And although the curvature of the nasal plate is a fairly common phenomenon, it must be treated. This is due to the fact that this pathology leads to the development of a number of adverse effects that prevent the patient from living and working normally. Of course, the most effective method of therapy will be surgical intervention. But if the deformation that arises is not so pronounced, then conservative methods can be used.


  • 1 Treatment in adults
    • 1.1 Use of special tools
    • 1.2 Folk remedies
    • 1.3 Respiratory techniques
  • 2 Treatment in children
  • 3 Laser treatment
  • 4 Reviews

Treatment in adults

When a patient feels better after conservative therapy, it is advisable to repeather at every aggravation, avoiding surgical intervention.

Using special tools

ultrasound devices

On the photo - ultrasound device

You can eliminate unpleasant symptoms with the help of special ultrasound devices. This includes Vitafor. It has a vibro-acoustic effect on the affected area. Less often apply the Fairy and Atmos Antinasmo.

instagram viewer

With a cold, it is effective to use the Nebulizer. To perform therapeutic measures with the help of these instruments, it is necessary only in accordance with the instruction that is attached to them. For example, for the therapy of nasal congestion, the Vitafon should be applied to the sinuses of the nose in mode 2 for 10 minutes.

nebulizer for adult nose

On the photo-nebulizer for the nose of an adult

Folk remedies

You can stop the swelling caused by an uneven plate, with the help of a healing massage. For these purposes, you need to prepare a cream based on propolis. He put on the cheek area, which is close to the nose. The cream is rubbed into the skin and touches the nasal sinuses, repeating circular motions. Perform all these actions better before going to bed.

massage of the nose

On the photo-massage of the nose

You can stop the unpleasant symptoms of an uneven septum with the help of such exercises as "dun-spit".For these purposes, it is necessary to use purified water in which to stir a pinch of sea salt.

the child has mucus in the nasopharynx Why the baby gets mucus in the nasopharynx, and what medications help to help with this problem, is described in great detail in this article.

But how to remove mucus from the nasopharynx, and what can be done with this problem, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know why the nose is dry and peeled: http: // korki-v-nosu-prichiny-lechenie.html

Perhaps you will also be interested to know whether it is possible to have a pregnancy during pregnancy.

Prepared solution to draw in one nostril, and then another, while holding a little in the nasopharynx, and then spit it out sharply. If such actions are performed several times in a row, then you can completely stop unpleasant symptoms.

Eucalyptus and fir esters will be an excellent remedy for eliminating swelling in the nose. For therapeutic manipulation it is necessary to take one drop of oil and add to a glass of water. Dip into the solution a cotton disc, and then press it into the region of the sinuses. The duration of the manipulation is 10 minutes. Perform daily in the morning and in the evening.

eucalyptus ether

On the photo-aether of eucalyptus

To cope with the pain and tightness in the nose will be ordinary black tea. It is necessary to brew it hard, and then breathe over hot air. Top with a towel to keep the tea cool. How effective are essential oils for preventing colds, and how they should be used.very detailed in this article.

Breathing techniques

respiratory equipment for the nose

Performing special breathing exercises, you can quickly remove the discomfort and pain in the nasal cavity. Correctly built technique effectively reduces edema, restores mucous membrane and eliminates nasal breathing.

For these purposes, you can use exercises from the classic Kutsudzo Nishi course. It is necessary to lie down on a soft surface, legs bend and dissolve so that the feet touch each other. The patient should be completely relaxed. Execute a deep breath of air and wind the connected palms behind your head. Do not breathe for about 5 seconds, and after you send your hands down, towards the pelvis area. Again take a breath and do not breathe for 5 seconds. Perform the presented actions for 10 approaches 2 times a day.

You can also perform frequent breaths with your nose. This exercise is called "pharynx".It is necessary to absorb small amounts of air flow, and then take a deep breath. You can perform such actions as many as you want.

On the video - curvature of the nasal septum, treatment without surgery:

Treatment in children

treatment of a curved septum in a child

To apply surgical treatment to correct uneven preparation for children can only if they are already 16 years old. Otherwise, perform the operation only as a last resort. And this is due to the fact that before the age of 16 the plate develops, so that it is able to align itself. When the baby is sick all the time, you can first try to apply non-surgical techniques, and already in case of emergency use surgical intervention.

