Ganoderma - what is hidden behind the cacophonous name?

  1. Description of the fungus
  2. Growing
  3. Chemical composition
  4. Therapeutic action and application
  5. The use or harm of

Recently, people who are keen on oriental medicine, along with dietary supplements, are increasingly recommending mushroom ganoderma as a means for losing weight. Of course, eating a tinder, you will not grow a big belly, but is this all so harmless for our health? Will we not provide our body with a so-called "bear" service if we start ganoderms to eat all kinds of food?

To begin with, we remind our readers how the lacquered tinder looks, look at the photo, many saw such formations on forest trees.

The hero of today's narrative is the lacquered tinder or ganoderm

The description of the fungus

First of all, it is necessary to understand what are based on those who offer to numerous gullible, full-fledged citizens a ganoderma diet. Ganoderma fungus belongs to the group of saprophytes that feed on wood.

Help! Soprophy - organisms that feed on dead tissues.

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Ganoderm is rarely found on living trees, more often it populates stumps, fallen trees, trunks subjected to lightning and other natural disasters. Sometimes you can find a mushroom tindery varnished on the ground near a tree. This means that the fruit body has grown from a mycelium located on the roots of the host.

It should also be noted that the fungus prefers only deciduous trees, conifers do not like it.

From their fellow turturers, lacquered mushrooms are distinguished by the presence of a leg, which for this family is a characteristic feature.

Visible leg - the hallmark of the ganoderma lacquered

Distribution area

Ganoderma lucidum, this is the Latin name of this fungus, distributed throughout the continents. However, in the middle zone of our country he is very rarely met, nevertheless he is naturally heat-loving. But here in Stavropol and in the Kuban, in the North Caucasus and in the Altai, this kind of trumpet is common.

Names and titles

In addition to the already mentioned Russian and Latin names that are not very good, this mushroom has other more elevated titles. So the Japanese call it "raisi", or "raisha", which in Russian means "mushroom of spiritual strength".Another name for the fungus in the Land of the Rising Sun is "mannentake"( a ten thousand-year-old mushroom).

Not behind the geographical neighbors and no less poetic Chinese. In the Middle Kingdom, too, the name of the fungus does not resemble feces, it is called "ling-chih", which means "grass of immortality".

By the way! The names of drugs based on ganoderma are practically translated into Japanese or Chinese.

Cultivation of

In countries of Southeast Asia, where the fashion for ganoderma came from, it is cultivated on an industrial scale. No wonder, among the peoples inhabiting this part of our planet, there are so few fat people.(:-)

Here's how the production of the tinder is lacquered in the factory:

At the ganoderma factory

Chemical composition

Now we will analyze the chemical composition of the fungus, let's see what the application of the lacquer is based on. Despite all the sarcasm of the author, the mushroom contains many valuable ingredients, one way or another useful to our body. Mushrooms are rich in such substances:

  • carbohydrates( reducing sugars and polysaccharides);
  • by amino acids;
  • peptides;
  • proteins;
  • with triterpenes;
  • with steroids;
  • lipidemia;
  • alkaloids;
  • by glycosides;
  • with volatile essential oils;
  • vitamins.

Contains varnished tin and trace elements, in particular, they contain:

  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • molybdenum;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • sulfur;
  • germanium.

Particularly valuable components of the fungus are polysaccharides and triterpenes. It is these substances that give the same therapeutic effect, on which the use of ganoderm as a medicine is based.

Here it is - an elixir for weight loss!

Therapeutic action and application of

Now consider the effect of the fungus and preparations from it on the body, which makes ganoderma for weight loss one of the currently required biologically active additives. According to healers recommending drugs from the tinder, its effect is achieved due to several factors that have a beneficial effect on the body. In particular, such positive aspects of the application of the ganoderm drug are noted:

