Power in extreme conditions

According to the well-known hygienic norms, every day the human body needs up to 100 grams of protein, up to 500 grams of carbohydrates, up to 100 grams of fat, and sufficient intake of vitamins, trace elements and other essential substances. For normal functioning of the organism and moderate energy consumption, it is required up to 3500 kcal.

However, getting into extreme conditions, a person is forced to sharply limit his diet, stretch for a long time, the meager supplies of provisions. How to organize your meals in such cases?

What our body is capable of

Experienced by long ago it is proved that the human body can do without food for a very long time, while maintaining a very good mental and physiological tone. Modern examples are well known, for example, a period of up to 45 days of cleansing fasting on water is very common, there was also a case of 101-day fasting without harmful consequences for the body.

Also there are unique individuals who have completely moved away from traditional food and have switched to a trifle. The adaptive capabilities of the body, first of all, are manifested in the reduction of energy consumption and the weakened metabolism. All organs and systems of the body go into an energy-saving regime.

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A person weighing 70 kilograms has about 15 kilograms of fat, fiber, 6 kilograms of protein and other stocks, which in energy saving mode is more than enough for 45-day fasting.

Basic rules for feeding under extreme conditions

When preparing an emergency food stock, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of survival. So, in hot regions, the basis of the diet should be carbohydrates, and in the cold regions - proteins and fats. Naturally, in situations of extreme survival about taste preferences speech is not forthcoming. Even if you eat very little food a day, at least 300-500 calories, this will greatly facilitate the period of survival.

The ration is completed, as a rule, with products that have long shelf life and high energy intensity: canned foods, melted cheese, pates, sugar, chocolate, caramel, biscuits and the like. It is preferable to use in the diet lyophilized, that is, sublimated products - curd, vegetables, meat, from which the water is extracted harmlessly for the "structural lattice" of the product, which preserves the taste and nutritional properties after this procedure.

Lyophilized products have a much longer shelf life, due to the fact that in the absence of water, unfavorable conditions for the propagation of microorganisms, fungi and bacteria are created. Such products are used by cosmonauts in their diet.

Having found themselves in critical conditions, first you need to split all the foods in the diet. Do not disdain and the gifts of nature - you can and should eat game, fish, reptiles, large insects, edible plants. Of course, only those about which you are sure that they are not poisonous. In many regions of Asia and Africa, insects such as locusts and grasshoppers, cicadas with larvae, large caterpillars, various larvae of beetles and dragonflies, snails, etc. are very popular.

By the way, insects have good taste properties, but more importantly, they containall that is required by the body: vitamins, nutrients, a large amount of protein, vitamins B1, B2, they are high-calorie. You can eat them in raw, fried and baked form, having cleared first of hard chitinous parts( head, legs, wings, carapace).Hairy caterpillars, adult butterflies, beetles and earth mollusks, devoid of shells, are not used for food.

To eat under extreme survival conditions, you should at least twice a day - breakfast and dinner, drink plenty of water, teas, brewed from raspberry, currant, linden, hawthorn, mint, lemon balm and other plants. Most plants contain a large number of amino acids. When consuming greens in a significant amount of the body is saturated with oxygen and a huge amount of vitality and energy.

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  • Mar 05, 2018
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