- Raw
- Sprouted seed
Just pick up. .. and you can not tear yourself away! This is how many people speak about sunflower seeds. However, by no means all know what properties these small seeds contain in themselves. At small enough sizes in them the huge quantity of vitamins and microcells, capable to adjust work of our organism contains. They are eaten raw and fried, added to various dishes and sprouted. So, what are the benefits and harm of sunflower seeds? Let's find out.
Sunflower seeds can strengthen our health. Using them as an additive to the basic diet, you can reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and malignant neoplasms. Thanks to the wide vitamin range and the presence of biologically active substances, these small nuclei can bring significant benefits to the female body, supporting it during the menopause. Only half a glass of seeds - and a daily dose of selenium, magnesium and vitamin E is provided to you.
However, it is far from always enjoying sunflower seeds safely. To hurry it is not necessary. First you need to familiarize yourself with their properties and learn about contraindications.
What is the use?
It is known that sunflower seeds are the richest storehouse of unsaturated fatty acids that are able to regulate the level of cholesterol and are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart. However, this is far from all their qualities:
- high level of vitamin E - this is a warning of premature aging, protection from wrinkles and prevention of heart attacks. In addition, this substance is a strong natural antioxidant that provides health to mucous membranes and creates a powerful barrier to free radicals, protecting them from the harmful effects of cells and tissues;
Note!30 g of sunflower seeds is 11 mg of vitamin E and such a small portion is the daily norm for our body!
- vitamin A will take care of visual acuity and, working in tandem with vitamin E, will make our skin radiant and healthy;
- vitamins belonging to group B, support the nervous system, normalize sleep, relieve depression, help cope with skin rashes and dandruff;
- the most important vitamin D will ensure the normal absorption of calcium, and, accordingly, strengthen the bone tissue;
- due to the presence of arginine, sunflower kernels have the ability to strengthen arteries and blood vessels, preventing vein thrombosis and the development of ischemia;
- Phytosterols regulate the percentage of cholesterol absorption that clogs our blood vessels. As a result, the level of this harmful substance in the body is reduced, the walls of the vessels are cleaned and become elastic, and this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis;
- zinc is a pledge of beautiful radiant skin, because thanks to this element the sebaceous glands work normal, the fat gloss is eliminated, the inflammatory processes fade and the pores become narrower;The nail plate becomes strong, and the hair acquires silk texture and a healthy appearance;
- magnesium - responsible for the normalization of blood pressure, adjusts the functions of the heart muscle and nervous system;
- selenium is an additional protection against cancer, it can help reduce blood pressure, relieve muscle pain, fatigue and significantly reduce asthmatic symptoms;
- selenium, zinc and magnesium, which interact with other valuable minerals such as iron, manganese and calcium, promote the production of red blood cells, improve the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, and are also responsible for the mineralization of bone tissue.
Thanks to these small seeds, the skin is restored as soon as possible - the wounds and abrasions are quickly tightened, and the skin color is quickly leveled.
Important! In the process of heat treatment, a significant part of the valuable components is destroyed. For this reason, it is best to eat raw seeds or slightly stewed in the oven!
On the Harm of
But sunflower seeds are fraught with danger.
- The main trouble is a violation of the integrity of tooth enamel, which, in turn, leads to the development of caries.
- If you are suffering from excess weight, then you should refuse to use these kernels - for 100 g there are 520 kcal.
Note! Half a glass of seeds - this is about 45 grams - is equivalent to a chocolate bar, a glass is about 90 grams of seeds - in terms of the number of calories you can correlate with half a loaf or with a full portion of fried pork!
- Excess sodium in salt seeds can cause sudden jumps in blood pressure and the development of certain cardiac diseases.
- Excessive consumption of sunflower kernels leads to an overdose of vitamin B6, which manifests itself in the form of tingling in the palms, legs and lack of coordination of muscles.
Sprouted seed
Raw grain, although it contains a significant amount of important substances, but they are all in a "conserved" state. But if sunflower seeds germinate, then from them you can get much more benefits for the body. As you know, the kernels in raw form consist of a large number of fats, proteins and starch. In the process of germination, starch is converted into malt sugar, fats into fatty acids, and proteins into amino acids.
Thus, germinated sunflower seeds are an easy source of energy for our body, because many of the processes that usually occur when digesting food have already been performed in the process of germination of the grain.
Useful properties
Sprouted sunflower seed is an inexhaustible source of tocopherol, fiber, chromium, lithium, iron, folic acid, which ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism:
- normalizes the reproductive system, improves the functioning of muscle tissue, nervous system and liver cells;
- the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins and increases motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
- lithium and chromium are those important elements, the lack of which leads to the development of nervous exhaustion;
- thanks to potassium, muscle tissue becomes supple and prevented from exhaustion;
- normalizes the process of hematopoiesis, and the risk of developing anemia fades;
- folic acid is important for the health of women during pregnancy and ensures normal fetal development;
- increases the body's defenses and increases its ability to withstand viral and infectious diseases;
- the body rejuvenates and improves working capacity.
Is there any harm?
It is important to remember that sprouted sunflower seeds, in addition to benefits, in some cases also bring harm:
- they are rich in gluten, which is necessary for people with an individual intolerance to this substance;
- for children under the age of twelve introduces them to the diet is not recommended;
- with ulcer of the stomach and duodenum such an additive may interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive tract;
- excessive consumption can provoke flatulence and cause a pain syndrome that occurs when sand is released.
Note! Sprouted sunflower seeds are highly undesirable to use along with dairy products, otherwise it will cause increased gas production!
Add sprouted and raw sunflower seeds to salads, pates and main dishes and do not forget about contraindications. And remember that with moderate use these small grains can only benefit your body.