Tips for losing weight.6 tips on how to lose weight fast. Psychology of losing weight. Slimming speed

In order to lose weight, you need to get rid of the causes that hold the excess weight.


  • Why you do not lose weight: there is no clear purpose with a specific date
  • Why do not you lose weight: do not track your progress, lose motivation, morale, which allows you not to give up
  • Why do not you lose weight: you hope for your memory and willpower
  • Why do not you lose weight: undernourish or overeat
  • Why do not you lose weight: do not praise yourself enough and reward for the result
  • Why do not you lose weight: you do not find support for friends of relatives
  • Can I lose weight in a week? Adequate slimming speed
  • Why do not you lose weight: dehydration slows down the fat burning process
  • Why do not you lose weight: training and diet. What do you need to know?
  • Why do not you lose weight: how to find the optimal amount of food for you and lose weight gradually, without wasting your nerves and health?
  • Video: Diet and fitness. Mistakes of losing weight
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Probably, there is no such person who believes that he has an ideal body. Someone is unhappy with the physical condition of their muscles, another does not like that he is too thin, and the third that he has excess weight. Muscles can be brought into tonus quite easily. Yes, and gain weight, under normal diet, not so difficult. But, what to do, if necessary, on the contrary, lose those extra pounds. We need a set of measures. In this article, you will learn about six reasons for what prevents weight loss.

Why you do not lose weight: there is no clear purpose with a specific date

Why you do not lose weight: there is no clear goal with a specific date

Each productivity book says that you can achieve any goal if it is clear and it will have a specific date. With losing weight all the same.

IMPORTANT: Define a specific goal for yourself. For example: "Reset 6 kg".The goal should be one that you can exactly achieve.

That is, it must be specific. Do not put "Napoleonic" plans before you. Otherwise, everything will go wrong.

The second, which is very important for achieving the goal, is the date.

IMPORTANT: The goal, even the most concrete, without an exact date, is worthless. You need to know to what date you need to reset the number of kilograms that you indicated in the goal.

From a motivational point of view, it is best to choose small pieces( for example, in one month) and a small amount of dropped kilograms. The easier it is to achieve such goals, the easier it will be to go all the way to a slender body.

Why do not you lose weight: do not track your progress, lose motivation, morale, which allows you not to give up

IMPORTANT: Motivation in working on yourself is very important. But, in order to motivate yourself, you need to see the intermediate results.

If you do not keep track of your results, then you can not "disperse" the motivation.

Record your results in a special diary. Do not worry if the weight does not fall every day. It should not be so. Compare the readings on the scales once a week. Even minus one or two kilograms from your previous weight is a great luck. And it should motivate.
You can motivate yourself in various ways.

IMPORTANT: The best way to motivate yourself is to imagine that in your life it will change for the better if you lose weight. A slender, smart body is the best tool for change.

Losing weight by itself can not be an end in itself. To ensure that the motivation is not lost, it is necessary to understand that your "new" body will help increase confidence and self-esteem. And this is much more important than a simple weight reduction.

Why you do not lose weight: you hope for your memory and will power

Why you do not lose weight: you hope for your memory and willpower

IMPORTANT: In order to lose weight you need to consume fewer calories than the body spends.

It's very simple. If you eat less calories than your body needs, then it will be "reluctant" to get them out of your own reserves. That is, the fat deposits deposited on the "black" day. That's why calories are very important. It is pointless to rely on your willpower and memory.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to see and understand how many calories you take with food. Therefore it is very important to have a diary in which you need to keep a daily record of calories consumed.

Why you do not lose weight: undernourish or overeat

Many believe that in order to lose weight, you need to eat as little as possible. This is a common misconception. In order to lose weight you need to eat healthy foods. In this case, it is best to eat 5-6 times a day. So the food will be better absorbed, and the metabolic processes in the body will accelerate. Which naturally leads to the fact that excess fat will be burned faster.

IMPORTANT: Malnutrition with weight loss is exactly the same problem as overeating. Once the body understands that you keep it on a "hungry" ration, it will begin to store calories in the form of fat deposits.

In addition, malnutrition can lead to the fact that the body will receive less than just extra calories, but also useful vitamins and trace elements, which he needs for proper metabolism.

