Siberian fat - about health and harmony is simple and affordable


  1. Why fiber, and what is it?
  2. About Siberian Fiber
  3. Ingredients of Siberian Fiber
  4. Benefits and Harms of Siberian Fiber
  5. How to take fiber to become slim?

We are happy, energetic, when our body is beautiful, full of strength and health. But not everyone can enjoy this state - someone has a malfunction in the body, someone complexes about excess weight, someone because of persistent skin problems. Nowadays, the appearance has become more valued than ever, and everyone wants to be fashionable, smart, filled with life and motivated. And you thought that we have many problems because our body is poorly cleaned, and the diet is far from the right one. We introduce you to various useful products, and today on the agenda Siberian fiber. Fiber in the diet helps us lose weight and be healthier

Why fiber, and what is it? Fiber is needed by all of us without exception. It is found in vegetable products, there is no meat, milk, eggs and sweets. All plants, fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, fruits contain in one or another quantity of fiber. Yes, in all herbal products it is a different percentage, and depending on what you prefer and will eat, you need to consider whether you have made up the daily balance or not. This is unusual and seems complicated only at first glance, but once you think about your diet, sit for a couple of hours with a pen and paper, writing out the menu for a week, and soon you will already know on the vending machine what it is better to eat. Fiber is a coarse fiber of plants.
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. What is Siberian fiber and, in general, fiber? It's simple - it's a rough fiber that is in all plants. Getting into our stomach, it is not digested almost 100%.Do not rush to draw a conclusion, they say, why it is necessary, if there is no sense from the product, it is there and what. The fact is that fiber as a cleaning machine draws for itself everything we copy from day to day, eating harmful food, yes, even in large quantities. As a result, the body receives enormous benefits, this will be discussed in more detail below.

For information! Probably, you do not understand now how to consider the norm of fiber. In fact, a day you need to eat about 35 grams, a maximum of 50 grams. Information on the percentage of the substance is on the packaging of many products, on the Internet and, of course, on our blog.

Why do you need this? So, in order to adjust the balance in your body, weight is normalized, the skin is cleaned, and the body is filled with energy. After all, millions of people constantly want to sleep, live from the weekend to the weekend, they have neither the strength nor the motivation.

This is not only because there is a lot of stress in our life, but also from slagging and toxicity of our body, from harmful food, a sedentary lifestyle. All this leads to stagnation, to the accumulation and reproduction of the pathogenic environment. Our body can not competently and quickly cleanse, poorly copes with the assimilation of all surpluses, as a result, there is no energy in us, and excess weight, problems on the skin, and afterwards many diseases are present.

About Siberian fiber

Coarse fibers are different, depending on what they were obtained from. You can fix your health very simply by introducing in the diet vegetables, fruits and berries or buying fiber in ready-made form. Very simple, affordable, sold at a pharmacy or in stores with a healthy diet. Companies produce a whole series of products that are all based on coarse fiber, but they have different functions - for weight loss, for cleansing, for skin, for hair and so on.

The product is made by different companies

Siberian fat is just such a product that can be found in a pharmacy or make it easier and order products on the Internet without leaving home. The companies that produce Siberian fiber are many, you will find the right one for yourself. This is a unique product, because here not just a rough fiber of a plant or fruit, but a whole complex of cereals and fruits. It is convenient to lure and use much more.

Warning! To buy fiber is not a problem, and you can immediately begin to apply it, but it is important - first go and take a survey, especially if you know that there are problems in the body. Because even useful products have contraindications.

Most people buy Siberian fiber to bring their weight back to normal. And we, of course, will tell you different recipes, so read it to the end. The important point is that the product does not contain harmful additives, as many means for weight loss, there is no chemistry, preservatives, dyes. To the drug acted with maximum effect, it added micronutrients - a complex of the most necessary for human macro, microelements and vitamins.

The product is useful for our health and an assistant to losing weight, unlike the numerous chemistry, which is sold under loud slogans such as: "15 kg per month".Such drugs can not be based on environmentally friendly and useful, safe, natural ingredients. They can help you in rare cases to lose weight, but you will restore health even longer, and even kilograms usually return, and, as they say, new ones lead. It is better to drink fiber, lose weight correctly, smoothly and competently, while getting additional health improvement of the body, and as a consequence, a pleasant appearance in the mirror.

Composition of Siberian fiber

Typically, companies produce a product called "Siberian Fiber", which includes wheat or rye shells, berries, fruits and nuts. Also there is pectin, which in our body turns into jelly, envelops the walls of the digestive tract, helps to cope with diseases and remove harmful cholesterol. There is lignin - it is a lot of in beans, tomatoes and potatoes. Bran from oats, which are also recommended as a separate product to everyone who wants to be healthy and orderly, because it is a storehouse of good and a high percentage of fiber. From fruits and berries there are apricots, blueberries, mountain ash and apples. But this is not all, because in the Siberian fiber there are collections of herbs, including chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, Kuril tea and dogrose. But the composition may be slightly different, because the products are of different directions.

