Cooking garlic for the winter

It turns out that garlic is an expensive treat. Its average market price is not inferior to expensive exotic vegetables and fruits. Many summer residents, knowing the unpretentiousness of plants, try to grow on their own and prepare the harvest for the winter. So, it's time to learn how to dry garlic, and determine the features of its storage.
Without garlic it is difficult to imagine the national Russian cuisine

Features of the

harvesting Well-dried ground is the key to successful garlic harvesting. As a rule, the soil ceases to water about 2-3 days before its planned collection. Garlic is simply pulled( excavated) from the soil. On this harvesting work can be considered complete.

Part of the work was performed in good faith by

Now you need to remove the topmost layer of the husk to remove dirt and clods of earth. At the same time, it is impossible to completely discard the denticles.

Important! To wash garlic after digging is forbidden, otherwise there is a risk to eventually get a moldy product.

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Methods for preparing garlic for storage

The plant dug out after full ripening is dried in several ways:

  • in the
  • room on the street in the sun

  • in the oven
  • in the electric dryer.

In this case, the head of garlic can be dried entirely, and it is possible to deal exclusively with denticles. Let's consider all methods.

Drying indoors

Put the garlic in one layer in a dry, well ventilated room. Stems, leaves and roots can not be cut. Ultimately, it is by their condition that we can determine the degree of readiness of the denticles for subsequent storage. Duration of drying is about 1 month. Homogeneous discolored and brittle leaves is a signal that the crop is ready for further processing.

Drying of the plant is completed

It's time to cut the roots, retreating from the head about 0.3 cm, and also to get rid of the leaves, leaving about 3-5 cm from the stem.

Garlic ready for hibernation

The finished product is put in boxes and cleaned to the attic orsame basement for storage.
By the way, many like to store dried garlic in bundles like a bow. How do you like this option?

Such garlands, even as decor of the room are good

Drying on the street

There are no special difficulties in drying garlic in the street. The algorithm is similar to the one described above.

  1. harvested crop is not washed
  2. plants are laid on a wooden or any other surface in a row
  3. during the drying process the garlic is turned over, and at night( in case of unforeseen precipitation) is taken to the room.
  4. dried stems and roots are cut, keeping the ratio 3-5 cm and 0.3 cm
  5. garlic is put in a pantry or other place prepared in advance for its storage.

Drying in the oven

Housewives prilovchilis to dry garlic in a conventional oven. They offer the following method:

  • cloves of garlic are peeled from the hard skin, washed, cut into plates( lobes) with a thickness of about 1 mm
  • baking sheet covered with food film or foil
  • spreads chopped garlic on prepared surface in 1 row.
  • leaves the pan for half an hour in the oven,temperature 50 ° С.

After this time, the dried dried garlic is removed into a container with a sealed lid.

Important! For preparing the product must constantly monitor, otherwise it will burn out and get an ugly brown shade.

Golden and fragrant flakes of garlic ready for use

Garlic in electric drier

The preparation of aromatic spices for winter can be done using an electric drier. The teeth are pre-cleaned from the skin, cut into rings or half-lobules and spread on the trays of the electric dryer upwards. The time of heat treatment of the product on average takes 5 - 18 hours and depends on the type of household appliances.
For the production of granulated garlic or powder, the dried petals are ground with a coffee grinder.

Advice: do not make powder for more than 1 month. This seasoning quickly cracks and becomes unsuitable for consumption. Store garlic in plates, and grind into powder only if necessary.

How to remove the skin of garlic without the hassle?

This question is irrelevant for those who clean no more than one head, for example, for a salad. However, when harvesting garlic for the winter, it will not be necessary to clean one kilogram. If you consider that with 2.5 kg of raw materials, on average, up to 0.5 kg of dried garlic, then the preparatory work will have to spend a lot of effort and time.
To facilitate the cleaning process, ordinary water will help. The teeth must be soaked for 20-30 minutes, then without harm to the fingers remove the softened peel with a knife.

All denticles are like a selection of tasty and appetizing

And finally about ready-made spices

Some housewives prefer to dry garlic together with other vegetables. The output is a ready-to-eat seasoning, for example, for pizza.

No shop seasoning can compare with spices prepared by own hands.

First, we cut thinly washed tomatoes of "not juicy" sorts of "Slivka" type. If necessary, remove the watery core. We send the cutting to the electric dryer. As the tomatoes dry up, we add garlic and basil plates to the vacated space. Completely dried vegetables and greens together with garlic are poured into a jar with a sealed lid. Part of the pizza filling is ready.

At the end of the topic, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the video, which describes in detail one of the ways of drying garlic in an electric dryer:

  • Mar 08, 2018
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