Peanut Butter - a vitamin elixir that gives beauty and health

  1. Peanuts and production from it
  2. Peanut butter, what is the use and harm in it?
  3. Healing, rich and useful peanut butter composition - what is there in the product?
  4. How to use oil for beauty and youth

For many products we know that they were known thousands of years ago. Their relevance is not lost due to unique properties. And one of such natural gifts are oils obtained from plants, fruits and roots. Ancient ancestors used them extensively in their lives, and we also do not know how to live without them. Which is right, a good oil can do wonders. It should be in the food, in the medicine cabinet, and in the cosmetic bag. And today we'll talk about peanut butter.

Oil will bring a lot of new

into your life. Of course, we exaggerate a little when we say that the product should be in the medicine cabinet and in the cosmetic bag. Just oil is useful not only for food, it works wonders in cosmetology, it also helps for therapeutic purposes. It just must always be there. The benefits of peanut butter have been known since antiquity, it's time for us and you to become more educated in this regard. But first, we will find out some nuances, since questions often arise on this product.

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Peanuts and production from it

Peanuts grow in warm countries, in the southern regions, we know that it is eaten fresh or fried. But our knowledge is narrowly focused, because from this gift of nature different products are made, and it is used even in cosmetology. Americans have been eating for decades pasta, which is very popular. Now in our country, it begins to sell, you can make it and with your own hands at home. Make peanuts and butter. And then many people have a question, but what is not the same peanut butter and pasta, and then what's the difference? It's simple.

Ground nut is actively processed

Oil is an oil, paste is paste. We ourselves mislead ourselves by naming one another, we are just used to saying that we smear butter on bread, peanut paste has a similar consistency, that is why in our country it is often called more traditionally for ourselves. In fact, peanut butter is the same kind as the sunflower we are accustomed to. Only has a more pronounced taste, refers to lean foods. It is used for cooking and for cosmetic procedures and facilities. Pasta is made by grinding the nuts all with the same oil, and after that comes the creamy, brown mass.

This is what

looks like. What distinguishes peanut butter from jam is another frequently asked question. Again, here are two different products that are manufactured in different ways. The technology of obtaining the first is more often pressing, cold or hot. The second product, namely jam, is cooking fruits. The process is long, besides, not only peanuts, but also fruits and berries can be used. As a result, a dense, jelly-like product is obtained, the color of which will depend on the components.

This is more dessert, and not a means for frying, refueling and cosmetology. All these are different products, with different taste, volume of nutritious and useful substances, calorie content. By the way, useful information for all women - peanut butter calorie content is 899 kcal, which is very high.

This is pasta and jam, do not confuse

It's interesting! Americans have long been eating oil and peanut paste, they have them as a supplement to the diet. But in fact, the product can be treated, and in the beginning it was made with the goal of finding a substitute for meat, and the paste was to become an assistant to everyone who could be limited in eating.

We hope, now you will be more aware and understand how to consume peanut butter. It is eaten, seasoned with salads, used for frying, but also added to cosmetics, make with it massage and body and hair masks. Pasta and jam only eat, nowhere except for bread, they do not need to be smeared anymore. Let's now get acquainted with the useful properties of the product, we learn that in the composition, and after, of course, let's talk about a pleasant topic for all women - cosmetic application and effect.

That's interesting! What people do not do with peanuts, they even throw and take to the moon. Yes, yes, these facts are documented. Cosmonaut Shepard took a nut on our companion, a resident of Australia threw him as much as 33 meters in length, with which he got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Very useful product

Peanut butter, what is the use and harm in it?

Positive impact

The product has a range of useful properties due to its unique composition.

  • Helps to heal wounds, abrasions, cuts.
  • Saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, which improves our immunity, which means that we will be sick less.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol.
  • Reduces blood sugar, which helps diabetics.
  • Very well helps to recover, when the body is worn out after stress, long physical exertion.
  • Serves as the prevention of a number of diseases.
  • Useful properties of peanut butter in its pronounced positive cosmetic effect.
  • Helps improve muscle tone, improve blood flow.
  • Beneficial effect on our nervous system, it is easier to bear stresses, depression recedes.
  • Stimulates the production of collagen, which makes the skin young, supple and taut.
  • Used to treat eczema, herpes, skin inflammation, acne.
  • If you eat regularly peanut butter, then you can improve liver function.
  • Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, expels bile.
  • Helps with anemia, blood diseases, hemophilia.
  • Positively affects men's health and strength.
  • Amazing properties have been discovered by scientists who make peanut butter healing to the eyes. It should be eaten by those who suffer from cataracts, conjunctivitis, dystrophy, "night blindness".

