The recipe for horseradish with lemon is a natural remedy to support immunity

A little bit about the use of horseradish

  • Horseradish + lemon
  • Horseradish + lemon + honey
  • Horseradish + lemon + apple + honey
  • Contraindications
  • Horseradish is quite an ancient product, and its healing power was known even before our era. Burning root was used both externally for the growths, and inside - as a general restorative. On the territory of our country this product appeared around the 9th century and is still actively used both in cooking and in folk medicine. And today we offer you a recipe for horseradish with lemon. This simple remedy has a mass of useful properties and will help not only prevent, but cure a lot of diseases.

    Horseradish and lemon - a powerful natural medicine for good health.

    . A little bit about the use of horseradish.

    . For starters, it is worth considering the healing properties of the main ingredient of all the horseradish recipes described below. In its composition it contains:

    • vitamin C, and in the roots of this plant this substance is about 4.5 times larger than in the ripe lemon;
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    • vitamins of group B, as well as vitamin E and folic acid;
    • mustard oil and mineral salts, due to which this product has a characteristic taste;

      Note! Mustard oil, part of the root of horse radish, stimulates the secretory function of the pancreas and increases the amount of secreted bile. As a result, it is possible to eliminate stagnation in the gallbladder, which makes this product particularly useful for gastritis with reduced and zero acidity!

    • are important minerals, among which iron, potassium, copper, magnesium and calcium.

    Biologically active components, concentrated in this burning root, show high activity against viruses and bacteria. They also determine its basic properties: antitumor, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and expectorant.

    Adding horseradish to your diet, you will be able to strengthen immunity and prevent colds in the autumn-winter period.

    Horseradish + lemon

    Horseradish combined with lemon can help with a variety of conditions.

    1. Remedy for sinusitis. For its preparation, it is necessary to combine the freshly squeezed juice of two lemons and the grated horseradish root( about 125 g).The finished mixture is left on the table for several hours, after which we filter and take only the juice obtained - 15 cap.twice a day. Before use, a serving of juice is bred in a spoonful of warm water.

      Important! Taking this remedy, you must completely exclude milk and dairy products from the diet!

    2. This horseradish recipe with lemon will prove very useful for ischemic disease, angina pectoris and rheumatism.300 g of the root is cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree we add juice of three lemons. Mix everything and take a teaspoon once a day.

      Recommendation! After taking this drug, you should not drink anything and do not eat for half an hour!

      This simple remedy perfectly cleanses blood vessels, improves blood circulation, dissolves cholesterol plaques and strengthens immunity.

    3. To facilitate breathing, sputum production and a reduction in the frequency of coughing attacks with asthma. From the lemon squeeze the juice and mix it with a 15-centimeter horseradish root milled in a meat grinder. Ready to insist for several hours, then filter and take 25 drops, diluted in a small amount of water.
    4. To prepare an effective remedy for the common cold it is necessary to connect the tables.a spoon of shredded horseradish with the same amount of lemon juice and warm boiled water. The resulting solution drips nose 3-4 times a day.
    5. Horseradish with lemon helps with tonsillitis, stomatitis and tonsillitis. Therapeutic infusion is prepared as follows: incomplete tables. A spoonful of grated horseradish is poured into a glass of hot water and left for about half an hour. In a warm medium add 5-6 ml of lemon juice. Use the product to rinse the mouth twice a day: in the morning and at bedtime. To enhance the effect apply and throughout the day.
    Rinse mouth with horseradish infusion with lemon will help to quickly destroy pathogenic bacteria

    Harvesting horseradish with lemon for the winter

    Horseradish with lemon prepared for the winter is a very tasty seasoning for many dishes, which has a lot of medicinal properties. This appetizer will be a fragrant addition to your table, warm in the cold season and at the same time replenish the body's stores with important biologically active substances.

    For the recipe, let's take:

    • horseradish root - half a kilo;
    • lemon - 2 pieces;
    • for marinade: for each liter of water, 80 grams of sugar, 40 grams of salt and a couple of cinnamon.spoons of citric acid.

    Rinse, clean and sliced ​​lemon. Horseradish is also mine, peel and cut into thin slices. Banks are sterilized and dried. We spread the root of horseradish on the jars( 2/3 of the volume), from above we stack a couple of slices of lemon. Fill the contents of the cans with a hot marinade, cover with lids and send it to sterilization for about half an hour. We roll it up and leave it upside down under a blanket for a day.

    Horseradish + lemon + honey

    Horseradish, lemon and honey are the three components of the popular folk recipe, which comes in handy during the cold season. This is a natural mixture, which includes powerful healing ingredients, and it is prepared very simply. The root of horseradish and lemon are thoroughly washed, cut into random pieces and put into a blender bowl.

    Important! Lemon is used entirely - together with the skin!

    Ingredients we interrupt to a homogeneous state and add 40-50 ml of fresh honey. All mixed and poured into a glass container. We take on a teaspoon three times a day. Keep this medication recommended in the refrigerator, but no longer than 15 days.

    Horseradish, lemon and honey are also used to improve bowel functions, and the recipe is as follows. Rub on a small grater 150 grams of horseradish and mix the resulting mass with the juice of half a lemon. Add 100 g of honey( preferably buckwheat).The finished formula is taken in half a teaspoon. This drug has a pronounced toning effect and as a result of its intake, the motor activity will noticeably increase, the peristalsis improves and the problem of constipation is gently solved.

    As a result, the intestine is cleared of toxins and begins to function much better.

    Horseradish + lemon + apple + honey

    The main ingredients of which are horseradish, apple, lemon and honey are used in the field of cosmetology. It is used to lighten the skin of the face, smoothing its tone and getting rid of unwanted pigmentation. For the recipe you will need:

    • small horseradish spine;
    • quarter of apple;
    • a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    • half a teaspoon of honey.

    Horseradish chopped into a gruel, add grated apple, lemon juice and honey. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the pre-cleaned skin. After 10 minutes, remove the napkin and rinse the skin with warm water. This procedure is recommended once a month.

    The mask of horseradish, apple, honey and lemon perfectly refreshes the skin, tones it and smooths the color.


    Despite the fact that horseradish can be of great benefit to the body, it is not for everyone to use it and the means on its basis. Contraindications include:

    • peptic ulcer;
    • colitis;
    • gastritis with high acidity.

    In addition, to abuse this product is extremely not desirable. If you are going to use it in home cosmetics, then before applying the product on your face, you need to test on a small area of ​​the skin.

    • Mar 08, 2018
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