Sleep is a physiological state of rest, in which the work of consciousness is completely or partially stopped. Sleep provides rest to the sleeping organism, normalizes the heartbeat, helps restore the immune system and the nervous system. The value of sleep is a very important issue in the life of every person, since a regular, healthy and timely sleep can protect the body from external negativity and a variety of diseases.
- Science and fiction
- Energy value
- Value by time of day
- Sleeping value by the clock
- Value of daytime sleep
Science and fiction
Many people consider the value of sleep to be fiction, but it is scientifically proven that in sleep the body temporarily disconnects from the whole world. During this period, the person replenishes the lost energy, the body becomes psychologically protected, the muscle fibers and nerve cells are restored. All these moments are very important for normal life.
The value of sleep by the hour has also been repeatedly scientifically tested and its validity is proved. Since lack of sleep is the first cause of many health problems.
For normal health throughout the day, a healthy person needs to sleep 7-12 hours. If you approach the issue of recuperation based on the value of sleep, then sleep all 12 hours is not necessary, it is just to know at what time of the day you need to sleep 1 hour to get a new portion of vivacity.
to contents ^Energy value of
There are basic stages of sleep that affect its energy value. These stages are the stages of transition to a slow sleep, and its duration is 90 minutes:
- 1 stage - half-day. In this case, the person has not yet fallen asleep, he feels the temperature drops, hears the surrounding noise. This stage of sleep does not bear value and lasts about 15 minutes.
- 2 stage - falling asleep. During this period, it is easiest to wake a person and such awakening is often accompanied by a slight fright. The stage lasts about 30 minutes and can already be considered valuable if the threshold of half an hour has passed.
- Stage 3 - the beginning of sleep. At this moment of sleep, a person goes through the half-hour threshold of the sleep state and is completely immersed in a slow sleep. At this stage the human body becomes practically unshakable by external factors of influence( noise and other).The 90-minute stage lasts and is of direct value for recuperation.
- Stage 4 - deep sleep. This stage is the continuation of slow sleep. The transition to deep sleep is carried out during a long sleep for a complete recovery of energy, and not to recharge the body. This stage can last up to 12 hours or more. Only at the 4th stage of sleep a person is completely calm and peaceful.
Value by time of day
There is no specific requirement or definition how much and whenneed to sleep. This question is solved individually by each person, depending on their own strengths and needs. For a specific time of sleep, only children live who need to sleep at least 10 hours at night and at least 2 hours during the day.
The optimal and valuable time for the sleep of an adult healthy person is at night until 24.00.Only in the midnight period the body completely replenishes the lost forces and restores every cell of the body.
to the table of contents ^Sleep value by the clock
Time of day | Time of sleep for 1 hour |
from 19 to 20 hours | 7 hours |
from 20 to 21 hours | 6 hours |
from 21 to 22 hours | 5 hours |
from 22 to 23 hours | 4 hours |
from 23 to 24hours | 3 hours |
from 0 to 1 hour | 2 hours |
from 1 to 2 hours | 1 hour |
from 2 to 3 hours | 30 minutes |
from 3 to 4 hours | 15 minutes |
from 4 to 5 hours | 7 minutes |
from 5 to 6 hours | 1 minute |
The value of daytime sleep
It is known that daytime sleep is an integral part of a person's day since childhood.
This sleep enhances mindfulness, increases the speed of the visual reaction, increases overall endurance and performance.
It is important to remember that daytime sleep should not be less than 30 minutes in time, since in such a short period only the stage of slow sleep is coming. If you wake up during this period of transition half-hour time threshold of sleep, then the body does not gain energy, but only its performance will decrease, a bad mood and headaches for the rest of the day are guaranteed.