Cilantro and coriander are the same or are there differences?

Throughout our life we ​​eat greens. Someone does this in season and not so often, someone eats every day, realizing that plant food is the basis of health. Among the herbs that lie on our table, there is a coriander, and it is the most unusual, because some love it, others do not recognize it. But there is also coriander, which is also on our lips. And here there are some questions. The fact is that there are people who think that coriander and coriander are one and the same, while others argue with them, claiming that these are two different plants. If you do not know the answer as well, then this article is for you.

Greens and seeds of spicy grass

Ancient grass - coriander and its many names

Millennial plant

In fact, the plant, which has become today our topic for conversation, exists on the planet, according to some information, for more than five millennia. They know it everywhere and in many countries are revered as one of the medicinal herbs for our health. And this is not surprising, because in the coriander there are minerals, vitamins, essential oils, acids. Each component has one or another benefit to our health. Many people have experienced the experience that eating a plant can significantly affect the body's condition in a positive way.

instagram viewer

So, the coriander on the planet for thousands of years, many people know it, so it's not surprising that the plant has many names. Each nationality gave its:

  • guts;
  • hamem;
  • kinji;
  • chillantro;
  • calendars.
Our ancestors revered the grass as a medicine
One of the most common is Chinese parsley, which is not surprising, because coriander is very much like curly greens. There is also a legend about the origin of the name, which says that it went from the word "corsi", which in the language of the ancient Greeks meant a bug. Well, here many nod their heads, because a huge number of people and associates the grass with these unpleasantly smelling insects. But let's understand further.

Greens and seeds

Did this affect the fact that the grass in our country is called coriander and coriander, and it is common to assume that this is the same thing. No, neither the numerous names, nor the ancient history has anything to do with it. The answer is corny simple - coriander is the green mass of the plant, coriander is its seeds. It turns out that this is one plant, only its parts are different. But nevertheless it is necessary to call everything by their own names, so that there is no confusion.

Imagine the situation that you gave your recipe to someone, it says that you need to put coriander in the dish, for example, 100 grams. And a person who understands that we are talking about seeds, but has no experience in cooking, will put exactly what is written in the recipe. The dish is spoiled.

Cilantro and its seeds are widely used by people

Where a more unpleasant situation is when people in ignorance begin to misuse the herb for treatment. They somewhere read that coriander is useful, you can make broths, infusions. Without advice and knowledge, treatment begins, but there is no result, or it is not what was expected. Of course, because the seeds of coriander have some useful properties, and the leaves are different. There can be no mistake.

Note! Cilantro is a very unpretentious plant, it can be grown on its home plot, it is not afraid of our climate and can even grow on the windowsill.

It also happens that people mistakenly plant coriander, while they themselves do not like cilantro categorically. But in fact on the packing of seeds it is written clearly - coriander seed. They sow to get a new green for themselves, to diversify the diet, and as a result grows the hateful grass. Who is guilty? A manufacturer who did not indicate that it is a coriander? No, it's all from ignorance.

Finally a few words about spicy coriander in the diet

If you can not eat fragrant grass, this does not mean that in your menu it can not be, in general. After all, this is a very useful plant. If you dry the coriander, you will realize that it does not already have such a pronounced aroma of bugs. The dried additive can be mixed with parsley and dill, adding to soups, marinades and, gaining health benefits. But it is also worth noting that many people can not eat greens for years, but after changing their taste preferences.

Do not confuse seeds and green mass

Note! Cuisines of many peoples of the world can not do without coriander, for example, the inhabitants of the Caucasus put spicy herbs in adzhika, sauces sauce and tkemali, marinate meat. But also the plant is used in pharmacology, cosmetology for obtaining the fees and valuable essential oil.

Therefore, if you once tried coriander many years ago and you were disgusted with it, then maybe now everything has changed. And coriander seeds, whose name is coriander, do not have a persistent fragrance of insects and can be used for cooking by everyone.

We hope that we have answered your question. Do not confuse names so as not to get into an unforeseen situation.

  • Mar 08, 2018
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