What can and can not be done after tooth filling

Today, abstinence from food for 2 hours after tooth filling is not at all relevant, because modern technology makes it possible almost immediately to load the cured tooth without causing harm.

Different substances used for sealing need different times for hardening. And if the dentist did not bother to tell the patient what kind of material he applied, then it is possible to understand this matter on his own, having learned the detailed information about the types of seals.


  • When can you eat after the treatment?
    • In the old fashion - fill everything with cement
    • If you use glass ionomers
    • The temporary solution is a seal from plastic
    • Photopolymers - a breakthrough in dentistry
  • About drinks after and alcohol to
    • How alcohol and anesthesia combine
  • For smokers
  • When you can brush your teeth
  • The complete list of what you need to clean your teeth, What should I avoid after treatment?
  • Let's sum up

When can I eat after the treatment?

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How much you can not eat after tooth filling, directly depends on the material of the seal.

In the old manner - fill everything with cement

If filling the dental hole, the specialist applied the simplest option - cement, then you should take into account that the cement:

  • is the cheapest option;
  • is the most short-lived, for example, if the solution is not prepared by technology, then the cement product will crack and disappear after 2 to 3 years;
  • it will not prevent the outbreak of a new caries;
  • cement material cures for a long time.

Do not eat for about 3 hours.

If glass ionomers are used

Glass ionomers are a modern analogue of cement substances, they:

  • are harmless to the body;
  • are not afraid of moisture, so they are easy to apply in places that are difficult to dry, because getting there is problematic;
  • is rapidly cured.

There is possible in 2-2.5 hours after treatment.

The temporary solution is a plastic seal

Plastic temporary filling in addition to its toxicity and propensity to cause inflammatory diseases of the gums, very quickly settle down, losing shape under the influence of food and taking the color of the drinks consumed.

It is not recommended to eat food for three hours, although in any case such seals will lose their appearance.

Photopolymers - a breakthrough in dentistry

Photopolymer seals, just outside under the influence of air do not harden, it requires exposure to a special lamp with ultraviolet, thanks to this treatment, the decomposed radicals of the solar composite, activate the solidification process.

It turns out that immediately after lifting from the dental chair you can eat.

In addition, light seals have many advantages, they:

  • are aesthetic, which makes it possible to use them for restoration of the front dentition;
  • they are very durable, which means that they restore chewing teeth;
  • average life of light-curing products is 5 years.

For all its advantages, the light seal has a certain number of drawbacks:

  • shrinkage - when hardened, it shrinks by 5 - 0.8%, which causes it to break away from the tooth walls and under it caries may appear, with small areas of fillingthis is not a problem, but if such a large area, then complications arise;
  • appearance of deformation in the product itself during shrinkage;
  • insufficient polymerization - under the influence of a polymer lamp it hardens to 60 - 70%, which negatively affects its strength and color qualities.
Important: The photopolymer is a safe material even for pregnant women, so it is used to treat women in the position.

Fillings of metal very long harden, at the same time, because of the increased amount of mercury, they cause allergic reactions, leave a aftertaste of the metal. We do not recommend to install them.

About drinks after and alcohol before

When restoring the front row with light seals, the doctor may impose some restrictions on the use of coloring drinks - tea, coffee, hot chocolate, tomatoes, beet juice, since this material is easily colored, then the specialist will recommenddo not take a certain time of these drinks.

Also, the "white diet" is recommended to be used after bleaching for a longer result of the procedure.

How to combine alcohol and anesthesia

On the day of coming to the dentist, alcohol intake is strictly forbidden because:

  • is not known how the body reacts to a mixture of alcohol and anesthesia, because these two chemicals can give an unpredictable reaction after interaction;
  • ethyl alcohol, contrary to the opinion of its ability to anesthetize, can neutralize the action of the drugs themselves;
  • double liver load;
  • and in general the doctor may refuse admission of a patient under a shaf, he has full right to do so.

The intake of alcohol after the filling of the dentition depends entirely on the complexity and duration of the work, in this case it should take at least 24 hours after the tooth is sealed or grinded.

For smokers

Can I smoke after tooth filling? This issue must be resolved with the doctor after the treatment that he has undergone.

Tobacco smoke, contrary to popular belief, does not affect the coloration of the seals.

However, nicotine adversely affects the degree of healing, so the use of cigarettes after the closure of dental holes should be avoided within 24 hours, because of its destructive effect on enamel.

When to clean teeth

The use of a toothbrush after filling is dependent on the quality of the filling material.

If a cementitious material was used or a temporary seal was used to treat it, do not use the toothbrush before it solidified, and also use it too actively, so as not to wash the seal.

A complete list of what should be avoided after the treatment of

As today's methods of restoration of the dentition allow to save even the most destroyed tooth, observing certain conditions, the patient prolongs the life of the filling material and the tooth as a whole:

  • if during the filling, the specialist used materialscapable of self-solidification, you should eat after 2 - 3 hours, and the full load of the teeth given after 3 - 7 days;
  • when using metal pins should not be eaten very hot;
  • so that the material does not break down, do not eat refined food, chicken, fish and meat pits should be excluded;
  • is also not worth eating fragile and solid food - crackers, sherbets and so on;
  • should be cleaned with nuts, seeds and seeds from fruit should be removed by hand before getting into the mouth;
  • after each meal, resort to cleaning the dentition;
  • in the first day after visiting the cabinet, do not apply lipstick and avoid taking staining food products;
  • if the food is acidic, it is necessary to rinse after a meal mouth cavity, in order to get rid of aggressive acids;
  • between teeth is worth cleaning with dental floss, and if there are permanent prostheses - super flosses;
  • chewing gum is available after meals for 5 - 10 minutes, no more;
  • not to stuff too much in the mouth of solid ingredients, take them portionwise;
  • during the first year should be used to polish the seal from 1 to 4 times, the amount will be determined by a specialist;
  • eat slowly, thoroughly chewing food;
  • sweet should be dosed, not at night and exclude it between meals.

Let's sum up the

So that we do not want to eat immediately after visiting the dental office, it's not worth visiting it for the hungry, by the way, experts themselves say the same.

And not only because the well-fed person is more relaxed and relaxed, but also for the reason that his saliva is less active, and this simplifies the work of the doctor.

Moreover, if anesthesia was applied during the event, then it's better to eat after completely stopping it, so as not to mutilate your tongue or cheek.

And most importantly, do not ignore the recommendations of specialists and then your restored teeth will serve for a long time.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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