Wildflowers are found in our life everywhere. People are accustomed to the fact that they are surrounded by an innumerable meadow of bright colors. But many of us do not know the name of this or that flower, how it looks, where it grows, its useful properties and scope. We bring to your attention the brightest selection of 100 field and meadow flowers of all regions of growth with photos, names and descriptions.
- Aquilegia vulgaris
- Aconite Jungar
- Althea officinalis
- Amaranth spiked
- Pansies
- Ledum
- bells lilielistny
- Valeriana officinalis
- knapweed
- Cornflower blue
- Anemone sylvestris
- coronilla vetch
- Carnation meadow
- Geranium meadow
- Highlander snake
- Highlanderpepper
- Highland bird
- Gentian
- Cuckooon mountainous
- Grushka
- Goose onion
- Devyasil
- Delphinium
- Wild onions
- Donnik
- larkspur Field
- St. John's wort
- Strawberry
- Golden rod
- centaury
- zopnika
- Iris
- Cyprus uzkolisty( Ivan-tea)
- Aristolochia Clematitis
- Clover Tillage
- Trifolium repens White
- Clover pink
- feather grass
- Salsify Meadow
- Bellflower ordinary
- Furrier field
- Blood spoon medicinal
- Bathing-pot European
- Cupren fragrant
- Lily-of-the-valley
- Linen ordinaryfirst
- Lugovoi tea
- common toadflax
- Platanthera bifolia
- Lupine
- Ranunculus repens
- Poppy Field
- cuff
- mother and stepmother
- Medunitsa
- Dandelion
- comfrey
- Eyebright
- Blindweed
- Primula officinalis
- tansy
- galeopsis ordinary
- Ivy
- bedstrawpresent
- Artemisia bitter
- Primrose primrose
- Lumbago
- Chamomile
- Chamomile chamomile
- Chamomile yellow
- Hazelchess
- sverbigi eastern
- Serpukhov
- feverweed
- cyanosis blue
- campion
- Smolka ordinary
- pasqueflower
- Barbarea vulgaris
- Meadowsweet
- Yarrow
- Tulip Field
- Violet meadow
- Horsetail
- Horseradish
- Chicory Common
- Thyme
- Ramson
- Chernogolovka ordinary
- Thistle
- Purity
- Salvia
- Cinnamon Cinnamon
- Dog Rose Dog
- Rose Stock
- Esparset
- Echinacea
- Echinocystis lobate
- Ashdollia
- Orchis
Aquilegia vulgaris
A bush plant up to 80 centimeters high. Leaves are gray-green shade, three times dissected. The flowers are blue or dark purple( can be pink, white, red, purple, blue-black) to 5 centimeters in diameter. Flowers on high thin shoots. Winter-resistant plant. Withstands the harsh climate of the Urals.
to contents ^Dzhungarian akonite
A bush perennial plant up to 2 meters high. The leaves are rounded, five-dissected, dark green in color. Flowers are dark-violet large, five-leaved, aureole-shaped up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers on the shoots a lot. Frost resistant plant. It is used in folk medicine.
to contents ^Althaea officinalis
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 50 cm in height. Leaves oblong, pointed, are located throughout the stem( from below - large, from above - small), a gray-green color. Flowers are solitary, concentrated in the top of the stem, gently pink, up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The plant does not withstand severe frost. It feels good in the suburbs. Extensively used in medicine.
to the table of contents ^Amaranth, colossal
Herbaceous plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves alternate, oblong, up to the stem small. The flowers are small, yellowish-green, collected in thick spicate inflorescences. It grows in fields and meadows throughout the whole of Russia and Ukraine. The plant is unpretentious to climatic conditions. It is used in food industry and medicine.
to contents ^Pansies
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. Leaves alternate, glabrous, petiolate to the top of the stem. Flowers large, tri-colored, tetrahedral up to 6 centimeters in diameter, on thin pedicels. Frost-resistant plant. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine.
to table of contents ^Lambdock
A perennial plant bush up to 2 meters in height. The leaves are small, located throughout the stalk, a gray-green color. Flowers four-leaved, crimson with a bright intoxicating aroma, up to 4 centimeters in diameter. There are many flowers on the pedicel, they are collected in umbrellas. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.
