Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is known for its ability to help in the absorption of calcium in the human body. In addition, it normalizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. A feature of vitamin D is the property to form in the body under the influence of ultraviolet. This is its main difference from other vitamins. Where vitamin D is found in large quantities, read on.
Calciferols functions
- The main function of vitamin D is an auxiliary function, without it calcium is absorbed slowly in the body, and therefore loses its effectiveness. Calcium is necessary for the correct formation of all bone tissues, and for their strength throughout the life of a person.
- In cancer, calciferol performs a regulatory function - it synthesizes hormones and prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.
- Protective function. Vitamin D helps protect the body from infections, multiple sclerosis, heart and vascular diseases and other serious problems in the body.
- Responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and muscles, helps maintain blood pressure in normal.
- In the process of hematopoies, vitamin D is "responsible" for the normalization of the level of not only calcium, but also phosphorus.
- As a preventive agent, calciferol is used in diseases of diabetes mellitus, some types of arthritis and osteoporosis, as well as eye injuries.
- Thanks to the full absorption of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, there is a complete transfer of impulses, muscles contract, and the protective shells of nerve cells are able to recover.
- Coordinates the processes of insulin production in the pancreas.
Benefits of vitamins of group D
It is known that vitamin D is divided into two forms, for their designation use the digital indices D2 and D3.The first( ergocalciferol) enters the body only with food, the second( cholecalciferol) is able to form under the influence of sunlight. Due to this feature, D3 is often referred to in the literature as a "vitamin of light".But it is worth considering that ultraviolet does not penetrate the skin through glass, protective creams and tanning sprays, and through clothing.
- D3 has a beneficial effect on the immune system and contributes to the breakdown of the protein that causes Alzheimer's in elderly people.
- For women and men of middle and older age, vitamin D intake is very important, since they are at risk for osteoporosis, which, as is known, is not completely cured and is characterized by increased fragility of bones. With osteoporosis any bruises are fraught with fractures or the formation of cracks( nail).Therefore, doctors prescribe such calcium medications in combination with vitamin D.
- For pregnant women, vitamin D is needed as a preventive measure against the occurrence of rickets in a baby. And even children under 5 years of age are recommended regular intake of this vitamin, especially in winter, when there is little sun. But it is necessary to avoid an overdose in infants - premature overgrowth of the "fontanel" may occur.
- Dentists for strengthening tooth enamel and dentin are also advised to adhere to the regular use of calcium-containing drugs in combination with vitamin D.
- As a complex therapy to strengthen the general condition of the body and increase efficiency, vitamin D will do just fine.
However, any doctor, before prescribing medication, will advise you to try to fill the lack of calcium and vitamin D with food and outdoor recreation. So what kind of food is high in the content of vitamins of group D?Let's consider in more detail. What fruits contain vitamin D?Unfortunately, in the products of plant origin, vitamin D is practically not present. In some fungi, there is a substance ergosterol, which can already be synthesized into vitamin D. in the human body under the action of ultraviolet. Which vegetables contain vitamin D?In an insignificant amount cholecalciferol is found in potatoes, oats, parsley, horsetail, dandelion greens.
But when choosing foods rich in calciferols, the action of the sun should be considered. The organism in the summer sunny day is able to synthesize up to 10 mcg per day with only a half hour walk.
Vitamin D is found in fish oil, this is the most famous source of it( 210 μg / 100 grams).However, in the first place - the liver of cod( 375 mcg / 100 grams).For better orientation on other products, you can use the table.
Product | Quantity of vitamin D( μg / 100 g) |
Herring fat Atlantic | 35 |
Sprats | 20,5 |
Bifidolact | 17.0 |
Nonotensia | 17.0 |
Ket | 16,0 |
Acidophilin | 16,0 |
Canned food from salmon | up to 15,0 |
Pink salmon, trout | up to 12,0 |
Margarine | 10,0 |
Chanterelle fries | 8,8 |
Caviar | up to 8,0 |
Yolk of chicken eggs | up to 8,0 |
Butter butter | up to 3,75 |
Oyster mushrooms | 2,6 |
Kefir, ryazhenka | 2,5 |
Bird liver | to 1.37 |
Cheese | up to 1,0 |
Cottage cheese | 1,0 |
Beef | up to 0,37 |
Corn oil | up to 0,25 |
Milk powder whole | up to 0,25 |
Cream | 0,2 |
Sour cream | 0,15 |
Whole milk | up to 0,1 |
As with all substances, be it vitamins or minerals, vitamin D has contraindications for use. In particular, doctors recommend refraining from drugs with this vitamin for such health problems as:
- stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- hepatic and renal diseases( acute failure and chronic forms);
- certain diseases of the cardiovascular system( myocarditis, congenital heart disease, ischemia, myocardiopathy).
Patients with an active form of pulmonary tuberculosis should also not take vitamin D, since its overdose can cause breathing problems. And of course, if your blood test shows an elevated calcium content, then you should take great care in taking vitamin D.
Excess vitamin as well as deficiency adversely affects human health. He has no appetite, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone, sweating, fever and convulsions may occur. The skin acquires a yellowish or earthy hue, frequent and painful urination occurs, the head hurts. Children usually have the same overdose symptoms as adults.
Overabundance of the vitamin is caused not by products, but by medications taken, their reception must be coordinated with the doctor. Most likely, at signs of an overdose he recommends to you to make a break in therapy.
Remember that at least 90% of the total volume of vitamin D is synthesized in the body by the action of ultraviolet rays. But before choosing a place for sunburn, make sure that the beach is clean. With polluted air, ultraviolet light passes through the skin badly, and there will be no benefit from such a tan.