If you had to remove the tooth: it is necessary to be afraid of pain or not?

Removal of teeth is known to mankind for several thousand years. And throughout this time, people face pain during an operation to remove the teeth. This is understandable, since there was a time when tooth extraction was performed without anesthesia.

And only as a result of the development of science and the discovery of highly effective anesthetics, dentists have a real chance to do tooth extraction without pain.

Due to the fact that today only the best drugs for pain relief are used, patients feel only a small discomfort.


  • The cause of the pain
  • When there is a pulsating severe pain
  • About the duration of the torment
  • To pull the nerve out of the tooth - is it painful or not?
  • Let's say pains - NO!

The cause of pain

Pain when removing a tooth is associated with the anatomical structure of the tissues of the mouth. They are permeated with a large number of nerve endings.

It is from their irritation that the affected area begins to hurt. Prior to the invention of highly effective anesthetics, the patient experienced severe pain directly during tooth extraction.

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As for today the operation for tooth removal is performed under local or general anesthesia, during this operation the patient does not feel pain.

All the unpleasant sensations are blocked, despite the fact that when the tooth is removed, soft tissues are injured and the nerve, which transmits pain, is irritated.

A person begins to feel pain when the action of the anesthetic ends. However, even then it is not sharp and acquires a mostly noisy character.

Pain sensations caused by tooth extraction, generally do not interfere with the normal rhythm of life and soon pass.

When there is a pulsating severe pain

It often happens that after a tooth is pulled out, the patient feels pulsating painful contractions. They are not a normal reaction to the removal of the tooth.

The cause of such complications lies in the following:

  1. Low-quality rendering of dental services .Alas, no one is immune from this, because here there is an ordinary human factor. Especially often there is pain, if the doctor has not completely removed the tooth and there are remains of the root in the gum.
  2. Inflammation of the socket, known as alveolitis .This pathology occurs most often in conditions of disruption of the formation of a blood clot that forms when the tooth is removed. It often happens that the clot was broken. In this case, an infection that causes pain appears in the hole left after removal of the tooth.
  3. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve .Often such a complication happens in the case of removal of the "lower" teeth. A dentist can damage this tooth, and as a result of this there is a strong shooting pain. By external signs, it is difficult to determine the changes.

It is necessary to visit a doctor urgently in such cases:

  • if the pain gradually intensifies;
  • if an unpleasant odor arises from the mouth;
  • there is swelling of the gums, swelling in the cheeks;
  • body temperature increased;
  • from the well there is a secretion of pus.

About the duration of the torment

The first unpleasant pain appears about three hours after removal. The pain is both permanent and periodic, can sometimes pass from time to time.

After a few days, maximum - in three or four, all the painful sensations completely cease.

With a difficult removal, or when the tooth was dystopic, the duration of pain is much greater. This is due to the fact that teeth are more injured in complex surgical operations. Pain can last up to ten days, sometimes more.

Sometimes painful feelings are supplemented by a headache, swelling of the cheek, swelling of the gums. These unpleasant symptoms also do not last long and gradually go away.

To pull a nerve out of a tooth - is it painful or not?

The dental nerve is a neurovascular formation with a complex structure. This tissue performs many functions in the body, and most importantly - it provides the tooth reaction to irritants, first of all, to cold or hot food.

As a result of some diseases, the nerve from the tooth is removed. This procedure leads to the fact that the tooth becomes dead, that is, it does not take irritants.

In this tooth does not occur and blood supply, that is, it eventually becomes duller and its strength decreases.

There are many cases when the nerve is removed. And always patients are interested in the question of whether it is painful to remove the nerve from the tooth.

Modern medicine has quite effective ways of getting rid of pain.

I must say that this was not always the case: a few decades ago such a procedure was very painful. Therefore, till now among many patients panic fear before removal of a nerve is widespread.

Today, the obligatory stage of tooth extraction is anesthesia. The most common local anesthesia.

For some indications, general anesthesia is administered under anesthesia. In such cases, the patient's consciousness is completely turned off. Local anesthesia uses highly effective anesthetics, which freeze teeth well.

Only after qualitatively conducted anesthesia and further preparation is carried out direct removal of the nerve. Modern clinics use disposable pulp extractors for this, allowing it to be done quickly and without causing much inconvenience to the patient.

In cases of complications during removal of the dental nerve, the patient feels severe pain. To overcome it, you should consult a doctor.

Let's say pain - NO!

The procedure for tooth extraction occurs only in a dental clinic.

Do not try to do this "at home", despite the fact that the network contains a lot of different information about this. Attempts to "home" tooth extraction are fraught with complications.

The dentist also has all the tools and preparations needed for this. Modern dental clinics ensure that removal will be as comfortable as possible. Do not try to pull out your loosened teeth by yourself: again, in a clinic you can do it safely, without risk to your health.

After the tooth has been removed, a cotton swab should be applied to the wound. It is held in the tooth for at least thirty minutes. Cotton swab promotes the formation of the hole and relieves pain. Pull such a tampon should be very carefully.

To prevent and relieve toothache is not recommended:

  • touch the socket with tongue and do not clean it with a toothpick;
  • rinse your mouth, you can only make a bath of antiseptic;
  • is not too cold and too hot food;
  • try not to breathe a cold mouth;
  • can not eat sweet;
  • do not smoke;
  • not to drink alcohol;
  • does not apply lotion to the gum, as this will only increase the pain.

If the pain becomes unbearable, then it is necessary: ​​

  • to accept Ketanov ( it is released only by prescription);
  • Nimesil relieves pain after 15 to 20 minutes;
  • with moderate pain is allowed to take Spasmalgon, Baralgin and so on.

How to pull out the tooth painlessly and what anesthetic methods are used in modern dentistry:

Pain after tooth extraction is entirely normal. It subsides in a few days, after the healing of the tissues of the oral cavity. Sometimes the pain can last longer, and this is due to difficult cases.

When you join the infection, the pain is pulsating and acute. In such cases, you need to contact the dentist. Remember that you can not get the tooth out yourself - you can "earn" inflammation and serious complications.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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