- Useful properties of berries for lactation
- Curative action of berry juice
- Application of useful berries during lactation
During the gestation of a child, women are prepared for the period of breastfeeding. Therefore, by the time the baby is born, they already know what foods should be in their diet, and which are under the strictest prohibition. Pediatricians warn that the use of red vegetables, fruits and berries will cause allergic reactions in newborns. There is only one exception - sour cranberries. The composition of the marsh berry includes biologically active substances that have only a beneficial effect on the health of the mother and child. Cranberry during breastfeeding will help a woman recover after childbirth, will quickly form the immune system of the baby.
Useful properties of berries for lactation
Often women who plan to breastfeed for a long time face the problem of lack of milk. The reason for this can be physiological features, chronic fatigue, psychoemotional disorders. A young mother faces a difficult choice - to take medicines to enhance lactation or to transfer the baby to artificial mixtures. A worthy alternative to a pharmacological preparation will be delicious and healthy cranberry fruit drinks.
Warning: During breastfeeding, it is best to use fresh juicy berries. Dry cranberries are useful, but lost a significant part of organic compounds and microelements during processing.
To make enough milk, a lot of liquid must flow into the body of a woman. Sometimes this can lead to edema of the face, hands, ankles and feet. In cranberry morses contains a microelement of potassium, which has a diuretic effect. The use of berry drinks will provide the necessary fluid for optimal lactation, and the remnants will be removed when the bladder is emptied. Useful properties of cranberries are due to the biologically active substances entering into its chemical composition. Especially many berries of such compounds are:
- vitamins of group B, nicotinic and ascorbic acid;
- iron, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, phosphorus, selenium.
Trace elements and vitamins are able to penetrate all biological barriers, so they accumulate in breast milk. During feeding, the baby receives not only nutrients( proteins, fats, carbohydrates), but also useful cranberry compounds. They help to increase the resistance of the baby to viral, bacterial and fungal infections, strengthen its defenses.
Newborns often suffer from painful colic. Discomfortable sensations arise as a result of:
- deficiency of beneficial microflora in the intestine;
- unformed digestive tract.
Juicy bog berry contains phytoncides and polysaccharides, which promote active growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria. And organic acids stimulate the production of the digestive enzymes necessary for the cleavage and absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates by the pancreas. Gradual introduction to the diet of the mother of cranberry fruit juice prevents the development of putrefactive and fermenting processes in the child's gastrointestinal tract.
Curative effect of berry juice
Pediatricians and therapists answer the question of women whether cranberry during breastfeeding can be answered positively. After giving birth, the young mother gets all the attention of the baby, and there is not enough time to take care of herself. Lack of sleep, snacks on the run, constant nervous tension adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Its functional activity is markedly reduced, dyspeptic disorders occur - excessive gas formation, nausea. Pectins contained in cranberry juice, contribute to the normalization of digestion and peristalsis, remove from the stomach and intestines accumulated during pregnancy, slags and toxins.
Postpartum Recovery
During pregnancy, the body of a woman was subjected to enormous loads. This is a constantly increasing body weight, and a sharp change in the hormonal background. And after giving birth, the young mother feels a decline of strength due to night vigils and acute anxiety for the health of the baby. Not surprisingly, under such conditions, the full restoration of the woman's body is significantly slowed down. To speed up this process will help the realization that it is simply impossible to introduce everything into the diet of foods with a high concentration of nutrients. One of them will be cranberry juice, which has a multifaceted impact on the body:
- recovery of water-electrolyte balance;
- replenishment of stocks of vitamins and microelements;
- improved blood circulation;
- increased vitality;
- removal of toxins and toxins.
Regular use of cranberry juice will help a woman get rid of weakness, apathy, fast fatigue. A useful drink will have a positive effect on the appearance of a woman. Improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Pectins from the composition of marsh berries will accelerate the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, which will get rid of excess kilograms - a frequent cause of bad mood of the fair sex.
Recommendation: Introduction to the diet of cranberry juice rapidly stabilizes the hormonal background of a woman during breastfeeding. This will help the young mother get rid of sudden mood swings, increased anxiety, tearfulness.
Treatment of diseases
The mother's organism, weakened by pregnancy and childbirth, becomes an easy "catch" for pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Weakened immunity can not withstand them, and the use of many pharmacological drugs is prohibited during lactation. Help comes cranberry with HB, showing antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Especially actual use of berry fruit drinks in diagnosing the following chronic pathologies of the urinary system:
- pyelonephritis;
- glomerulonephritis;
- cystitis, including hemorrhagic.
Biologically active compounds of cranberries stop the inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urethra, bladder. Normalization of urination allows to wash out from all organs of the urinary system of pathogenic pathogens, to prevent the spread of infection.
Morse of cranberries will ease the breastfeeding condition of a woman and during respiratory diseases - tonsillitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Useful drinks will help reduce the temperature, eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Also important in the treatment of pathologies is the ability of cranberries to reduce the severity of pains of different localization.
have survived. The use of a useful berries during lactation.
. While breastfeeding a baby, you can include fresh and sugar-crushed berries, cranberry jams andjam. But the best option to stimulate the production of milk will be the use of mors. In the process of its preparation, you can not use dishes made of aluminum, because as a result of a chemical reaction the bulk of biologically active substances will be lost. How to get a tasty and healthy drink:
- Squeeze juice from two glasses of fresh cranberries with a sieve or juicer.
- Pour the juice into a separate container, and add a liter of hot water to the remainder.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for about five minutes.
- Cool, strain, mix with cranberry juice.
The healing fruit should be eaten 2-3 times a day after meals. With breastfeeding, you can improve the taste of the drink with only a small amount of sugar. To introduce cranberry juice into the diet should be gradually. For several days, you should drink a quarter of a glass, watching the reaction of the baby's body to an acid berry. In the absence of allergic rashes and gastrointestinal disorders, portions of cranberry mors can be gradually increased.
Warning: Contraindications to the consumption of bog berries are gastritis with high acidity, ulcerous lesions, thin tooth enamel.