Children and parents: meals at a common table?

Many modern moms have solved the issue of nutrition in the family very simply: as soon as a child grows up and can be transferred to general feeding, he becomes a full-fledged eater at the same table with adults. Not that laziness, or lack of elementary knowledge. .. but children with pleasure are eating fried potatoes, salads with mayonnaise, fatty dumplings, smoked sausages and sausages or spicy seasoning for meat and other "adult" food. Children are delicious, but they do not need it!

Or another example: but I'm going, I'm walking around the cafe! This means that the family went to dinner or dinner in a cafe, where the child also ate all at a common table. All would be well, but the child does not categorically approach such food. And let it was not fast food, which still has time to spoil the children's stomach in school years, and a full dish. Not only does modern man eat a huge number of surrogates and preservatives, the options for heat treatment of most dishes are simply unacceptable to the child's body. And when the child grows up, he begins to look at the cafe with friends. It turns out that home food not only happens occasionally, but it does not differ in any way from the "useful" properties of food.

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Let's take an average family: parents, a preschool child and a teenager. For breakfast, the kid will be given the same as for parents and older brother - from dietary muesli to sandwiches. Coffee will not be brewed to him, of course, but juice from a pack or milk will be poured. For lunch, children will eat with adults, which means that there will be soup, the second, a salad. The whole family also dines supper: delicious dumplings, rich soup or a meat dish.

At first glance it may seem that the food is very good. But this is not so. The child's body is unable to digest and assimilate fatty dishes, an abundance of spices, a large number of chemical additives. To the child, i.е.a growing body needs a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, which will come in a competent heat treatment. Therefore, cooking for children and adults is very different. And it should differ years to 18.

What do children eat? Shop milk products, soya starch cream, bread with artificial baking powder, fruit, tea, porridge( milk or water).At lunch they eat fatty heavy meals, often a mixture of foods that are recommended to eat separately, and fats then require carbohydrates, which contributes to the absorption of sweet. Hence, overeating, overweight, metabolic disorders. Moreover, except for the main food, children will always find something to eat to the detriment of health: snacks, sweets, chips, fast food and other foods and drinks. To refuse completely from them does not work, and there is no sense, but to take care of a healthy home menu is quite realistic.

In addition to the objective reasons for preparing personal food for children, there is an elementary food culture. The contradiction inherent in manifesting itself over the years will necessarily take its toll, and a child who has eaten up before may start to torment itself with diets. This also has a negative impact on his health, but there can be no sense, because the body grows, the hormonal background changes, the metabolism differs sharply from adults.

If from the very beginning children will receive balanced and harmless food, then by the time of growing up a habit and appropriate taste preferences will develop. But the "poisoned" organism, accustomed to the stresses of illiterate nutrition, will be awarded a severe gastritis by the age of majority.

Adults will find it difficult to eat a child's dietary food, so you just do not be lazy to cook separately, or do not forget that there will be children at the table.

How to divide the kitchen into an adult and a child

For breakfast, the older generation can choose sandwiches with sausage or cheese, chocolate paste or dairy products, that is - whatever your heart desires. Also a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, tea or milk. Some people prefer dense hot breakfasts and can eat a full-fledged second course. But all this is not necessary for children. From dairy you can choose only fresh cottage cheese, cheese, cheese, bread, tea with honey or jam. Also, the child can cook porridge for breakfast and fill it with butter. To accustom to a very sweet cereal is not necessary - carbohydrates to the child will get in a different kind, and in porridge, sugar will lead to unnecessary fermentation processes. Slightly sweetened enough. You can fry the baby with fruit puree, grind or whip a little cottage cheese with cream and make cocoa. If possible, it is better to use less dairy products in packs - there is no natural milk, and there is no trace of it. Sugar is needed for a child, so sweet tea for breakfast will be appropriate. It is very simple to make it vitaminous if you crush a little of any berries. The sweet drink is ready.

An hour before dinner, the child is well served fruit or berries. Kids better squeeze the juice, and squeeze out the leaves for steamed vegetable cutlets for lunch or dinner. A liquid dish is important daily, so it is desirable to cook soup for lunch or dinner as often as possible. If you did not manage to eat liquid, then its absence should be filled with fiber: peaches, corn, carrots. On meat broths we will focus attention. The broth will be useful in the event that there are no impurities of blood in it. Therefore, not only the foam should be removed after boiling, but also drained it at all, rinse the meat and put it in clean water. Then there will not be any blood left. Many mistresses mistakenly believe that the foam is harmless, even useful, since it is a protein. This is not true! Penka forms blood and this protein is highly toxic.

