When teeth are badly hurt - it's not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for health. Therefore, it is not necessary to leave a visit to the dentist for later, but it is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible.
Tooth extraction, of course, the procedure is not pleasant, but it brings considerable relief. However, for the sake of it it is necessary to suffer still some time, as the process of wound healing has its own peculiarities, especially if complications arose after the operation.
Contents of
- Why is it really traumatic?
- What increases the risks?
- Possible problems
- Time required for complete recovery of
- What can lengthen the recovery process?
- How to accelerate healing?
- When is it urgent to see a doctor?
- Let's sum up
Why it's really traumatic
There's no difference in which technology will be used to remove the tooth. In any case, after intervention, the
- will remain on the mucosa of the mouth;
- bone wound( well).
Any violation of the integument is an open way to getting the infection into the body.
When the extraction of the tooth occurs, there remains a well, which requires a certain amount of time to heal. During this period, food can get into such a rank and "get stuck" there.
Despite the fact that human saliva has antibacterial properties, it also carries a large number of harmful microbes. That is why, after the operation, a certain time for healing is required.
With such manipulations, the dentist breaks the integrity of the mucous membrane, carries out a certain character of the rupture of blood vessels and nerves.
And to remove the tooth itself, the specialist has to damage nearby ligaments, muscles and other soft tissues. Therefore, the site of removal at first time becomes inflamed, although healing begins already from the first minute after the operation is completed.
Often the healing process is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- bleeding( discontinued after about 1-3 hours);
- pain syndrome in the area of the removed tooth, which can irradiate to nearby tissues and organs;
- reddening of mucous surfaces;
- can temporarily raise the temperature;
- because of swelling and pain, it is difficult to fully function the jaw.
These consequences after a tooth extraction operation are considered normal, but only if they do not start to progress.
What increases the risks?
To heal the wound successfully, many factors should be taken into consideration.
And in the first place - were there any other diseases before the operation of a person. If, for one reason or another, he had to take medications that help dilute the blood, then such a symptom as bleeding can be observed for longer than 3 hours.
And here is the first potential danger. The blood clot, which forms in place of the well, serves as a kind of blockage of the open wound. If it does not, then the risk of getting an infection in the body increases, which can lead to complications.
From oral hygiene, it depends not only the speed of healing, but also the risk of complications. The mouth is a fairly aggressive environment, since all food that enters there leaves its pieces. Thus, favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora are created.
Possible problems
Not always the operation is painless. Sometimes during an intervention a person gets injured, which lead to certain consequences.
If the doctor is not experienced, the patient violates the rules of oral hygiene or simply turned into questionable dentistry, this can lead to the following problems:
- Dry hole .We have already spoken about the blood clot, which should form in the hole. Its main purpose is
- Moisten soft tissue and serve as a barrier to germs. It can occur because of the individual features of the density of blood, the use of medicinal diluting drugs or because of intensive rinsing of the oral cavity.
- Alveolitis .It is an inflammation in which the gum begins to swell and hurt, and in the soft tissues, purulent discharge is formed. Such a situation can arise because of the infection or foreign body getting into an open wound.
- Paresthesia .This problem affects the gum and is a tissue paralysis. It occurs against the background of damage to the nerve endings that were located near the removed tooth. Here the recovery occurs on its own, without the help of a specialist.
- Change in the location of the teeth .If the doctor has not completely removed the root or the inflammatory process has begun in the operated place, it can affect not only the sore spot, but also the teeth that are located side by side.
- Damage can occur and more serious character, for example, fracture of the tooth or even the jaws of .To avoid such serious consequences, it is necessary to contact a qualified specialist, and not to look for cheaper products.
Whether the patient has had these or other problems after tooth extraction, depends directly on how long the gum and wound are healing in general.
Time required for complete recovery of
After the tooth extraction operation, healing will occur in two places in the mouth, in the hole and in the gum itself.
