It is widely believed that quality and harmless to the body food is very expensive. But this is nothing more than a myth, it is easy and simple to create a balanced diet, without throwing away big money.
Of course, some products will cost a certain amount of money, but it is not necessary to buy them daily, such products include sea fish, seafood, turkey, rabbit. From time to time it is enough to enrich them with the usual diet, not exceeding the norms of the family budget.
Observing simple rules, you can reduce the monthly cost of food, which are very expensive, but absolutely not useful for our health. Many years ago it was already noticed that with the increase of the family income, the expenditure items also increase, a large sum of money is spent on better clothes and food.
Rules for economical and healthy eating
Save on food - does not mean to use substandard or overdue products. Saving involves the inclusion in the diet of natural products.
- Eat at home. First, a daily visit to restaurants and cafes implies the expenditure of a decent amount of money. The cost of an average dinner from the main course, salad, drink and dessert will be 200 rubles. Having carried out simple mathematical actions, you can calculate that for workdays for lunch you will spend about 1000 rubles. The amount can be more, it is only you order a freshly prepared meat or an expensive salad. Secondly, in places of public catering you can not follow the caloric content of the dishes, check how fresh and quality the products are cooked. Find a way out of this situation is quite simple: do cooking at home, and then take it with you to work. It can be specially cooked meals, there may be sandwiches that you ate at breakfast. As a snack, fruit is suitable fresh or dried.
- Simple packaging. Do not pay attention to products with beautiful and bright packaging. Over its appearance, experts work to attract attention to the product. On the quality of such products will not be anything different from the goods in a modest wrapper. Remember that you need to pay for "brands".
- Make purchases in bulk. This is quite possible when you buy flour, pasta, various kinds of cereals, sugar, canned food. The larger the volume of packaging, the lower the price. Of course, you need to monitor the shelf life of products and not buy for future use cottage cheese, milk and other perishable goods.
- Exclude from the diet delicious, but harmful products, or at least seriously reduce their use. Such products include sausages, smoked sausage, caviar, cakes, cakes, cakes and sweets. These foods contain a large number of useless calories and fat. Buying them, you not only do not save money, but also gain extra pounds.
- Refuse also from conditionally useful products, such as cottage cheese with jam, grain bread or bread loaves with fillers, in which often cheese, ham and sesame appear.
- You will feel significant savings if you reduce purchases of alcohol and alcoholic beverages( beer, vodka, wine, tinctures, balsams, liqueurs) and soda water.
- Drink plenty of fluids. First, simple mineral water is inexpensive, and secondly, our body needs it very much. Water removes toxins from the body, accelerates metabolism and improves the course of biochemical reactions. There is absolutely no calorie in the water.
- Do not forget about the porridge. The role of porridge for human health is difficult to overestimate, it is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which the body needs for energy. Alternate different types of cereals, so that the porridge quickly you do not get bored. Barley, corn, millet, rice, wheat, oatmeal, semolina are inexpensive, and the benefits of using them are felt almost immediately. Regularly eating porridge, you will feel that discomfort in the intestine has disappeared, digestion has improved, and your body is regularly enriched with important vitamins and minerals.
- Vegetables and fruits must match the season. Prices for seasonal products, especially if they are domestically produced, are much lower, and the products themselves are healthier. Many exotic fruits that you regularly meet on store windows are broken by immature, and they keep up during transportation. To preserve their original appearance, as a rule, they are sprayed with various substances.
- Write a list of products. When shopping, try to stick to your plan, it will save you from the temptation to buy nonsense.
- Do not go shopping hungry. The worst adviser is a hungry stomach, he advises to buy different high-calorie foods in large quantities. Try not to buy children who often ask for "goodies", and distract you from the process.
- Do not fall for the trap of marketers. Choose products located on the lower or upper shelves, because right before your eyes are the most expensive goods. Remember that storefronts in stores are located in such a way that you will necessarily pass by the one that you are not interested in, but still take something from it.
Eat in a balanced way!
Keep an eye on the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Every day our body should receive 20-30% of proteins from the total amount of food consumed, 50-70% of carbohydrates and 20-30% of fats.
Carbohydrates are found in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Useful carbohydrates are quickly broken down in the body, maintain sugar at the proper level, and fiber improves the digestive system.
Proteins can be supplied to the body through products of milk origin, meat and fish. Choose foods without flavorings. Useful are fermented, kefir, sour cream, curdled milk, cottage cheese, cheese, they contain amino acids and bacteria that help strengthen the immune system and digestive system. Meat is considered the most expensive protein, but it is not necessary to use it every day. In the diet can also include proteins of vegetable origin( beans, beans, peas, lentils, nuts).Heavy meat dishes are consumed once during lunch, for dinner, prefer fish, cottage cheese or beans. Give up meat semi-finished products, they will not save your money, and they will not bring any benefits.
Fats, vegetable and animal oils can not be attributed to cheap products, but the daily need for them is very low, so when recalculating the price is not high. It will be enough to fill salads and prepared dishes with butter. Daily consumption rate can be considered 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
As you can see, to eat qualitatively and is useful, but at the same time inexpensive for each family. In this case, the effect of such nutrition will affect both your budget and your health.