Healthy sleep, gymnastics and hardening - many know that thanks to them it is possible to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of many diseases. But in the list of mandatory conditions for good health is another very important point - this is the right food.
Natural honey is the simplest and at the same time effective way to strengthen the immune system. It is best to use this product with tea, putting a small amount of it on an apple slice or on fresh bread. Daily enough to eat just one tablespoon of natural honey. The key to success in this case will be not only the quality of the bee product itself, but also the regularity of its use.
Important! Just do not add honey to hot drinks, because under the influence of high temperatures, a greater proportion of valuable substances will be destroyed!
Health Recipes
Honey works fine individually, but with a strong decrease in immunity it can be combined with other useful products:
- honey + freshly squeezed aloe juice, mixed in equal proportions, taken twice a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before going to bed;
- honey + grated fresh ginger - this mixture helps improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol;
- 100 ml of honey + 1 lemon + 3 cloves of garlic - all grind in a meat grinder and take on a tablespoon before breakfast and before going to bed.
This citrus fruit is famous for its high content of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. It also includes vitamins, organic acids, pectins and carotene, which will establish the work of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract.
Application of
In the fight against catarrhal diseases, the lemon also shows excellent results:
- you can get rid of tonsillitis and pharyngitis by freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, diluted in a glass of boiled chilled water - this solution is used for rinses;
- for colds use a similar formulation with the addition of a small amount of table salt.
The ginger root takes a leading position in the list of products, whose action is aimed at increasing the body's defenses. This natural medicine can be used not only for adults, but also for children from the age of two.
Important! In the diet of a child, the root of ginger should be administered gradually, after consulting with a pediatrician!
The highest concentration of nutrients is concentrated in the fresh product. To improve overall health, it is added to teas, infusions and decoctions, and at the first manifestations, colds are used for inhalations.
Healing drink
- two centimeter root is peeled;
- on high heat bring to a boil 2 liters of water;
- finely grated ginger we lower in boiling water and cook on a quiet fire no more than 10 minutes;
- , if desired, add lemon and sugar to the drink and take a teaspoon by washing down tea with honey.
The garlic contains a substance called allicin, which is a natural antibiotic. It is this component that gives garlic a special power - it helps to quickly restore the body's strength after the flu and has the ability to dilute sputum, so its use will be fully justified for bronchitis and pneumonia.
Garlic shows antiseptic effect and the use of just one of its lobules every day is an excellent prevention of colds and viral infections. But this product is able not only to purify the body of pathogenic microorganisms, it also has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, which removes fever and fever.
This product is one of the most affordable and inexpensive sources of ascorbic acid. And if you add to the sauerkraut a small amount of unrefined vegetable oil and a small portion of chopped onions, you get a real "vitamin bomb"!Such a simple, at first glance, salad is able:
- to strengthen immunity;
- activate metabolic processes;
- to lower cholesterol;
- to increase the body's stress resistance;
- stimulate the work of the heart muscle.
Rosehip is a wild plant with incredibly useful fruits. His berries have long been used for the manufacture of medicinal infusions, which relieved from chronic and acute inflammatory processes. According to the content of vitamin C, rosehip is superior to lemon and black currant, it has a powerful bactericidal effect and is often used as a preventive against flu and cold.
A simple recipe for healing infusion
- We wash a handful of ripe or dried rosehip fruit;
- in a saucepan boil a liter of water;
- add fruit and a couple tablespoons of sugar;
- immediately turn off the fire, cover with a lid and leave for an hour.
Important! Rosehip is extremely not recommended to include in the menu people who have suffered a heart attack and stroke!
Fermented milk products
Fermented milk products are an indispensable component of a healthy diet. Nutrients in their composition are easily absorbed by the body, and lacto- and bifidobacteria stimulate the absorption of lactose and complex milk sugars.
Lactic acid, which is formed during the manufacture of such products, helps our body as follows:
- prevents reproduction of putrefactive microflora;
- activates the process of development of beneficial bacteria;
- renders worthy resistance to pathogens of various diseases.
Fermented milk products are rich in fatty organic acids that normalize the microflora and the basic functions of the intestines - and this, as is known, is one of the main conditions of strong immunity.
It contains vitamin A, vitamins of group B, and also C, E, H and PP.The addition to this is the richest mineral range, which allows radish to become a valuable component in the daily diet.
Biologically active substances that make up the product play the role of stimulants of the immune system and increase the protective functions of the body. Using radish, you can easily avoid colds and prevent the development of viral and infectious diseases.
Sea fish
Sea fish contains a huge amount of nutrients that are necessary for the health of our body. The composition of these products includes a special protein that is quickly and easily digested, and there is a complete absence of heavy fats.
Popular varieties
- Dorada - its use will prevent thrombosis and protect the heart from the action of free radicals.
- Flounder is an inexhaustible source of selenium, as well as vitamins A and E.
- Salmon is known for its high concentration of nutrients such as Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and protein.
- Oily fish - Omega-3 is superior in content to salmon, in addition, it contains vitamin B12, a lot of niacin and selenium.
This vegetable is characterized by pronounced antioxidant properties. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and useful amino acids that help the body maintain defenses and prevent the development of various diseases.
Thanks to the use of broccoli, it is possible to purify blood from cholesterol, remove excess fluid and salt, restore the normal state of bone tissue and improve the process of hematopoiesis.
Fruits are products that are used to be eaten raw. Without requiring heat treatment, they supply a huge amount of valuable substances to our body, among them:
- bioflavonoids - help the human body to function normally, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing blood pressure, establishing metabolism and protecting against free radicals;
- coumarins and kakhetins( a kind of bioflavonoids) - have a beneficial effect on the functions of the cardiovascular system, improve blood supply, relieve headache and exhibit antitumor effect.
Note! But remember that the most reliable protection for the body can provide bright and colorful fruits!
The benefits of almonds are primarily associated with a high concentration of vitamin E in its composition. This substance is a powerful antioxidant and stops the aging process. Also in such nuts are B vitamins, responsible for the proper functioning of our body as a whole.
Useful properties of almonds
- Promotes the release of sand from the kidneys.
- Normalizes the functions of the spleen and liver.
- Cleans the blood.
- Has an anticonvulsant effect.
- Improves brain activity.
- Increases stress resistance.
whole-grain porridges
Whole-grain cereals have a high biological value, because they contain much more vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as basic nutrients than inproducts from grain refined.
Wholegrain cereal is a source of fiber that affects health in the following ways:
- stimulates the activity of the intestine;
- promotes correct natural emptying;
- is the prevention of constipation;
- cleans the digestive tract from harmful substances that come together in food;
- promotes the development of a "good" microflora.
Fresh berries are one of the most important components of a healthy diet. Their main function is to reduce the oxidative processes in the body, which, as is known, provoke it to premature aging and depress the immune system.
About benefits of berries
Most berries contain in their composition natural antioxidants, among which:
- vitamin C - maintains the health of vessels, articular tissue and skin;
- quercetin - removes inflammation, improves brain function, stopping memory loss;
- anthocyanins - provide prevention and treatment of arthritis, exhibit anti-inflammatory properties.
Green tea
Green tea contains about 450 species of organic compounds, about 500 elements and almost the whole vitamin range. But special attention should be paid to the substances that make green tea capable of exhibiting its useful properties:
- minerals - promote immunity and are responsible for the normal operation of all systems;
- alkaloids - give vivacity and energy, thanks to them, mental and physical activity is activated and working capacity is increased;
- polyphenols - are often used in the field of medicine for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Make your menu correctly and stay healthy!