In each place regeneration will take its time:
- Well .After a couple of hours, a blood clot appears in the wound, which in no case can be removed. It is a barrier against infection. At this time, special attention should be paid to hygiene, starting with mandatory cleaning of teeth and rinsing, and ending with a special( temporary) diet. After 3-4 days, granular tissue appears on the site of the socket, which becomes the basis for the formation of a new layer of epithelium. By 7-8 days, the formation of bone tissue begins in the hole, which ends at the end of the 2nd week. A month after the operation, from the edges of the hole to the center, the cavity will be almost completely filled with bone tissue, and after 2-3 months, it will completely calcify.
- Desna .This part heals a little differently. How long the gum is healing after tooth extraction in each case individually, and the value will have a specific kind of operation. The fact is that with different manipulations the expert differently injures the gum. If the joints had to be sealed to tighten the edges of the wound, the gum will last for about a week, that is, until the dentist cleans the seams or they dissolve. Usually, soft tissues are restored by the end of 2-3 weeks, which means that by the time when the formation of bone tissue begins in the hole, the gum will be already in order.
External and internal factors can affect the healing process. Therefore, in some patients, healing takes place in 2 months, and for others it stretches by 3-4.
What can lengthen the recovery process?
Even a high-quality specialist does not give exact terms for healing. But he can warn about the potential danger that stretches such a process.
The rehabilitation process is affected by:
- Wound status .It takes into account the complexity of the operation. If the dentist performed the operation filigree, then the edges of the wound should remain flat, which means that the socket and the gum will heal quickly. When many errors were allowed and the technology of manipulation itself was not correct, the healing process would take much longer.
- Infection with .Germs can enter the wound, both after the operation, and during it. If the doctor is going to have a difficult tooth extraction, then there is a risk of casting carious residues into the wound, which will lead to the formation of suppuration.
- Location and care .After the operation to remove the tooth, the patient is prescribed and painted with detailed oral care, which includes rinsing. This procedure allows you to get rid of the remnants of food as much as possible, which can just become a trigger for suppuration. Especially, carefully rinse your mouth if side cutters are removed, because, with the help of brushing your teeth, not everyone can fully clean out long teeth.
These reasons always negatively affect the healing process. But besides that they can stretch it, they also lead to complications.
How to accelerate healing?
Removal of the tooth is a very unpleasant operation, which for a long time will remind you of yourself during the recovery period.
But it can be eased and speeded up if you follow the following recommendations:
- Rinse mouth .For such purposes, herbal anti-inflammatory decoctions( thyme, chamomile, calendula, sage) are used or a ready antiseptic solution is purchased in the pharmacy - Eludral, Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt, Givalex, Chlorgexin, Iodinol, etc. The procedure is performed 5 times a day( after almost every meal) for 2 weeks. But here the main thing is not to overdo it so that the blood clot does not wash out.
- Discarding bad habits of .It means there are cigarettes and alcohol. Such hobbies seriously weaken the immune system, which makes infection much easier to penetrate into the body. They also negatively affect the open wound.
- Analgesics .After the anesthesia goes away and a few days later, the patient will have a gum ache. In this situation, the doctor should prescribe special painkillers that can be applied topically or orally. They are taken literally for the first 3-4 days.
- Reparative preparations .To help quickly heal mucous surfaces, the affected area is applied with sea buckthorn oil or dental paste( Propolis, Solcoseryl, Stomafit or Rotokan).The application must be a dot.
- Diet .During this period, you must give up cold and hot food. It is also not recommended to eat food acids, for example, in the form of citrus products. From carbonated beverages to be abandoned too.
When is it urgent to see a doctor?
There are a number of situations in which a patient may have symptoms that indicate the onset of a serious complication.
These include:
- bleeding, lasting more than 3 hours and while it is abundant;
- severe pain and swelling of , which does not pass more than 3 hours and begins to affect nearby tissues and organs;
- temperature above 37 degrees , lasting more than a day;
- suppuration of ( white or gray cluster), which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and pain in the hole;
- headache , appearing together with the temperature and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
All these states require immediate response!
Summing up
To ensure that the postoperative period after the tooth extraction is optimally comfortable and without consequences, it is necessary:
- find a qualified dentist, with experience and dentistry, with good reviews;
- accurately follow all recommendations that the doctor will appoint;
- not take any medication alone;
- at the slightest warning signs, immediately seek medical help.
If you follow all these recommendations accurately, then the postoperative period after tooth extraction will pass easily and quickly enough.