Lilia leafy bush
A herbaceous perennial plant of the Bellflower family up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves are narrow, dark green, rare. Flowers are small, arranged in a row along the entire upper part of the stem, gently violet. The plant is widespread in Siberia and grows in Ukraine. It is used in medicine.
to the table of contents ^Valerian officinalis
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves are upper and lower, long-petioled, the main stem is poorly bred. Flowers are pale pink, fragrant, small to 5 millimeters in diameter, collected in umbrellas. It grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
Cornflower meadow
A herbaceous perennial weed plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves oval-elongated, pubescent, gray-green. Flowers are pale pink to 5 centimeters in diameter, in the inflorescence form a basket. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.
to table of contents ^Cornflower blue
Grassy perennial meadow plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves pubescent, lanceolate, oval-elongated, gray-green. The flowers are bright or dark blue to 5 centimeters in diameter, in the inflorescence of the basket. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine and cosmetology.
to the table of contents ^Forestwort
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 20 centimeters in height. The leaves are carved, dark green, located in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are large, white with a pronounced smell of honey. Blossoms in the warm regions of Russia and Ukraine. A rare protected plant.
to the table of contents ^Veazel mouse peas
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1.5 meters in height. The stem is branchy, creeping. Leaves are small, complex, ashy-green in color. The flowers are small, purple, collected in a corolla. Very popular in the vicinity of Novosibirsk. It is used in folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Carnation of the meadow
A herbaceous perennial dicot plant up to 40 centimeters high. Leaves are linear, pubescent. Flowers are red, pink, rarely white with five serrated petals. A rare meadow plant protected in the Saratov region.
Geranium meadow
Herbaceous perennial dicot plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem leaves are five-parted, the upper sessile three-parted. The flowers are large, wide open, numerous, lilac with five petals. It grows everywhere. It is used as raw material in medicine.
to contents ^Highlander snake
A herbaceous perennial plant with a branchy single stem up to 1 meter high. Leaves are radical, long, in the form of a feather. Inflorescence spicate, dense, with a lot of small pink flowers. Frost-resistant plant in the regions of Western Siberia. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
to contents ^Highlander pepper
Grassy perennial plant of the Grechishny family. It reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. Stem is thin, branched, erect. Leaves feather-shaped, located throughout the stem. The flowers are small, white, collected in spicate brushes. It is widely used in the food industry, traditional and folk medicine.
to contents ^Highland bird
Herbaceous plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Stems branched, weaving, creeping. The leaves are shallow, dark green, symmetrical throughout the stem. Flowers are small, white, randomly distributed throughout the stem of the plant. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine. Used as a fodder plant.
to table of contents ^Gentian
Long-term half-shrub up to 1.5 meters in height. Stems dense short, straight. The leaves are thin, long, dark green, arranged symmetrically throughout the stem. Flowers large, single, bell-shaped. Flowers are blue, blue or purple. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.
to the table of contents ^Gorish of the Kukushkin
Herbaceous perennial plant with a straight stem up to 90 centimeters in height. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged symmetrically from top to bottom along the stem. Flowers are pink, collected in a corymb-like panicle and concentrated in the upper part of the plant. It grows in most regions of Russia and throughout Ukraine. It is widely used in folk and traditional medicine.
to contents ^Grushanka
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are large, dark green, round-ovate, serrate. The flowers are small, white-pink, collected in straight racemose inflorescences. Frost resistant plant of the Caucasus, Siberia and the Far East. Medicinal plant, used in medicine.
