Is cherry useful? Of course! And the leaves, and branches, and the flesh of the fruit!

  1. Let's talk about berries
  2. About dried berries
  3. About cherry leaves
  4. About cherry branches

Cherries, despite its sour taste, like almost everything. Juicy ripe fruits are incredibly useful;and not only they are used for medicinal purposes. The leaves and twigs of this plant also help to overcome a variety of diseases and strengthen the immune system. Useful properties of cherries can not be overestimated, since all its parts have a multilateral impact on the human body, setting the work of all its organs and systems. Let's look at the healing properties in more detail.

Cherry is a unique plant that is quite popular both in cooking and in medicine

Let's talk about berries

Cherry is a light-loving plant that prefers neutral and humus-rich soils. Her fruit contains one seed and is colored in a rich burgundy color. Depending on the variety, the taste of berries varies - some are too acidic, in others - the amount of acid is minimal, so their taste will be more pleasant. Photo of a ripe cherry can be seen on this photo.

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Absolutely all types of cherries have unique healing properties

Note! As a rule, acid varieties are used for making wines - the drinks are slightly tart with a noble taste.

Use for the organism

Cherry fruits have a fairly rich composition. Among the useful substances:

  • trace elements - iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt, which allows you to use berries for anemia;
  • in the cherry contains vitamins - B1, B2, B9, C, E, PP, which perfectly tone, help strengthen the blood capillaries, normalize blood pressure and increase the body's resistance to radiation background;
  • coumarins that reduce blood clotting;
  • pectins - remove nitrogenous slags from the body;
  • ellagic acid - prevents the development of cancer and destroys cancer cells;
  • tannins soothe the digestive tract;
  • anthocyanidins - reduce the level of uric acid in the body.

Caloric value of cherry - 52 kcal per 100 g of product.

Cherries are a real enemy of cholesterol. Vitamin PP contributes to its withdrawal from the bloodstream, and pectin does not allow penetrating this harmful substance into the body. In addition, the flesh of the fruit helps to improve intestinal motility, relieves constipation.

What else is useful for a cherry? It is an excellent product for stimulating appetite;Even with a large number of eaten berries, intensive development of digestive enzymes occurs, which contribute to the development of hunger.

Using fruits of the plant, you can cure dysentery and other similar diseases.

And on this the healing properties of cherries do not end. Bright red berries show high efficiency in the following situations:

  • weak immunity;
  • postpartum haemorrhage and copious periods;
  • varicose veins;
  • anemia;
  • dysfunction of the heart muscle;
  • decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • urolithiasis, as well as inflammation of the kidneys and bladder;
  • low intensity of production of male hormones and sperm.

Important! But remember that cherry due to the presence of prussic acid is able to bring not only good, but also harm. It is contraindicated for use in peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, as it contributes to the irritation of its walls.

Pregnancy and lactation period

When pregnant, the cherry has the following beneficial properties:

  • helps fight tumors and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increases the body's protective forces of a pregnant woman;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels, which prevents the onset of gestational diabetes;
  • perfectly quenches thirst and eliminates fatigue;
  • normalizes the water-salt balance;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps to cope with insomnia;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which during pregnancy are under double load;
  • has a beneficial effect on the development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus.
Bright red berries take care of the health of the future mother and child

Important! Using cherries during pregnancy, remember that it can provoke an allergy, so do not consume it in large quantities. In addition, try not to swallow a bone accidentally, because it contains a large amount of harmful hydrocyanic acid.

Now it's time to find out if cherry can be nursing mom. It is believed that during this period, women do not want to consume any red food. But here everything is not so categorical. The main thing is to observe the measure. Introduce the cherry in your diet gradually, starting with two or three berries a day. It is best to do this in the morning, then if there is a reaction in the baby, which will show up before nightfall, you will have time to take steps to eliminate it.

Important! If there is a probability that the baby has a hereditary predisposition to cherries, then you should deny yourself the pleasure of eating red berries. It is better to do this at the end of the period of breastfeeding.

Pregnant and nursing women of cherries can be used not only in fresh form. Cook cakes, desserts and, of course, delicious fruit drinks, which will be no less useful than berries themselves.

Cherry morsel

Cherry cherries can be prepared as follows:

  • enameled pan to top fill with berries;
  • tightly close and send to a preheated oven( fire switch off);
  • after a few hours the capacity to get and tilt the cherries in a colander;
  • collect the juice and pour it on 500 ml jars;
  • put 200 g of sugar in each jar and put all the containers in a water bath;
  • bring the mors to boil, cool;Repeat this process 4 times;
  • bottles are tightly closed and stored in the cold.
Cherry fruit before consumption can be diluted to taste with boiled water

Dried berries

Dried cherries are rich in copper and iron, so it is often recommended for use with a low level of hemoglobin. And thanks to the presence of fructose and glucose, the body can quickly get an energy charge. In addition, with the help of dried fruits, digestion can be improved, since they contain valuable pectin substances.

An interesting fact! Dried cherries are recommended for those who try to quit smoking, as these fruits can weaken nicotine dependence.

Dried fruits contribute to concentration of attention, therefore it is of great benefit to the scattered people

They also help to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi and produce a mild laxative effect. Using dried cherries can restore the work of the cardiovascular and central nervous system.

About cherry leaves

Cherry leaves also show useful properties. But it should be remembered that the collection of medicinal raw materials should be carried out in May. It can be dried or used fresh. We suggest considering several tools based on cherry leaflets.

With jaundice

This disease is extremely unpleasant, and the next broth will help to overcome it:

  • the leaves are ground and separated 2 tablespoons;
  • pour them a glass of milk, stir;
  • cook on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • to filter.

Take the finished product in small portions several times a day.

With increased pressure

Elevated blood pressure often provokes bleeding from the nose;stop it will help cherry leaves:

  • 20 g of dried and shredded raw materials put in a thermos bottle;
  • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • insist for 30 minutes;
  • to filter;
  • moisten with tampons and use them to stop bleeding.


To make the cherry leaves show a diuretic effect, they must be brewed in steep boiling water in the proportion of 10 g of raw material per glass of water. The resulting broth is taken in small portions throughout the day.

About cherry branches

Cherry branches prepare healing tea. After a rather long infusion this drink is able to show such useful properties:

  • eliminates pain in cystitis;
  • gently removes sand from the kidneys;

  • eliminates the inflammatory process in diseases of the respiratory system;
  • perfectly copes with the disorder of the stomach;
  • protects the body cells from the action of free radicals;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid;
  • helps stop diarrhea;
  • is effective at intestinal atony.
Tea from cherry branches will help to eliminate inflammation of the joints

Important! During pregnancy, this drink is categorically contraindicated for use. In other cases, it should be eaten moderately and do not exceed the recommended dose.

In addition, tea from cherry twigs will help with endometriosis and fibroids, and also positively affects the reproductive system, which makes it irreplaceable for women's health.

For joints

  1. Handful of cherry branches with a knife.
  2. Pour 500 ml of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Leave for 2 hours, filter.

Take the received tea 4 times a day for 50 ml.

For fibroids and endometriosis.

  1. . Bunch of branches put in a saucepan.
  2. Pour in cold water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Allow to cool, filter.

This tea is recommended to drink throughout the year for 300-450 ml per day.

As you can see, cherry is a unique plant. Use it correctly and stay healthy!

  • Mar 08, 2018
  • 87
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