- Let's talk about the components of
- Is there any benefit in this combination?
- Cooking buckwheat milk porridge
Buckwheat is very tasty and useful. In our diet, it takes part in a variety of forms, most often it is a jerry - whole grain, from which a crumbly garnish is prepared and added to soups. There is also a stretch - crushed grain, added to minced meat for cutlets, meatballs and even baking. And on the market you can find buckwheat flour, from which fragrant pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and bread are made. Undoubtedly, each of these dishes deserves special attention, but in today's article we will not talk about them, but how useful buckwheat porridge is in milk, and consider the recipes for its preparation.
Let's talk about the components of
So, buckwheat with milk. There are only two components in this dish, if you do not take into account the sweetener, and each of them is known for its huge benefit to the body.
Buckwheat contains
- vitamins - E, PP, H and group B;
- mineral substances - manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, iron;
- proteins;
- amino acids;
- lecithin;
- pectin substances;
- cellulose.
Thanks to this complex of biologically active substances, buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, slags and other harmful components and supports the functions of the pancreas. Among other buckwheat groats is a fairly high level of iron. Thanks to this element, this product has a unique ability to normalize the activity of the heart muscle. Plus, it helps to improve the blood formula, increase hemoglobin level and normalize the process of hematopoiesis.
Buckwheat contains essential amino acids, which are necessary for the normal operation of the whole organism. A dietary fiber - fiber, take care of the digestive system and, in particular, about the state and functions of the intestine. There is its purification from harmful substances and the microflora is normalized.
Important! In the buckwheat groats there is a special amino acid - tryptophan. This substance is the main assistant in the construction of new cells, which makes it indispensable in such complex pathologies as cancer of the stomach and intestines!
Milk contains:
- vitamins - A, C, D, H, PP and group B;
- minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, chlorine;
- organic acids;
- saturated fatty acids;
- mono- and disaccharides.
When consuming milk, we have a positive effect on the body as a whole. So, the B vitamins promote the renewal of epidermal cells and improve the structure of the hair. Microelements help to improve the efficiency of the nervous system, relieve headaches and improve the quality of sleep. Calcium and phosphorus are the main building blocks for bone and dental tissue.
. Is there any benefit in this combination?
Disputes about the benefits and harm of buckwheat and milk do not cease for quite some time. Although it is worth noting that this dish for many years was prepared by our grandmothers and fed the whole family, and at the same time everyone felt fine and was full of health and had an excellent physical shape. However, despite this, many modern nutritionists insist that mixing these two products is highly discouraged and voiced the following reason: milk is an independent product and does not tolerate any neighborhood with cereals, especially with buckwheat - in most cases this tandem leads to a digestive disorder. However, here again it can be argued, since many people often use buckwheat milk porridge, feed their babies and do not know the problems with digestion.
Recommendation! In this case, you just need to take into account the characteristics of your body, and if your reaction to this dish is not very good, then you just need to cook buckwheat and drink milk separately from each other!
This version of nutritionists has an explanation. Buckwheat contains a record amount of iron, which interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, found in milk. Plus, the normal fermentation of milk buckwheat porridge is impossible. This is due to the fact that digestion of milk and buckwheat requires different enzymes, and it is this feature of the body that explains the frequent upset stomach and other digestive problems after eating this dish. In other words, if you get into the digestive tract of buckwheat milk porridge, the body begins to get rid of fat and cholesterol, which are in milk, and it simply does not have enough resources for healing and assimilation of nutrients.
But if after eating this delicious dish you feel fine and do not experience discomfort, and there are quite a few such people, then you should not deny yourself the pleasure.
. And for you we prepared several recipes for cooking buckwheat porridge in milk.
Cooking buckwheat milk porridge
This dish is good because it does not require any special culinary skills. Cooking it is very simple, and if you connect the imagination, then from the simplest products you can create several different culinary masterpieces.
So, we begin. We sort through buckwheat, remove all found black grains and rubbish. Fry it in a dry frying pan for a few minutes before the appearance of a characteristic odor for this cereal. This method allows you to make buckwheat more fragrant. Now proceed directly to the preparation of porridge. There may be several options.
- Pour into a pan of water, the volume of which will be twice the volume of buckwheat - if you have one glass of buckwheat, then two glasses of water should be poured into the pan. Bring it to a boil, a little podsalivaem and add the rump. Cook it until ready, then pour milk and add sugar or honey to taste. Milk buckwheat porridge is ready!
Note! The convenience of this cooking option is that you can dilute the groats with both hot and cold milk - everything here will depend on your desire!
- The second way is to boil the croup in water and melted milk, which should be taken in the same ratio. As a result, you will get a very delicate porridge with a pleasant taste. And baked milk will make the dish incredibly fragrant. Serve it to the table preferably after 20-30 minutes after cooking, so that the porridge is infused and thoroughly absorbed the liquid base.
- Buckwheat can not boil, but steamed in a thermos. Only in this version, the preliminary calcination of the cereals is carried out in the oven, spreading it in a thin layer on a baking tray. There it should spend about a third of an hour at a temperature of about 180 ° C.After that, we shift the buckwheat into a thermos, pour it with steep boiling water and tightly seal the lid. After half an hour we pour the porridge with hot milk and add sugar to taste.
- You can steal buckwheat porridge in another way. We take a large frying pan with high sides and calcine in it buckwheat along with a small piece of butter. After the appearance of a characteristic aroma, pour all the steep boiling water, a little salted and cook on low heat for a few minutes, then cover it with a lid, send it to a well-heated oven and leave it for an hour and a half to re-feed. Before serving, pour the porridge with milk.
- If you want the buckwheat porridge to turn crumbly, as they say, the grain to the grain, then this can be done in the following way. Bring slightly boiled water to the boil, spread the croup and, with a small gas supply, boil it to half-cooked. Then add a small amount of butter, cover with a lid and send it to a preheated oven to 190 ° C for a quarter of an hour. Ready porridge is laid out on portions plates and poured with fresh milk.
Milk buckwheat porridge in the multi-bowl
For some, the question of how to cook buckwheat porridge on milk in a multivarquet may be relevant. In general, this cooking recipe is not much different from the traditional method, but at the same time the multivarker allows you to save the owner time, because you do not need to constantly monitor the porridge.
We put the "Baking" or "Frying" mode on the multivark, calcine the groats for several minutes. Add water, a little salt and turn on the "Buckwheat" mode. Cook the rump until ready and after the signal from the multivarka fill it with milk.
Again, if you want to get a viscous porridge, then in this case the water should be mixed with milk initially, and the croup should be cooked in the "Milk porridge" mode. The time for cooking in this case will take more, since the dish will be cooked at a low temperature.
Note! If you turn on the "Buckwheat" mode with this recipe, the milk will "run away" through a steam outlet with strong boiling!
Buckwheat porridge on milk despite everything remains a favorite dish of many adults and children. There is its desirable at least from time to time, just while watching how you feel. And if you cook this porridge according to the rules and observe moderation, then you will surely get a great pleasure from its use and bring your body exclusively benefit.