Agree, you did not know about it, but the information above is amazing. This is a natural protection, prevention, cosmetics and therapy. Unusual product, perhaps for you, because more often we use sunflower oil or olive oil, and what peanut butter is used for, only a few know. But we already said that at least with anything. You can add it to baking, salad, use for cooking. Nutritious oil, it will saturate your body no worse than meat products, and dishes will make unusual, everyone will be surprised by your culinary abilities. To get a therapeutic effect, you need to drink three teaspoons of the product every day.

Negative effects of

In excess, oil can negatively affect your weight, as it is very high in calories. You also need to be spiky people with joint diseases, respiratory organs and those who have high blood coagulability. Remember that the product is made from nuts, and they are allergens, so if there is a risk of individual intolerance, then it is better to refuse from using peanut butter.

Healing, rich and useful composition of peanut butter - what is there in the product?

All its capabilities can be due to its composition. It contains vitamins - A, E, B4, B3, B6 and B5, K, polyunsaturated - Omega 6 and monounsaturated acids, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, selenium, potassium. There are also antioxidants in the composition. Scientists have found that the risk of developing cancer in people who eat this product is much less. Surprisingly, even people who are overweight with proper application can reduce weight.

As for BJU peanut butter, there are a lot of fats in it - 99.9%.Carbohydrates, which are presented in the form of coarse fibers in the composition are very small, because they are usually not taken into account, the same situation with proteins. In general, if you do not know what BJU is, about which so often say lovers of healthy nutrition, nutritionists, it is the percentage of protein, fat, carbohydrates. Simply put, the nutritional value, which is often described on the packaging of all products, also includes the percentage of fiber or coarse fiber content, as well as calorie content. On the basis of these data, calculations are made for the ration to make it more balanced. Well, it's time to talk about an interesting topic for all girls - this is peanut butter and its application in cosmetology, and how and what can be done at home.

How to use oil for beauty and youth

For body

Oil can be rubbed into the skin, like fashion lotions, and the effect will be as if they visited the spa. You will notice how the body becomes more flexible, cellulite goes away, the skin glitters, it looks healthy and young. Oil can be applied like a mask, rub it after a shower, use it for massage. You can get rid of spider veins, fine wrinkles, cure tissues from inflammation, make scars less visible. Thanks to collagen, the skin will quickly regenerate, which can be noticed by a rejuvenating result.

You will notice how your appearance changes

For information! Often people are interested in what peanut butter tastes like. It is pleasant, full, nutty. If the oil is unrefined, it will be more saturated, aromatic, if refined, then you will hardly feel the taste and smell, for this purification is carried out.

Peanut Butter for the face

It will act the same way as on the body - rubbing the product, applying it under the skin around the eyes, you will get rid of small mimic wrinkles, shallow scars, couperose, earthy color, peeling. Your face will become young and radiant. But remember that everything is good in moderation, and also procedures in the form of masks, massage should be regular. Also watch for food, and, in general, for a way of life.

Tip! Peanut butter you can add to any cosmetics - from a face cream to a hair mask.

Peanut butter for hair

For skin and hair, oil is like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy city, especially if they are painted, constantly exposed to a thermal wave or straightening. Masks for hair 2-3 times a week will help get rid of dandruff, dryness, split ends. Hair will become full, start to shine, it is good to comb and to keep within. You will get rid of the "straw on the head" effect. Oil can be applied in a pure form and added to shampoos, balms, masks. It is also worth noting that the best therapeutic and cosmetic effect you will get from the product is unrefined, that is, choose unrefined oil, yes, it is not fried, but for home procedures it will fit perfectly.

We hope, we have told you useful information. We advise you to try once, and you will definitely make sure that the product is very useful.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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