How to quickly and painlessly pull out a tooth at home

Visiting a dentist is a process that people of all ages are afraid of. Sometimes this fear can grow into a panic. Especially this problem concerns small children.

People are ready to endure any kind of torture to avoid a visit to the dentist. When rinsing, taking painkillers does not help, and the pain becomes unbearable, there is only one solution - the tooth needs to be removed.

It is at such times a person thinks about how to tear the tooth at home. In addition, there is not always an opportunity to visit a dentist.

If the tooth falls apart or staggers - it can be removed by yourself. The procedure does not become problematic or painful if you follow a certain methodology.


  • How to pull out the milk tooth
    • How to prepare for the tooth removal
    • Everything is simple and fast
    • What you need to do after. ..
  • Permanent tenants are removed not so readily. ..
    • Preparatory activities
    • Act carefully but persistently
    • Postfactum. ..
  • instagram viewer
  • Possible consequences
  • This is important- Do not make standard mistakes!
  • And can all the same to the doctor?

How to pull out the milk tooth

Most often in the removal of a baby tooth, children need. The first milk teeth begin to stagger at 5-6 years, and to 12 drop out completely. To remove such teeth itself will not be difficult.

The reason for the removal of the milk tooth can serve as:

  • prevents the development of a permanent tooth;
  • the milk tooth is afflicted with deep caries, the possibility of recovery is absent;
  • tooth causes a purulent process of adjacent tissues or rot itself.

In each of these cases, the tooth must be removed.

How to prepare for tooth removal

First of all, the child should be prepared morally. A narrated story about a dental fea or Mouse will help a baby to move the process more easily.

A tooth pull can be turned into a game. Fantasy will help transform the process into something important for the baby. Next to the child you can place your favorite toys. They will support it morally and significantly reduce the transferred stress.

Before the procedure, the child should be fed. After tooth extraction, you can not eat for 2-3 hours. You should remember about hygiene.

The process does not cause excessive bleeding, but after its implementation there remains a small wound. It can penetrate microbes or get leftovers of food. This can cause infection. To avoid it, before the procedure, you should thoroughly brush your teeth.

Everything is simple and fast

The easiest way to get rid of a problem milk tooth with the help of loosening. The process can be performed with your fingers, after having washed them thoroughly and disinfected with an antiseptic solution, or ask the child to pump the tooth with his tongue.

A negative feature of the method is the length of the procedure. In addition, it may not always be effective.

It is much easier to pry a milk tooth with a silk thread. One end of it should be tied to the tooth, and the other should be left in the hands. Confident movement, you need to pull the thread and pull out the tooth.

It should not touch the skin, otherwise sharp movement can cause damage. Do not jerk without warning.

What to do after. ..

After removing the tooth, the wound should be treated and the mouth rinsed. To stop bleeding, put a cotton wool. It can be moistened in a solution with an antiseptic effect. Chlorhexidine will do.

Wadding should not be removed within half an hour from the moment the tooth is removed. Eating can be done no earlier than 2 hours after the procedure. During this time, the edges of the wound will be slightly tightened.

Permanent residents are not so reluctant to. ..

It is almost impossible to wrest a permanent tooth of the house without pain and help and use this procedure only in exceptional cases!

Preparatory activities for

Before the removal procedure it is necessary to eat well. After its implementation, food intake should be postponed for 3-4 hours. After eating, you need to thoroughly clean the oral cavity.

Brushing your teeth, do not forget about cheeks and tongue. On them, too, can remain pieces of food that can get into the wound and lead to infection.

Then you need to rinse your mouth with a solution containing alcohol and take painkillers.

An assistant is required. Independently to try to make an injection in the gum is not worth it. Exercise without an anesthetic is not recommended. Removal of the tooth will be associated with severe pain, which not everyone can endure.

There is an alternative to pricking. Many pharmacies sell anesthetic spray or pills. Just in case, you need to prepare drugs for first aid.

For removal you will need:

  • gauze;
  • cotton wool or tampon;
  • antiseptic.

Having decided to tear out the molar at home, a person should pay careful attention to his condition and the root system.

A careful inspection is necessary before removal. If the tooth is in a deplorable state, crumbles, it gives a strong pain when touched - from the extraction process should be discarded.