In the whole complex of substances

It's interesting! Chamomile is a natural antiseptic, St. John's wort - grass from 99 diseases, mint - tone and energy in our body, and dogrose - an assistant to our motor - cardiovascular system. Here such useful herbs are in the composition of Siberian fiber, in addition to the coarse fibers themselves.

Benefits and Harms of Siberian Fiber

Health Aid

  • Stimulates all life processes in our body, restoring it.
  • Helps work of the gastrointestinal tract, serves as the prevention and therapy of a number of diseases.
  • Cleanses the body of harmful substances, including cholesterol.
  • Heals the skin, inflammations, rashes, tissues become more elastic, tightened. You shine, as if from the inside, look cheerful, attractive.
  • Helps to fill the deficit of micro-and macro-elements, vitamins.
  • Stimulates the immune system, protects against a number of ailments, including from oncology.
  • Normalizes metabolism and metabolism, helps our endocrine system, which makes it possible to lose weight.
  • Helps cope with diarrhea, constipation.
  • Heals our nervous system, coping with stress, depression.
  • Helps to block the feeling of hunger, and the person loses weight more easily and at the same time is not nervous.
  • All kinds of fiber can be a prevention of urolithiasis.
Fiber can work in different directions

Did you know? If you sharply change your diet to something that you do not like, but it is correct in this case, the hormone of happiness can cease to develop, which leads to a depressive state, and the fiber is easy to drink, while it helps effectively.

Can the product be damaged?

Are there any disadvantages from using Siberian fiber? Let's not lie, not all can drink coarse fibers. If you have frequent gastrointestinal disorders, acute diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, it is better not to drink the product so as not to aggravate your health. You can not abuse fibers to lose weight faster, you can cause diarrhea, nausea and clog your stomach. Do not lose weight during pregnancy, lactation. Better wait until the end of this wonderful period.

In general, the golden rule in the use of products or treatment is not to abuse. After all, useful foods can harm and annoy. Do not chase for instant weight reduction, you did not recruit your own for a month, so why do you hope that the path to harmony be so short. Work on the body in a complex way, start putting it from a trip to the hospital for examination. You can not think that you are absolutely healthy or make a diagnosis and treat yourself. The reasons for excess weight can be a lot, and do not rush to not hurt.

Important! Always at the time of eating fiber, do not forget to drink plenty of water.

How to take fiber to become slim?

And the last most urgent question is how to take Siberian fiber for weight loss. Very simple. You can drink the natural preparation separately, washing down with water, you can add to soups, drink, kefir, yogurt, pastries. To do this, the powder is poured into the flour and then the delicacy is made. Also, cellulose can be used for a fasting day.

Drinking coarse fibers is very simple

So, the consumption rate is 3-4 tablespoons per day. Always drink plenty of water while doing this. You can pour a spoon into kefir and drink at night and instead of breakfast, while the other two spoons add to the soup for lunch. You can drink in a spoonful for half an hour before each meal, washing down with water, with the main meal you will have less, because the fiber will fill the stomach. Very good remedy for losing weight.

You can do unloading. To do this, you buy a liter of kefir 1% fat, divide it into four parts. Every three hours you mix a spoonful of Siberian fiber and a dairy product and drink. Such a day can save you from 1.5 to 2 kg. In the day, if you just put the fiber in the diet, you can lose 150-200 grams. For a month can go from 2 to 6 kg, while the process of losing weight is smooth, the body does not experience stresses, just like you, the processes inside do not break down, dehydration does not occur.

It is worth noting that, eating fiber in your diet, eating more correctly, you will lose weight competently. So, often people in pursuit of beauty tend to quickly throw off the hated kilograms. They are looking for different diets that promise weight loss per month for 10-15 kg and begin to experience them, providing a huge load on the body and stress. In the end, when the diet is over, weight can be lost in large numbers, but the health is severely affected, the work of the organs is lost. The body, experiencing a sharp deficit, begins to compensate for the lost mass from everything that a person eats. As a result, weight gain begins, and kilograms can return in excess. Proper nutrition and sport is a way of life, not a diet for 10-14 days.

That's how Siberian fiber helps to lose weight. Be sure to drink 2 liters of water during a fasting day, especially on fiber. You will not risk choking your digestive tract and getting dehydrated.

How do you like the article? Agree, the information is very useful and relevant, because the beach season has already come.

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