Goose onion
Herbaceous perennial bulbous onion short-stemmed plant up to 15 centimeters in height. The leaves are long, growing in the radical zone by a separate parrot. The flowers are small, bright yellow with a pronounced honey smell. Heat-loving plant. It is used in cosmetology and folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Devyasil
A long-standing bush plant up to 1 meter in height. Leaves are whole, narrow, light green in color. The flowers are orange or yellow. Can be both single and collected in the corymbose brush. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Delphinium
A perennial plant bush up to 1.5 meters in height. Leaves arched, collected in the basal zone. The flowers are small, collected in a pyramidal inflorescence located on a long peduncle. Flowers can be white, pink, blue, lilac, red, pink, yellow. It grows in warm climatic conditions. The plant is used in soap making.
to the table of contents ^Wild onion
A perennial plant bush up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves are sagittate, like a feather in onions, but a little thinner. A long, thin pedicel with a single, bell-shaped, pink flower. It grows everywhere. It is used in the food industry.
to contents ^Donnik
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 2 meters in height. Leaves are three-leafed, symmetrically located throughout the stem. The flowers are small, yellow or white, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 7 centimeters long. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional and folk medicine.
to contents ^Field greedy
Grassy annual plant of the family Lyutikov up to 50 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stalk branched and erect. Leaves are small, pinnately divided, delicate, regular. Flowers are small, look like a small hatchet. Flowers can be blue, violet, rarely pink. It grows everywhere. The plant is poisonous, it is prohibited to use it in its pure form.
to contents ^St. John's wort perforated
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters high. The stem is erect, with a large number of symmetrical leaves. The leaves are elliptical dark green in color. Flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. The flowers are bright yellow. It grows on the whole territory of Russia and Ukraine. The medicinal plant is widely used in medicine.
to contents ^Strawberry
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Leaves are triple, complex in shape on single stems. Shoots are creeping and rooted. Inflorescences in the form of a multicolor scute. Flowers are small, white, with a bright aroma. It grows in warm regions of Russia. It is used in the food industry, cosmetology, medicine.
to contents ^Gold rod
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stem erect, unbranched. Leaves oblong, sharp, with serrated edges. The flowers are yellow, small, collected in the inflorescence of the panicle. It grows in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, in Ukraine. It is used in medicine and at home.
to the table of contents ^
goldfish Herbaceous two-year-old plant up to 50 centimeters in height. Samosev. The stem is single, erect. Leaves are oblong, pale green in color. Leaves on the plant is very small. The flowers are small, pink, collected in the inflorescence umbrella. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.
to table of contents ^Strawberry
Long-term half-brown with oval solid leaves and zygomorphic flowers collected in whorls at the top of the stem. The shrub reaches 1.5 meters in height. Flowers can be white, yellow and pink. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in traditional medicine.
to the table of contents ^Iris
Perennial rhizome up to 60 centimeters in height. The stem can be single or bundle. Leaves are flat, oblong, collected at the base of the stem. Flowers are single or three in the inflorescence. Flowers can be yellow, purple, white.purple, burgundy, pink. Flowers are externally similar to the flower of an orchid. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Kipray narrow-leaved( Ivan-tea)
A herbaceous perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stem erect, naked, round, densely leafy. Leaves are simple, linear-lanceolate, pointed, narrowed, dark green in shiny color. Flowers with double perianth, pink, four-membered, bisexual up to 3 cm in diameter. Flowers collected in a rare apical brush length of up to 45 centimeters. It grows everywhere. Decorative plant, used in folk and traditional medicine.
to contents ^Kirkason lomonosovidny
Herbaceous perennial liana in height 50-90 centimeters with a creeping rhizome. Stalk simple, erect. Leaves are cordate, up to 10 centimeters long. Flowers with zygomorphic perianth, light yellow color. It grows in the European part of Russia and in the Caucasus. Poisonous medicinal plant. It is used in small doses in folk medicine.