Proceed cautiously, but persistently

If the tooth does not deliver a strong discomfort when touched and does not risk falling apart from squeezing - the procedure can be continued. When starting the removal process, you need to make sure that the anesthesia has started to work.

It should be determined how tightly the tooth holds. If it staggers, you should wrap a piece of gauze on your finger and gently remove the problem tooth. Do not pull or try to snatch it. The process must be carried out with the help of scrolling movements.

You can occasionally try to pull it out. But do not try hard. If the tooth is susceptible - you can pull stronger, but jerks should be avoided. The procedure should be carried out carefully.

If the tooth is held tight, then remove it without special tools will not succeed. In this case, you need to contact a specialist. Only he can qualitatively complete the removal process. Continuing to deal with getting rid of the problem tooth itself, a person runs the risk of inflicting severe pain.

If the tooth is kept in the gum is very weak, then the method used to get rid of the dairy will be suitable for its removal. It is necessary to take a thread, oblige it around the tooth and gently pull it. The movement should be directed directly from the face.

Postfactum. ..

After the removal process, apply a tampon soaked in a disinfectant solution to the wound. It must be kept for 30-40 minutes until the blood stops.

A wound is formed in the wound, designed to protect it from the external environment. Remove the tampon carefully, so that together with it you can not remove the clot. If the bleeding does not stop, then immediately consult a specialist.

After tooth extraction, the mouth can not be rinsed for 24 hours. The gums need to be cooled. For this, a cooling compress is suitable. But do not apply it for longer than 10 minutes. This can lead to hypothermia of the gums.

If pain persists after 1 day, rinse and use analgesics.

And it is possible to pull out a tooth even so, the truth is milky:

Possible consequences of

After the tooth extraction process, the gum or cheek may swell. The cause of this can be trauma during the process or infection. In order to remove the consequences of the first cause, ice must be applied to the cheek. It should be kept for 10 minutes, then removed by 20, then applied again.

If the puffiness does not subside for the second day, you should apply a warm wet towel to your cheek for 20 minutes. If the problem persists, then an infection has been entered. To eliminate its effects, you should contact a specialist.

To avoid the consequences of infection, you should check the mouth cavity for its presence.

If redness is present, an unpleasant odor, pus appears at the site of the removed tooth, or the overall state of health worsens - this indicates that infection has begun. You should immediately go to the dentist.

The difficulty of removing the molar is that it is possible to not be able to wrest it without the help of tools. This can lead to an aggravation of the problem and increase pain. It is better to immediately consult a specialist.

This is important - do not make standard mistakes!

Having decided to remove the tooth at home, a person puts himself at risk. It is worth knowing that it can be expected by the consequences:

  1. Damage to nearby teeth .Will lead to their rapid destruction.
  2. Gum disease .May cause inflammation.
  3. The ability to leave shards in the wound. Not completely removed tooth can cause inflammation.
  4. Ability to leave part of the root of the tooth in the gums of the .This can lead to a festering process.
  5. Incorrect wound treatment .May cause a negative reaction of the body or cause infection.

Incorrectly performed procedure can cause harm to health. In the wound can get dirt, which can lead to infection or inflammation. In this case, surgical intervention may be required.

When performing the procedure at home, it is possible to set aside roots or damage the jaw. The fragments left in the gums can provoke inflammation.

Do not use forceps or pliers. They can harm enamel of neighboring teeth and crush the removed.

Carrying out a tooth extraction at home, it is necessary to find out what the person was sick and what medicines are suitable for him. There are no universal pain relievers. For each person, drugs must be selected individually. Some medicines can complicate the process of getting rid of a problem tooth.

And can all the same to the doctor?

Only a doctor is able to correctly assess the situation. The dentist will remove the problem tooth without harm to health and is completely painless.

The dentist has the necessary tools. He will carry out tooth extraction without harm to adjacent tissues. Only a doctor is able to choose the right anesthetic, which will not harm a person's health.

Do not be afraid to visit a doctor. Self-removal can lead to dire consequences, which can lead the patient to the dental chair more than once. It is better to overcome yourself once, than to get rid of the consequences over and over again.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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