Advantages and disadvantages of baths made of acrylic

Thanks to a large selection of models, ease of transportation and easy operation, acrylic baths are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. In the technological competition, light acrylic bathtubs benefit from the previously popular heavy-duty cast iron baths, but they also have some drawbacks, so before you buy such an item, you should carefully study its pros and cons.

  • What is acrylic
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • How to choose a bath
  • How to care

What is acrylic

For the production of acrylic baths, a modern polymeric material is used, based on sanitary acrylic or polymethyl methacrylate. It is a plastic material, capable of taking any shape when heated, and retaining it after cooling, perfectly amenable to processing and withstanding loads. Unique properties of acrylic are strength, water resistance, durability of operation.

Acrylic bathtubs can be made from monolithic or from cast acrylic, and also in the form of "sandwich-system" from several glued layers. The most common baths are monolithic acrylic with reinforcing reinforced layers, they are considered to be of better quality than the others and are particularly strong and of high cost.

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When choosing an acrylic bath, you need to know about its advantages.

  • Lightness unlike cast iron and steel baths. To deliver the product to the apartment, now it will not be necessary to attract movers, or you can completely handle on your own.
    The weight of an acrylic bath often does not exceed 30 kilograms.
  • Plasticity. Acrylic well takes any form. The technology of manufacturing acrylic coatings for baths means heating the material to the desired temperature, after which the product under vacuum is given the necessary shape. If desired, you can even order an exclusive bath in accordance with the preferences of the customer.
  • The presence of a metal frame for stability.
  • Thermally conductive properties. Unlike metal baths, the water in which cools quickly enough, acrylic is a warmer material, it keeps the water temperature 3 times longer.
  • Acrylic is pleasant to touch.
  • The surface of the bath is smooth, not slippery.
  • Acrylic absorbs sounds well, so the process of filling the bath with water is almost silent.
  • With proper use, acrylic preserves its natural color for a long time and does not darken.
  • A damaged acrylic bath can be easily repaired with liquid acrylic or a special acrylic liner.
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  • Budget models can deform when heated.
  • Some thin baths can sag under the weight of a person.
  • Dropping into an acrylic bath of a heavy object can cause cracks in the coating or holes.
  • Acrylic is sensitive to the effects of household chemicals, unlike metal baths, for cleaning which you can use almost any detergent.

  • For an acrylic bath you will need a special delicate product that does not contain any abrasive particles. Such gels keep the bath in its original form, without scratches and color distortion.
  • Quality acrylic bath has a fairly high price.
  • When used improperly or with care, it has a relatively short life.
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How to choose a bath

When choosing an acrylic bath, you should immediately decide what size, shape, volume and color the product you need. The same applies to the functional features of the model, the necessary technical devices, if it is necessary to embed depressions or protrusions, lights, whirlpools or other additional functions. Only after this you can proceed directly to the selection of the product.

Before choosing a particular acrylic bath model, the selected sample should be examined for several important features:

  • thickness of acrylic sheet;
  • quality of material;
  • characteristics of external coating;
  • presence of a reinforcing frame.
  • loading. ..

If you approach the selection carefully, then in the future you will not have to experience problems.

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How to care for

Some tips for the care of acrylic baths:

  • Acrylic baths should not be cleaned with hard jaws or with abrasive substances, as this can cause mechanical damage, thus ruining the appearance of the bath.
  • Do not allow excessive contamination so that you do not have to use chemicals. It is enough to wipe the surface of the bath with a rag soaked in soapy water daily, and it will shine with pristine whiteness. Shine can be preserved by simply rinsing the bath with hot water.
  • To prevent the appearance of rusty spots and salt deposits, it must be checked that the mixers are closed and water does not drain from them.
  • If you have to bathe pets in an acrylic bath, then, to avoid scratches from the claws, it is enough to put a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub.
  • It is undesirable to put metal buckets and basins in an acrylic bath, they can scratch it. It is better to use plastic containers.
  • Mar 05, 2018
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