At home, you can use vasoconstrictor drops, antibacterial drugs, washing solution and sprays. But all these capable therapies bring only temporary relief. To completely stop the problem, you need to understand and eliminate the cause of its development.

In childhood, the septum can be corrected with a non-surgical method, such as laser septoplasty. But it is advisable to apply it in cases where the deformation is insignificant and affects only the cartilaginous tissue.

On video - curvature of nasal septum without operation:

Osteopathy is no less popular. This is a non-surgical method of therapy, for which a painless external effect on the cartilaginous tissue is typical, this technique should also be applied not to a slightly infected defect. But the doctor can choose the final method of therapy, taking into account the patient's health, the degree of deformation and age of the patient.

Laser treatment method

This procedure is today one of the most sought-after treatment for an uneven nasal septum. To do this, you need to use local anesthesia. The operation lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. All manipulation is carried out under the control of the video camera, thanks to which it is possible to recognize the exact microscopic cuts.

With the help of laser treatment it is possible to minimize bleeding and disinfection. In the process of laser treatment, mucosal lamination occurs in the region of the plate.

Using special tools, remove the affected cartilage tissue and the bone portion of the plate. They straighten them in a special way and put them in place. After this, you can apply seams.

On video treatment of curvature of the nasal septum with laser:

The advantages of laser treatment include:

  • can be performed on an outpatient basis;
  • occurs with little or no blood;
  • required local anesthesia;
  • does not make sense to apply tight tight tampons at the time of rehabilitation.
    treatment of curvature of nasal septum by laser

    In the photo-treatment of curvature of the nasal septum with laser

In addition to positive factors, there are a number of drawbacks, which include:

  1. To soften the laser radiation only cartilage tissue is capable. But the nasal plate consists of a combination of cartilaginous and bone tissue. And to meet only the curvature of the cartilaginous area so far has not happened.
  2. The laser treatment method has not been fully studied yet, so it's not always clear how the tissue reacts to the powerful thermal effect in the future.
  3. Today, not everyone can afford laser treatment today. And this is due to the high cost of therapy. The average price of such therapy is 35,000 -70,000 rubles.

And here's how the treatment of chronic tonsillitis occurs during pregnancy, and what means the best, is described in great detail in this article.

Why does the ear become blocked without pain after a cold, and what can I do with my own hands at home with this problem.

It will also be interesting to learn about where to put an asterisk for a cold, and how it can be properly selected.

Which nose spray for allergic rhinitis should be used and applied, and how to choose it correctly, will help to understand this article.


  • Maria, 34 years: "I knew about my diagnosis - curvature of the septum, since I was 20 years old. But this pathology did not particularly bother me until a certain moment. But somewhere about 3 years ago I began to notice, then I had one nasal stroke that was committed, I had to use vasoconstrictive drops. But then my headaches became more frequent, I began to feel broken and tired. I went to the hospital where I was offered laser treatment. I was not particularly familiar with this technique, but the result surprised me pleasantly. I did not even think that it would be possible to solve the problem that so quickly troubled me for so many years. The rehabilitation period was short, and afterwards I finally felt relief. "
  • Kirill, 35 years old: "A couple of years ago began to notice symptoms such as headaches, nasal congestion, I always had colds all the time, although before that they did not hit me so often. I decided not to delay it and ask for help. I was diagnosed with a curvature of the septum and was prescribed laser treatment. The procedure lasted only 40 minutes, after which I went home. After 7 days, I was removed from the stitches. After that, my condition improved and no complications arose. "
  • Anna, 26 years old: "I was diagnosed with a nasal septum at the age of 10 years. But my mother did not dare to do the surgery, as we hoped that the plate would even out. But the miracle did not happen, and after 16 years I was forced to perform a laser procedure to align the plate. Just want to say that this method is the most effective, while the risk of complications after treatment is minimal. The only drawback I noticed is that it's expensive. "

It is impossible to completely cure the curvature of the nasal septum without surgery. At home, you can use a number of effective techniques that will simply fit the patient's condition, but do not fight the problem. Of course, you can try laser treatment, but despite its effectiveness, this method of therapy does not always get tired of the problem and there is a relapse.