Pain signals the body of danger. It can work falsely, but sometimes it's pain that helps prevent serious health problems.
If after some time after the operation to remove the tooth, the ear starts to ache, this is not a reason to panic, before something needs to be done, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon.
- What is the cause of the pain syndrome?
- Shooting sensations in the ear as a symptom of a serious problem
- How to minimize risks before, during and after the procedure
- What to do, how to be, how not to run yourself?
What is the cause of the pain syndrome?
When a tooth is removed, some soft and bony tissues are damaged. After the procedure, they will heal about four months. In normal cases, pain should not be disturbed all this time. The ear usually hurts no more than 2 days, but sometimes it happens that the pain does not subside even a few weeks after the extraction of the tooth.
The reason for this - the previous odontogenic periostitis( it is also called a flux) or a feature of the structure of the roots.
For the treatment of teeth, specialists use anesthesia, and it has side effects. Pain sensations can be caused by the reaction of the body to a specific medication. Pain in the ear, temple or head occurs due to damage to the nerve or gum.
But most often the ear( as well as the throat, whiskey and gums) can get sick after the removal of the wisdom tooth, the reason lies in the specificity of its structure. In addition, it is difficult to get to the wisdom tooth. As a result, the tissues and nerves are damaged, and then sharp or shooting pain appears. Do not worry, the pain syndrome will abate as soon as the nerve endings are restored.
Another reason for acute and continuous pain is infection in the hole. Probable cause - disregard for the advice of a specialist. Categorically, you can not rinse the oral cavity a day after the procedure, and otherwise there is nothing to be surprised: after removing the tooth, a blood clot remains in the hole protecting the nerves and participating in the formation of bone tissue, it can not be removed.
Therefore, doctors do not advise to consume hot food or rinse the mouth cavity within 24 hours after the end of the operation. Otherwise, the blood clot resolves and there is pain, which gives in the ear and whiskey.
Acute pain, which can not be handled - an occasion to consult a dentist. The specialist will advise the means by which to rinse the mouth to remove inflammation, and prescribe drugs to eliminate pain.
Shooting sensations in the ear, as a symptom of a serious problem
One of the most common causes of pain is the alveolitis. This is an inflammation that affects the socket. This happens if the blood clot does not appear or is washed out by the patient.
The progression of the disease is signaled by the growing pain that begins to disturb after a couple of days after the tooth extraction procedure, it does not subside and gives to the head, ear, whiskey, jaw, eye, forehead. Experts explain this by the fact that the branches of the trigeminal nerve and pain fibers that are in the shells of the brain and on the walls of the vessels are irritated. This leads to the onset of pain in the area of the head and face.
Sometimes the patient raises the temperature, an unpleasant aftertaste appears in the mouth, and swallowing is accompanied by pain. It becomes difficult for a man to open his mouth. He feels pain in the muscles, joints, fatigue and drowsiness. The gums blush and swell. Bluish shade is a sign that the disease has taken a serious shape.
How to minimize risks before, during and after the procedure
Use the services of professionals. Beforehand, tell your doctor about the possible intolerance of a particular pain medication. A specialist can easily select an analogue of the tool, and you can avoid unpleasant sensations. Be sure to tell the doctor what medicines you took in recent days.
After completion of the operation, apply a cool compress to the jaw. Keep it as long as possible.
The cotton swab is removed after half an hour after tooth extraction. If the blood continues to go, leave it for at least an hour.
It is not allowed to consume solid food and rinse your mouth within 24 hours after the operation. You can not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks for three days. Eat carefully, make sure that food pieces do not fall into the hole. Consume only liquid and soft foods, refrain from seeds, nuts, etc.
Contraindicated taking a hot shower or doing physical activity. It is important to monitor the pressure. The site on which the tooth was removed can not be touched with either tongue or hands. Smoking is also worth giving up. Cleaning your teeth is better to postpone for a whole day.
What to do, how to be, how not to run yourself?
If symptoms of the disease are found, you should immediately visit a specialist. He will conduct a primary diagnosis, perhaps ask him to donate blood to clarify the diagnosis. The doctor will prescribe a treatment, the main purpose of which will be the prompt removal of the infection and the removal of acute pain. Therapy will be performed using antibiotics, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Specialist will clean the hole, remove purulent deposits from it, and then treat it with a special agent. If a patient has a dry hole, the doctor will apply cotton swabs with ointment. The patient will change them every day until his well-being improves.
In addition to the dentist, you should contact LOR.
One of the most important conditions for effective treatment is complete rest. It is highly recommended not to overexert. The best solution is bed rest.
You need to consume liquid in small quantities. It is better to refuse food. To alleviate unbearable pain, you can take an antispasmodic, but you should carefully read his instructions.
Treatment lasts for several days. For a couple of weeks after recovery, the patients experience residual pain and weakness.