At lunch, the child does not need gravy to garnish. Fatty and fried, they strongly interfere with the digestion of food, so the garnish can be filled with finely chopped vegetables, steamed vegetable gravy or left dry and crumbly. And instead of a fried cutlet, a steamed or chopped boiled meat will do. Do not need children and marinades, as well as salads, dressed with vinegar.

At dinner, children can be given all the same things as adults, while trying to reduce the burden on the liver and pancreas. This is done simply: rich broth diluted with water, chicken meat served without skin, milk can not be stored in milk porridge, etc.

Fruits, vegetables, berries, greens, melons, potable water can be given to children without restrictions. Nuts are not. They are very useful, but only when they enter the body exactly in the amount in which they can be metabolized.

Despite the fact that such advice may seem empty, not carrying any new information, it will never be superfluous to encourage people to think about their nutrition. For some reason, many are confident that saving money on food for the sake of buying clothes or things in the house is a normal thing. Also, many are convinced that malnutrition is absolutely safe, because only the figure is more slender from this. Others even think that a balanced and literate diet requires serious material investment, although this is far from the case.

How to find the golden mean?

It's simple: to balance nutrition for children and parents. If children do not like the majority of "adult" dishes, it is easier for adults to adjust to a sparing home menu. But it's even better: the "right" food has never harmed the body. Even an adult. Moreover, it is much more convenient to cook so that the dishes are suitable for all members of the family, contain useful elements and not bear any negative consequences.

Despite the recommendations of nutritionists and pediatricians, most of us think about healthy eating only in case of illness. Then everything is recalled: harmful preservatives, excess of sugar in products, incompatibility of products and other unpleasant moments of nutrition. Dietary cuisine comes to the fore.

There is another extreme - a healthy diet every day. Moms carefully protect children from unnecessary sweets, cook lenten dishes, minimize consumption or completely refuse salt, prohibit drinks, different "Kinder-surprises", "Chupa-Chups". .. But children are children. They are not forbidden to be children. And to exclude completely harmful or surrogate food it will not turn out for what. What to do?

Let's look at this topic here from which side. Nutrition plays a crucial role in human health. If it is a question of the child - especially. Prohibitions and restrictions not only add stress, but also become inducing factors provoking violations. So depriving children of pleasure is also not an option. The solution is simple: to ensure a healthier and fuller nutrition at home so that a periodic disturbance of the balance of healthy food can not cause harm to health.

Feasts, an abundance of various dishes, salads with mayonnaise, smoked meat and marinades - all this will not be a burden to the stomach and intestines when it happens sporadically. Visiting cafes and restaurants will also bring pleasant emotions if the food in these institutions is not daily. Gostinitsy from beloved grandmothers in the form of bright rustling packages with chocolates, snacks, chips and other absolutely unnecessary organism, but such a delicious food will only be a joy. And children will not suffer from allergies, stomach upset, and pain in the abdomen. If they do not overeat, of course.

By the age of 16, the peak of active hormonal formation is coming. Accordingly, vital nutrition, sleep, physical activity is vital.full life. Since by this age a sufficient amount of slag can be accumulated in the adolescent due to illiterate diet, hormonal leaps will necessarily affect the health of organs. An excellent example is the hateful teenage pimples. And they are not just a consequence of hormonal adjustment, but a real sign of slagged intestines, unhealthy pancreas or gallbladder problems.

There are many more gastronomical useless temptations in adolescence. But even at this point the body must receive the right development from childhood, which is directly related to nutrition. A healthy teenager will not suffer at all if he allows himself a snack on the go with a hamburger or watch a movie with a pack of chips. When this is not a regular meal, but an occasional treat, the healthy gastrointestinal tract will not suffer from a variety of artificial additives. But the stomach with the intestines of a teenager who by the age of 15-16 has already acquired a lot of ailments due to malnutrition can respond with a bout from a bowl of broth.

How nice to see a healthy and happy family! It's great when the family has the opportunity to meet their desires without looking at health. And how to simply pay attention to what we eat. This should never be taken lightly.

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