Why do not you lose weight: do not praise yourself enough and reward for the result

Why do not you lose weight: do not praise yourself enough and reward for the result

In order to achieve the desired goal in combating obesity, you need to please yourself with various gifts. Have dumped 6-10 kg for a month? Buy yourself something that you did not dare buy earlier. Such a reward for will power will be an excellent "boost block" of your motivation. And as we found out above, motivation is a strong driving force in combating excess kilograms.

IMPORTANT: Speaking of rewards, it is not meant to relax in your diet. No, one breakdown on the "feast of the stomach" and a few days of a hard diet can be thrown out of your life and start all over again.

Why you do not lose weight: you do not find the support of friends of relatives

Support of relatives and friends is very important. But, where is more important your self-esteem. And it's time to think with your own head. Drive saboteurs away from yourself. Find friends of interest. If you combine a diet with a gym, then find there friends who are like-minded. Find a person who is experiencing the same problems, and overcome them together.

IMPORTANT: Find a person who is experiencing the same problems, and overcome them together. Form around yourself a circle of those people who want your progress. Be friends with them and compare your results.

Can I lose weight in a week? Adequate weight loss rate

Can I lose weight in a week? Adequate weight loss

You can not lose weight in a week. You need to understand this for yourself. In the fight against obesity, speed is not needed. Much more important is the constant movement forward. In addition, it is important to understand that everyone has their own goals and the speed of movement towards them. You can quickly lose only a couple of kilograms. But, if your goal is an ideal body, then you need to tune in for a long and hard work.

On the Internet you can find ads for various radical diets, where they promise to throw off 10 kg in a week. But, it is simply impossible. It is impossible to physically process as much fat collected by your body over the years. This must be understood and move forward.

IMPORTANT: To achieve the result in building an ideal body, it is not speed that is important, but daily progress toward the established goal!

Weight loss is a way to become healthier than .Adequate weight loss 3-4kg per month
Weight loss is not only a way to bring your body closer to the ideal, it is also an opportunity to help our body. The more excess weight, the harder the body to cope with it. He starts working a few percent more than he could have. That is, it starts to work on wear and tear. Which, naturally, can not lead to anything good. Therefore, you need to get rid of extra pounds. True, it is necessary to do this wisely.

IMPORTANT: During weight loss it is not necessary to force events. The adequate speed of this process is 3-4 kg per month.

First time kilograms will go faster. But, there will come such a stage of building a dream body, when it will be very difficult to get rid of even one kilogram. But, here the main thing is not to stop half way and continue your movement.

Why you do not lose weight: dehydration inhibits the fat burning process

Drink water, it helps to split and remove fat cells from the body. Give up coffee and sweet drinks. Drink water or green tea. This will help achieve the desired weight even faster.

Slimming people need to drink water all day .Such people need to drink a glass of water before eating.
First of all , it helps not to overeat. And
second , will improve metabolism.

IMPORTANT: Recent researches of scientists prove the use of cool water in the regime of people who are dieting. The fact is that to heat water to the desired temperature, the body spends "extra" energy. Which further helps to burn excess calories.

Keep track of your drinking regimen. Water can escape from the body during training, with wraps and other procedures.

Remember that dehydration inhibits the fat burning process.

Why do not you lose weight: training and diet. What do you need to know?

Why do not you lose weight: training and diet. What do you need to know?

To achieve the desired result when losing weight, you can combine your diet with exercise in the gym. Such training will enhance the effect of fat burning. The thing is that now the body will have to spend calories on cardio training, aqua aerobics and other types of training, which will significantly help bring the weight to which you aspire. In addition, training will help keep the muscles in a tone and give them the desired relief.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse training and overtraining. In the gym you should spend time with pleasure.

Work on wear is strictly prohibited. Reinforced long training should not lead to the fact that the body will lose muscle tissue due to the fact that, following the fat, the body will begin to burn it.

Why do not you lose weight: how to find the optimal amount of food for you and lose weight gradually, without wasting your nerves and health?

In order to find the perfect figure, you need to learn to listen to your body. Determine with this method the optimal amount of food that will help lead to weight loss without loss of endurance, productivity and efficiency. In general, the best option will be to consult a dietitian. Only with the help of this specialist can you build a normal diet specifically for you.

IMPORTANT: Diets should not be used so that you can prepare your body by the summer or by a specific date. In order to protect yourself from excess weight - lead a healthy lifestyle. It is very fashionable and prestigious today.

Video: Diets and fitness. Errors of slimming

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