Sprouted grains of barley to preserve health and vitality

  1. Useful properties
  2. Contraindications
  3. How to get barley seedlings

People have been using barley for a very long time, as it can not only fill the body with useful substances, but also saturate it for quite some time. Sprouted barley is an even more useful food, since it accumulates all the forces and nutrients necessary for germination and further growth.

Sprouts are accumulators of all biological forces and useful substances of grain that they can share with a person

Useful properties of

Sprouted barley can be considered a biologically active additive that can improve the overall health and performance of all body systems. Barley is very rich in protein necessary for a person, which can support the body even in the most difficult conditions.

As part of the germinated grains of barley contains many useful substances that are necessary for the full operation of the endocrine system and all organs. Among them you can find:

  • proteins necessary for the operation of the internal secretory system;
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  • selenium, which is a strong antioxidant;
  • vitamins of group B, which stimulate the work of the nervous system;
  • valuable proteins and amino acids;
  • minerals required for the normal functioning of the endocrine system;
  • cellulose, which removes toxins and toxins from the digestive tract;
  • phosphorus, which takes part in the metabolism, normalizes the work of the nervous system and heart.

Also, barley contains vitamins E, A, D, silicon, potassium, calcium, magnesium, nickel, iodine, zinc and many other macro- and microelements.

Sprouts from sprouts

Germination of barley allows you to accumulate all the strength of grains for the benefit of the body. This force, all the useful properties of seedlings, are preserved in the ground form - when creating a flour, talcum. This allows you to expand the possibilities of using barley, for example, to cook bread, pastries, pancakes from such flour. From it prepare porridge, yeast dough, first and second dishes.

The decoction of the talcane has a special mucous consistency, which is very useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and forced to follow a special diet. In this case, the talcum serves as an activator of vitality.

Flour from sprouts has many useful properties, among them - help in combating excess weight

When eating food from ground sprouts, the following effects are observed:

  • rapid saturation, which allows to reduce single meals almost twice;
  • lack of hunger for a long time. This is because the useful components are absorbed by the body almost completely;
  • improved metabolism and weight loss.

Important! Sprouted barley, talcum and dishes from them are especially useful for teenagers and people under 50 years old.

As a result of the use of sprouted barley, you can feel a significant surge of vitality and energy. Therefore, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  • for children, during periods of active growth;
  • to athletes and other people who face constant physical exertion;
  • for metabolic disorders and susceptibility to allergies;
  • to vegetarians, to fill the deficiency of essential amino acids;
  • for obesity of internal organs( in particular, the liver), as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

Also, seedlings can help in the fight against depression, constant stress, overwork.

Benefits for beauty and health

Decoction of sprouts can help with lack of milk during breastfeeding. For men, the addition of barley to the diet is useful in the treatment of prostatitis. In addition, the germination of barley at home allows you to get not only a biologically active additive to food, but also an effective tool for preserving beauty and youth.

Barley sprouts are a source of vitamin E, which slows the aging of the cells
Barley, both inside and outside, has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin, as it is very rich in antioxidants, which slow down the aging process of the skin, protect it and restore it. Ground sprouts are often included in masks and facial scrubs, and the decoction is used for bathing.


If the state of health does not cause any particular experience, the use of barley will not entail any side effects. In this case, the only contraindication is the individual intolerance of this product.

Precautions should be taken with the use of sprouted barley for older people, after 50 years, because it can cause digestive problems. This is due to the fact that barley is rich in fiber, and with age, the protective layer of the intestine becomes thinner, so ulcers or erosion may appear. Also during this period of life the work of the gastrointestinal tract can slow down, cellulose accumulates in the intestine, flatulence, colic arises.

Another contraindication to the ingestion of barley seedlings is irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, a large number of plant fibers will neutralize the whole benefit from the use of barley.

The main contraindications for barley use are the following diseases and conditions:

  • permanent discomfort in the abdomen;
  • problems with digestion and stool;
  • acute ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • bloating, colic, pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of manifestations of cholelithiasis.

That's interesting! Most contraindications may be temporary, since a properly selected barley norm can help cope with them.

The optimal daily norm of sprouts and a sufficient amount of water can minimize possible side effects from their intake.

How to get barley seedlings

You can get a natural bioadditive even at home, if you know in advance how to grow barley. This is not difficult at all, although it will take some time. Barley grains need to be washed in boiled chilled water, and then soak them for 2-3 days. At the same time every 7 hours the water must be changed to fresh.

Germination of barley is necessary until sprouts reach 1-3 mm

After this time, barley grains are spread between layers of wet gauze or cotton cloth, which is then placed in glass or enameled utensils.

Important! The grain layer should not be more than 2-3 cm, otherwise they can sour.

The container with barley is covered with a lid and placed in a dark place at a constant temperature of 18-20 degrees. From time to time, the top layer of the fabric will need to be re-wetted with water, and once a day to air the grains themselves, opening the lid and cloth for 15-20 minutes.

Within 2-3 days the first sprouted grains will appear. The speed will depend on which barley variety was chosen for germination, as well as the quality of the grains. When the length of the shoots reaches 1-3 mm, the grains are washed 2-3 times in boiled cool water.

The length of 1-3 mm is optimal for use, because at this moment the maximum concentration of useful substances in it is maximum. Keep sprouts only 24 hours.

Germination for malt

Malt is the germinated grains of barley, wheat, rye. They are sorted, cleaned of debris, impurities, damaged or underdeveloped grains. Ideally, all the grains should be the same in size. Then it is soaked for 2-3 days in a glass or enameled container, changing the water every 7-9 hours. At the same time from time to time the grains are left without water for 2-2.5 hours to activate biochemical processes.

After soaking the germination process will begin, which will take about a week. Germs will appear already on 2-3 days, and the necessary length - one and a half lengths of grain - are reached by the end of the week. Ready malt can be stored no more than 2-3 days to extend this period, it is dried for 15 hours at a temperature of 45-55 degrees. Correctly dried malt will acquire a light tint.

If the malt is dried, its shelf life will increase significantly. The main thing is to follow the rules of drying

There is another recipe for barley sprouting on malt, which allows you to prepare it for future use. The grains are covered in a bucket, barrel or a large pot and poured with water and soak until the grain covers begin to peel off. At the same time, twice a day, the water is changed to fresh, making sure that it is at room temperature.

Grains will swell for 3-5 days, then they are poured into wooden boxes with low sides. The layer of barley should not be more than 12-15 cm. Boxes with grains are placed in a dark room with a temperature of no higher than + 15-17 and mixed with a wooden spatula every 5 hours.

After the appearance of the first shoots, it is possible to increase the layer thickness to 25 cm, while the temperature inside it should not be more than 20-25 degrees. When the sprouts reach a size of 1.5 times the grain length, the malt is dried. As a result, it acquires a white-green tint, a sweetish taste and a intoxicating taste. When you crack the grain should crumble, and the whole - to swim on the surface of the water.

Including sprouted barley grains in your diet, you can provide the body with many necessary substances and energy for active activities. Being a natural product, it has almost no contraindications and is very useful for everyone who leads an active lifestyle.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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