Strengthen the blood vessels, prevent colds! Radish clears the blood, and you will be healthy!

Juicy, crispy, so familiar to us and so useful. The most ordinary radish can take a central place in the spring menu. And the number of varieties of this vegetable is amazing - early, late, white, burgundy, brown, yellow. .. This palette allows you to add extra color to the bored for the winter daily diet.

Radish - daily norm of ascorbic acid in a small root

Characteristics of the plant

Radish can be either an annual or biennial plant( depending on the variety), belongs to the genus Radish of the Cabbage family.

Radish is a vegetable that is cultivated in different countries of the world. And its name is translated from Latin as a root. Root vegetables are usually used for food. They have a diameter of about 2.5 cm and are covered with a thin skin that, depending on the variety, can have a different shade. The next photo shows a radish in a cut.

The root of the taste is a little bit sharp, due to the presence of mustard oil in its composition

Sometimes in cooking it is used and tops of radish. It is added to the first dishes and salads.

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What will bring us the use of radish?

Radish is able to exhibit the following useful properties:

  • perfectly tones and invigorates;
  • its use favorably affects the work of the heart muscle;
  • the walls of the vessels are strengthened;
  • radish is rich in fiber, due to which the blood is cleared of cholesterol;

    Note! In the dietary fiber, 2.5 times more than in a zucchini!

  • by introducing this vegetable into your daily diet, you can cleanse the body of toxins;
  • phytoncides, which are considered natural antibiotics, will help to avoid colds;
    Salad from a young radish will show a slight choleretic and anti-edematous action of
  • this root can improve appetite and take care of improving peristalsis and bowel movement;
  • with its help can stimulate metabolism, the production of gastric juice and normalize digestion.

Using radish, you do not have to worry about your figure, since this vegetable is not very calorific - only 19 kcal per 100 g of product. For this reason, it is able to diversify the menu of people suffering from obesity.

Important! It is established that the radish contains special substances that stabilize the level of glucose in the blood, so it becomes useful in diabetes mellitus, as well as with a predisposition to this disease!

Varieties of radish with a violet color can prevent the development of such a complex disease as colon cancer. This fact was established by American scientists who conducted a series of tests on the anti-cancer properties of various products with a violet color. It is the coloring pigment - anthocyanin, which causes this effect. During the research it was proved that anthocyanins contained in purple radish varieties can slow the growth of cancer cells by 50-80%.But at the same time there is as yet no reliable information as to what effect the enzymes of the digestive system have on these substances, and how their assimilation takes place. Therefore, to recommend purple radish as an anti-cancer drug scientists at the moment can not.

The use of radish was appreciated and by cosmetologists. This vegetable helps to improve the complexion, making it even. In addition, on its basis, you can prepare a nourishing mask: 3 root vegetables to chop into gruel, add 5 drops of any vegetable oil and a teaspoon of starch. Stir, apply to face and wash off after 10 minutes.

Do not throw out the tops!

Considering the useful properties and contraindications of radishes, one should also mention the qualities of its tops. By the way, there are no less vitamins and trace elements in it than in the root crop. In the tops are concentrated substances such as:

  • vitamins - C, PP, B1, B2;
  • microelements - phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium;
  • essential oils;
  • folic acid;
  • protein.

Most often on the basis of the tops cook delicious cabbage soup, add it to okroshka, salads or extinguish, like ordinary cabbage. The plant can be used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, it is perfect for stew potatoes. Best it is combined with different greens: parsley, dill, young green onions, as well as with vegetables.

The taste of the tops is slightly spicy and quite pleasant

What is useful for the tops of radishes?

  1. Ascorbic acid will help to overcome the spleen, raise the mood and strengthen the walls of the vessels.
  2. Folic acid will benefit the brain and nervous system.
  3. Bottle of radish will relieve the foot fungus - the dried tops are grinded into powder and sprinkled with feet feet and the area between the fingers, this procedure is performed until complete cure.
  4. It can gently eliminate the constipation - the tops should be finely chopped, pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Filter and take after meals three times a day. Normalization of the stool should occur after 3 days.


Whatever useful radish, in some cases its use can cause harm. In large quantities, it is not recommended for diseases:

  • of the stomach;
  • of the intestine;
  • of the pancreas;
  • of the liver;
  • of the gallbladder;
  • cardiovascular system.

In these cases, abuse of radish may trigger an aggravation of the diseases listed above. Therefore, in the presence of such ailments, try to consume this vegetable no more than once a week.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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