root in the powder. All mixed and poured into a glass container. Use this tool is recommended for one teaspoon daily, dissolving in the mouth until it dissolves completely. This mixture is able to prevent problems with potency and various inflammatory diseases.
- For the second remedy, we need two ripe lemons, 200 g of fresh root and 200 ml of natural honey. All the ingredients are added to the bowl of the blender and ground to form a homogeneous mass. The resulting gruel is identified in a glass container and stored in a refrigerator. We use it as an additive to tea - it is useful and very tasty!
We need to take 250 g of ginger root, wash it, peel it and cut it into thin slices. Fold the resulting pieces in a glass jar, pour a teaspoon of salt and pour boiling water( 500 ml).Leave for a few minutes, after which the liquid is drained off. Now we fall asleep pieces of ginger sugar( 1 tablespoon) and again pour boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. It only remains to add a tablespoon of vinegar. We store the snack in the refrigerator under the lid.
First of all, ginger should be used moderately - only so he can show extremely useful properties and will support the body. Prolonged use in large quantities can provoke insomnia and heart rhythm disturbance. In addition, in such situations, allergic manifestations are not uncommon. Bright symptoms of overdose are: heartburn, burning in the throat and mouth, diarrhea, possible vomiting. Eliminate such manifestations can be with the help of ordinary water - stop taking ginger and drink water, in this case, the symptoms must pass.
Direct contraindications to the use of this root are as follows:
- cholelithiasis;
- gastritis;
- gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- tendency to bleeding;
- acute liver disease;
- elevated body temperature;
- parallel taking any medications that are aimed at reducing blood sugar levels.