to contents ^Clover tilled
A herbaceous annual plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stalk straight, branched. Leaves are triple, linear-oblong, blue-green in color. Inflorescences-heads of cylindrical form, hairy-hairy. Flowers in the form of a small pale pink corolla. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine. Fodder plant.
to contents ^Clover creeping white
Herbaceous perennial branching plant up to 30 centimeters in height. Stem is creeping, branched, naked, self-rooting. Leaves are trifoliate on long petioles. The leaves are painted green, with white divorces inside the leaf. Inflorescences-globular heads. Flowers in the form of a small white corolla. It grows in temperate zones. Used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, soil improving plant.
to contents ^Clover pink
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Stem tubular, branched, erect. Leaves are oval in shape, triple. Inflorescences-globose heads. Flowers in the form of corollas, pink or crimson. It grows everywhere. It is used as an excellent honey plant, fodder plant, a component in folk medicine.
to table of contents ^Feather-feather feather grass
A dendritic perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stems erect, bare. Leaves are linear, narrow, located in the root zone of the bush. Inflorescence in the form of a narrow compressed, pubescent panicle to 25 centimeters in length. It grows everywhere. Decorative plant.
to the table of contents ^Grab meadow bush
Grassy biennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Samosev. The stem is thin, erect, with a purple hue. Leaves are narrow, long, located in the lower knee of the stem. Flowers are yellow, dandelion-shaped on a flower peduncle-basket. It grows everywhere. It is used in the food industry.
to table of contents ^Bellflower ordinary
Grassy two-year plant up to 70 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stem erect, thin, slightly enchanting. The leaves are small, one-piece, alternately located. Corolla campanulate. Flowers are purple, collected in a racemose or paniculate inflorescence. It grows in a temperate climate. A rare ornamental plant.
to the table of contents ^Furrier of the field
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, poorly bred. Leaves are hairy, lanceolate, pinnately divided, located in the root zone of the plant. Inflorescences-heads up to 3 centimeters in height. Flowers bluish-lilac with lanceolate leaves-wrappers. It grows everywhere. Used as an excellent honey plant.
to the table of contents ^Blood spoon drug
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 90 centimeters in height. The stem is single, erect, branched in the upper part. Leaves are long-petioled with a lot of small oval leaves. Edge of leaf dissected. The flowers are small, dark red, collected in oval coronets-heads. Medicinal plant, fodder plant, honey plant. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk and traditional medicine.
to contents ^European bathing
A herbaceous perennial plant 40-100 centimeters in height. Leaves are radical and cauline leaves. The leaves are dark green, pinnately divided, collected in a rosette. The flowers are rich in yellow, large, up to 5 centimeters in diameter, with a bright aroma. The flower looks like a little peony. A rare plant protected by the Republic of Belarus, Tambov region and Poland.
to the table of contents ^Kupena fragrant
The herbaceous perennial plant is 30-65 centimeters in height. Stem naked, faceted, erect. The stem under the weight of leaves and flowers forms an arc. The leaves are oval, stalking, next, from above - glossy and green, from below - matte and bluish. The flowers are white, small, located along the stem. Flowers are outwardly similar to a bell. It grows everywhere. A poisonous plant used in small doses in folk and traditional medicine.
to contents ^Lily of the Valley
Herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Liliaceae up to 40 centimeters in height. The stem is thin, bare, erect. The leaves are large, oval, light green, arranged symmetrically in two in the root zone of the plant. The flowers are small, white, with a sugary aroma, collected in a spicate inflorescence. It grows everywhere. A rare plant. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, cosmetology and soap making.
to contents ^Flax ordinary
Grassy annual plant up to 80 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stem erect, leafy, branching at the top. The leaves are small, narrow, symmetrical throughout the stem. Flowers single, on long pedicels, blue, five-petalled. It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology, in textile production.