  1. Harmful microorganisms are destroyed in the human body, while the elixir distinguishes useful and dangerous bacteria, one Buddha is aware.
  2. Drugs have a calming effect on the body. Do not argue, but the usual tea with lemon and raspberries, or honey, it seems to us and tastier and more useful in this regard.
  3. Trutovik increases the overall immunity of the body. The aforementioned tea with lemon also increases immunity, and if you brew it with our meadow herbs: mint, oregano, thyme - what kind of turtliku can stand?
  4. Mushroom fights with manifestations of atherosclerosis. Donnik, clover, chestnut color and hazel, tavolga and mint - that's an incomplete list of truly Russian herbs shown in this disorder.
  5. They write that powders from a tinder pipe restore normal blood pressure. We will not argue with this either, but mint, hawthorn and chokeberry are all tastier than ganoderma.
  6. Preparations from the fungus restore the microflora in the intestine. This is in line with what is written in the first paragraph of our list. Something I do not want to swallow an unknown powder with gastric ailments. The same activated charcoal or tincture of berries bird cherry will cope much better, and they are more accustomed to the Russian organism.
  7. The effect of blood sugar reduction declared by the ganoderma healers is very miraculous. Diabetic people and without using a tinderpipe know how to deal with their illness and how to eat right.

Warning! Do not self-medicate, do not hesitate to treat your sores to qualified doctors. Do not rely on help ganodermovyh healers and other charlatans of this kind!

How to produce the ganoderma

Believes in the healing effect of the tinderpot people today can acquire their miraculous elixir in several forms. Healing tea or coffee blends. Drank a cup in the morning and enriched ganoderma spores for the whole working day.

  • Tablets and other dosage forms are the most convenient for use. Swallowed, washed down with water and forward to work, the mountains turn off.
  • Ready tinctures are convenient because they can not only be taken orally, but also used as an external medicinal product. Ganoderm coffee is a good start to the day!

    Ganoderma - grow thin together?

    Now consider what sellers say ganoderma drugs for weight loss, due to which an unprecedented effect is achieved. And after all, some are dropped, without straining to 22 kilograms per month!

    So, the first, the composition of the product is optimal for weight loss, judge for yourself:

    • cellulose;
    • proteins;
    • calcium;
    • magnesium;
    • potassium;
    • iron.

    No one argues that the listed components are useful for our body, but if we read carefully and understand ourselves, what do we have?

    Fiber. Bread, cereals, greens - all this contains fiber, almost consists of it, we eat these products every day without a tinderweed.

    Proteins. Meat, fish, legumes, good mushrooms, finally. If there are proteins in the form of beans with mushrooms, you can also lose weight a little, not 22 kg, of course.

    Other elements are part of the usual products, at most, you can buy multivitamins in the pharmacy.

    Conclusion! The claimed composition of the miracle components of the tinder is in the usual products!

    Benefit or Harm

    It's time to draw some conclusions. We carefully examined the opinions of the sellers of the miracle of the fungus and the rave reviews of the supposedly thinner and healed people taking the ganoderma. Our findings read below:

    • Harm to the body of drugs from the tin lacquer will not bring, unless, of course, do not eat too much healing powder or tablets.
    • Harm to the wallet will be serious, some ganodermic courses suggest the purchase of a miracle of elixirs worth more than 3000 rubles a month! And for a hundred grams of natural fungus ask 2000 rubles.
    • The benefits of the mushroom to its sellers are unquestionable, huge. Where else can you get rich for free so quickly. Think for yourself, for a hundred grams of natural fungus ask 2000 rubles. Trutovik, cut from the dried birch to 2000 rubles for a hundred grams. .. ochumet and do not get up!
    • Doctors of eastern and other non-traditional medical services, who have long been driven by a nasty broom and judged for their charlatanry, also benefit greatly from the appointment of drugs from the ganoderma. It is not by chance that often such a healer concurrently is the seller of the elixir.
    • Benefit will be given to some patients who are susceptible to slight suggestion. For them, taking drugs from a healing tinder will become like a placebo.

    Thus, once again I want to note that buying a widely advertised miracle, you primarily benefit the unclean dealers from medicine. Do not believe the reviews of "slimy" Internet ladies - often such reviews are written for money and have nothing to do with reality.

    You are treated in certified medical institutions by qualified graduates. And in order to really lose weight, learn how to eat and consume calories, exercise, go to gyms, and strengthen health there.

    If you want to see an honest video about ganoderm on the Internet, then you'll have to spend a lot of time searching for it. Mostly there are laudatory materials about this miracle of nature. We still found a story that will allow nature lovers to discover a tinder painted in an ordinary forest.

    • Mar 08, 2018
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