The concept of negative calorie was discovered relatively recently. And it immediately made life easier for those who lose weight. After all, in order to get rid of excess kilos, now it is enough to eat the right foods, and not to wear yourself out with diets and training.
Foods with a negative caloric content are called food, which is difficult to digest and has minimal energy value. Such food is more difficult for the body to digest, and as a result of calories, more is spent on its processing and digestion than is contained in the eaten product.
Such products are also good because they can improve the digestion process. They include many useful substances: fiber, vitamins, trace elements. They help strengthen the human immune system.
Which products have a negative calorie content
Now we turn to the most interesting. What products have zero or negative calorie content?
- Unsweetened fruits and berries: apples, citrus, watermelons, currants, blueberries, blackberries, bird cherries.
- Many non-starchy vegetables: cucumbers, cabbage, radish, zucchini.
- Greens: various kinds of lettuce, dill, parsley, celery, spinach, basil.
All seasonings and spices also have a negative caloric content. With their help, you can accelerate metabolic processes in the body, and calories will burn faster.
Zero energy value in water and in all types of tea and coffee( of course, without sugar, milk and other additives).Nutritionists recommend losing weight to drink more liquid, primarily plain water and green tea. They help not only to lose weight, but also slow down the aging process.
Efficiency low-calorie products
Remember that you can not eat only low-calorie foods, because they have no nutritional value. These products do not supply the body with the necessary fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, if for a long time to limit their diet only to them, then in the body there will be a lack of necessary substances, and this will affect the general well-being of the person.
Do not also hope that you can lose weight by simply adding products with a negative caloric value to your regular diet, saturated with fats and carbohydrates. The low-calorie foods used in this way can not eliminate excess fats and carbohydrates, so unnecessary calories will continue to be stored in the most inappropriate places, perhaps a little slower.
To benefit from low-calorie foods, you need to use them correctly. Include them in the diet gradually. Replace some dishes from your usual diet for them. Use them for snacks. It would be better and more useful to have a snack with an apple than a sandwich. You can perfectly combine products with zero energy value and conventional products. For example, to make a complex sandwich with cucumbers and tomatoes or to cottage cheese, add raisins and other dried fruits.
And when your body gets used to a menu rich in such food, you can periodically arrange unloading days on products with a negative caloric content. During unloading, you can only use these products, any that you like best, without limiting their quantity, but without overeating. It is recommended not to repeat such unloading days more often than once a week.