to contents ^Meadow tea
Herbaceous perennial primrose to 30 centimeters in height. Stem is creeping, thin, rooting, with symmetrical opposite round leaves. The flowers are yellow, on long pedicels, single, large, five-leaved. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine and as a substitute for tea.
to table of contents ^Linseal ordinary
Grassy perennial plant of the Podorozhnikov family, can reach a height of 90 centimeters. Stem erect, densely bred. Leaves are small, linear, pointed. The flowers are yellow with orange center, small. The flowers are collected in apical brushes up to 15 centimeters long. It grows everywhere. A weed plant is rarely used in floristry.
to the table of contents ^Two-leaved skull
A herbaceous perennial tuberous plant 30-60 centimeters in height. The stalk is single and erect, bare. Leaves are radical( there may be 1-3 of them).The leaves are oval, light green, large. Inflorescence in the form of a cylindrical spikelet up to 20 centimeters in length. The flowers are small, white, arranged symmetrically with respect to the spikelet. Flowers have acrid spicy aroma. It grows in Ukraine and in the European part of Russia. It is used in folk medicine and veterinary medicine.
to table of contents ^Lupine
Long-term half-shrub in height 80-120 centimeters. Stems erect, woody, in various degrees oblique. The leaves are palmarose, from many narrow and long leaves. Inflorescence in the form of apical brush. Flowers zygomorphic, regular, dark blue or purple. It grows in moderate climatic conditions. It is used in medicine, food industry, pharmacology, cosmetology, floristics.
to contents ^Buttercup creeping
Herbaceous perennial plant 15-40 centimeters in height. Stem is thick, naked, creeping. Leaves are triple, petiolate, basal. The flowers are bisexual, the correct five-leafed, single, golden-yellow color. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk and traditional medicine.
to the table of contents ^Poppy Field
The herbaceous annual plant is 30-80 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stem branched, covered with coarse bristles. The leaves are large, regular, pinnately divided, gray-green in color. Edge of dissected leaf, dentate. Pedicels long, strong. Flowers large to 7 centimeters in diameter, single, bright red or scarlet. Flowers consist of two tiers of petals( four in each) and a black stamen with oblong anthers. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine, winemaking.
to contents ^Cuff
A herbaceous perennial bushy plant with a height of 40-60 centimeters. Stalk erect, branchy. The leaves are palpately dissected, rounded, with concave lobes, ornamental. Flowers are small, greenish-yellow, collected in spherical inflorescences on single pedicels. It grows in warm climatic regions. Medicinal plant. It is used in food industry, folk medicine, floristics.
to contents ^Mother and Stepmother
The herbaceous perennial plant of the Astro family up to 30 centimeters in height. Stem erect, covered with scaly leaves. Radical leaves dissected by veins, oval or cordate, simple. The flowers are single, bright yellow, outwardly similar to a dandelion. It grows in moderate climatic conditions. Used in folk medicine, it is valued as an excellent honey plant.
to contents ^Medlitsa
A herbaceous perennial plant not exceeding 30 centimeters. Stem erect, pubescent. Leaves lanceolate, oval, regular, cordate. Basal leaves are much larger than cauline leaves. Flowers with a double perianth, bell-shaped in a pubescent basket. Most flowers are blue or blue. It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking, folk and traditional medicine.
to the table of contents ^Dandelion
A herbaceous perennial plant of the Astro family up to 60 centimeters in height. Stalk erect, multifaceted. Leaves are dark = green, feather-shaped, radical. The flowers are single, yellow, coming out of a single inflorescence of the basket. All parts of the plant contain a thick white juice. It grows everywhere. It is used as a fodder plant, in the food industry, in medicine, in cosmetology.
to contents ^Comfrey medicinal
Herbaceous perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. Stalk branched, erect. The whole stem is covered with hard hairs. Leaves feather-shaped, oblong, lanceolate, regular, gray-green. The flowers are violet, bell-shaped, rarely located on the entire upper part of the stem. It is widespread everywhere. Used in medicine, excellent honey.
