What do moles on the face mean?

The importance of birthmarks interested people since ancient times, because of their location it was possible to determine not only character traits, but also fateful events in a person's life. Thus, in the Middle Ages, people with a lot of moles on the body were executed, as they were considered marked devils. During the Renaissance, women, on the contrary, themselves painted themselves birthmarks - "flies", which were fastened to different parts of the face. With the help of such artificial birthmarks the representatives of the weaker sex communicated with the gallant cavaliers, informing them of their secret desires.

  • Aspect of the birthmark form
  • The value of the color and size of the birthmark
  • Hair on the mole
  • Birthmarks on the forehead
  • Birthmark on the bridge of the nose
  • Birthmarks on the eyebrow
  • Birthmarks on the temples
  • Birthmarks on the cheeks
  • Birthmarks in the eye area
  • Birthmarks on the nose
  • Birthmarksspots on the lips
  • Birthmarks on the cheeks
  • Birthmarks on the chin
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Value of the birthmark form

The form of the mole contains secret information about the person:

  • a birthmark of round shape testifies to important events in destinyhuman;
  • birthmark in the form of a line warns of dangers;
  • birthmark in the form of a crescent indicates the propensity of its owner to adventures;

  • birthmark of a triangular shape symbolizes increased sensitivity;
  • the birthmark of the square form warns of the passionate nature of its owner.
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Value of color and size of birthmark

  1. Birthmarks of pink color. Such birthmarks are prevalent in successful and sociable individuals who are respected by their surrounding people. Birthmarks of pink color are favorable signs, which help to achieve high results in all undertakings.
  2. Brown moles. Birthmarks of brown color are characteristic for freedom-loving people with high creative potential who like to travel and are able to have fun. People with a predominance of brown moles on their faces are able to defend their positions and have intuition.
  3. Red moles. A person with a lot of red moles on his face is an intellectual who likes to do research. A striking feature of it is also stubbornness and unwillingness to change one's point of view.
  4. Black birthmarks. The predominance on the face of moles of black color is a bad sign. Such people have an uneasy life, accompanied by constant financial problems.

The larger the birthmark, the more active its negative impact. Moles of small sizes are not fatal for a person.

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Hair on the mole

Long hair on the surface of the mole is a bad sign that indicates poverty, as well as the irresponsibility and conflict of the person. People with short hair on the surface of a mole are able to take risks and are real careerists. They do not spend money on trifles and prefer large investments.

Hairless moles - favorable signs, indicating the rapid career growth of their owners.

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Birthmarks on the forehead

According to statistics, most of the birthmarks are located in the person on the forehead. Men with a mole above the eyebrows are permeable and highly intelligent. A male representative with a birthmark on the right side of his forehead is a real leader and an excellent organizer who does not know how to cede.

The mole on the left side of the forehead is characteristic of weak-willed men, who are capricious and prone to unpredictable behavior.

If the female has a mole in the middle of her forehead, then her family life will have many difficulties. Women who are prone to temptation and sacrifice for the sake of a loved one have a mole on the right side of the forehead. The secret sign on the opposite side of the forehead guarantees the woman family fun and home comfort. The mole, located above the right eyebrow, speaks of a person's high spirituality.

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Birthmark on the bridge of the nose

The presence of a birthmark on the bridge of the nose is characteristic of creative natures. Usually its owner likes to get acquainted with people, to travel and fantasize.

Birthmark on the bridge of the nose, according to esoteric teachings, is the chakra of the "third eye".The owners of such birthmarks have every chance to become clairvoyants or mediums.

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Birthmark on the eyebrows

For a man, a birthmark on the right eyebrow symbolizes harmony in family life or a profitable marriage. He will always be lucky. The birthmark of a man, located on the left eyebrow, may indicate an unsuccessful marriage, as well as unhappy love. Such men are distinguished by indecision and inconstancy in love. Representatives of the weaker sex birthmarks on the eyebrows promise a happy marriage and a loving man.

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Birthmarks on the temples

People with a mole in the left temple area are sentimental and sensitive individuals who are characterized by absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Small pink birthmarks on the temples indicate a person's secrecy.

Moles on the right temple predict success in business and rapid material well-being. Women with moles at large temples are often lonely and unhappy in their marriage. They portend a happy union of a birthmark on both temples.

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Birthmarks on cheekbones

Birthmarks located on these areas of the face are typical for eloquent and resolute people who are ready to fight for high ideals. Owners of birthmarks on cheekbones occupy leading positions. At imperious women the birthmark is on the left cheekbone.

If the birthmark is located on the right cheekbone of a person - you have an excellent leader, who is respected by his subordinates. Often such a person is a real workaholic. In indecisive and very scrupulous men, a birthmark can be seen on the left cheekbone.

In the representative of the weaker sex, the birthmark on the cheek indicates a closed character. Such natures do not tolerate criticism and differ sensitivity.

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Birthmarks in the eye area

Birthmark in the upper eyelid of the left eye tells about the ability of a person to benefit from any situation. The mole on the lower eyelid of the left eye indicates the jealousy of its owner. At passionate natures the birthmark is on the upper right century. Birthmark under the right eyelid is characteristic for owners of a choleric temperament.

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In men, a red birthmark in the corner of the eye indicates its temperament and analytical mind. Birthmark pink in the eye area promises a man longevity and a successful marriage. In women with high libido, the birthmark is located in the inner corner of the eye.

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Birthmarks on the nose

In cheerful and sociable people, birthmarks are located on the tip of the nose. At representatives of the weaker sex, birthmarks on the nose symbolize impermanence and frivolity in romantic relationships.

Birthmarks near the nostrils foreshadow a person a harmonious and successful marriage. If a woman's mole is located on the left side of her nose, this indicates her success in a loving relationship, and a man's for windy, unreliable and amorous.

Birthmark, located under the nose, indicates the commitment and ability to independently seek recognition in society.

Men of a birthmark on the edge of their nostrils foreshadow material prosperity and family happiness. Representatives of the weaker sex - a rich, but unhappy family life.

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Birthmarks on the lips

Birthmarks on this part of the face are characteristic for cheerful people with a sensual nature. If a mole in a man is located on the upper lip, this indicates the softness of his character and sociability. In a passionate and demanding woman, the mole is also on the upper lip.

Birthmark on the lower lip for representatives of the strong half of mankind is considered a favorable sign, and for women - an unhappy sign that indicates vulnerability and weak adaptation to life's difficulties.

People who have a mole under their lower lip can find a way out of any difficult situation and defeat their own fears.

Moles, located on the red contour of the lips, indicate the robust health of their owners and portend well-being in marriage.

Representatives of a male with a mole, which is located above the upper lip, possess a rare gift of persuasion, and women - the ability to critically treat their own person.

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Birthmarks on the cheeks

The birthmarks on the right cheek will help to achieve success in business. The mole on the person on the left cheek symbolizes the difficulties that he will have to overcome on the way to independence and success. Most creative individuals have a mole on the left cheek.

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Birthmarks on the chin

Birthmarks that are on the chin of a man, speak of his despotism in relation to the female sex. If you saw a birthmark in the center of the chin of a representative of the fair sex - in front of you an uncompromising and stubborn man who is inclined to aggressiveness and dictatorship. A woman's birthmark on the right side of her chin is considered a happy sign, which gives her possessor optimism and wisdom. If the birthmarks are located on the left side of the chin, this indicates a woman's egocentrism and inconstancy in love.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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