to contents ^Medicinal rim
A herbaceous annual semi-parasitic plant 10-15 centimeters in height. Samoev. Stalk erect, branchy. Leaves are small, oval, carved, jagged. The flowers are small, white, with a yellow center and purple blotches. Perianth zygomorphic in the form of a capsule. It grows everywhere. The plant is poisonous. Rarely and in small doses is used in folk medicine.
to contents ^Shepherd's bag
Herbaceous perennial plant of the Cabbage family up to 60 centimeters in height. Stalk erect, leafy. Leaves are small, regular, in the form of small hearts. Sepals are straight, short, white in color, located in the apex of the stem. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk and scientific medicine, gynecology, Armenian cuisine.
to table of contents ^Primula officinalis
A herbaceous perennial plant up to 80 centimeters in height. The stem is erect, bare. The leaves are large, feather-shaped, gray-green, and are located in the basal zone. Flowers are regular, five-leaved, golden-yellow, collected in the inflorescence umbrella. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, food industry, as an ornamental plant.
to the table of contents ^Tansy ordinary
A herbaceous long-standing perennial plant 50-150 centimeters in height. Stems straight, branched in the upper part. The leaves are regular, palmate, carved, jagged. The flowers are small, regular, yellow, tubular, collected in an umbrella. The plant has a caustic camphor smell. It grows everywhere. It is widely used in the food industry, scientific and folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Picander common
Grassy annual plant of the family Yarototkov up to 50 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stem erect, hairy. The leaves are regular, regular, symmetrically located throughout the stem. The calyx is prickly, equal to the corolla tube, with five prongs. Flowers are small, campanulate, lilac. It grows everywhere. A good honey plant.
to the table of contents ^Ivy
Perennial creeping shrub. The stem is thin, braided. Leaves are dark green, angular-lobed. The flowers are small, white, collected in the apical carpal inflorescences. It grows in countries with mild climates. Medicinal plant, used in folk and traditional medicine.
to the table of contents ^Marquee present
Grassy perennial tenacious plant 60-120 centimeters in height. Stem erect, weak, pubescent. Leaves are dark green, narrow, linear, collected in whorls. Flowers collected in a thick pyramidal panicle. The flowers are small, yellow-colored, with a pronounced honey aroma. It grows everywhere. A good honey plant. Used in the food industry, in the paint and varnish industry.
to table of contents ^Wormwood
Perennial herbaceous half-shrub 50-200 centimeters in height. Stem erect, ribbed, dense, branched in the upper part. Leaves long-petiolate, twice-thrice pinnatized. The whole plant is a silvery-green color. Flowers are small, yellowish, in the form of globular baskets. Flowers are located symmetrically throughout the stem. The plant has a caustic camphor smell. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cooking, in the preparation of means for fighting insects.
to contents ^Primrose common
The herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Primrose is up to 20 centimeters in height. Stalk erect, short. The leaves are lanceolate, feather-shaped, wrinkled, dentate, located in the basal zone. Flowers are funnel-shaped, regular, of all colors. Flowers are collected in sessile inflorescences. It grows in regions with a moderate climate. Decorative plant.
to table of contents ^Lumbago
A herbaceous perennial plant of the family Lyutikov up to 40 centimeters in height. Stem is thick, bluish, hairy. Leaves petiolate, collected in a rosette in the basal zone. The flowers are single, regular, large, purple, with sharp petals. It grows everywhere. It is used in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine. It's poisonous.
to contents ^Chamomile
Herbaceous perennial plant of the Astrope family. The height reaches 30-80 centimeters. Stem erect, leafy, branching upward. Leaves are small, narrow, carved. Inflorescences in the form of hemispherical baskets. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. It grows everywhere. It is used in cosmetology, in horticulture, in floristics.
to contents ^Chamomile Pharmacy
An annual herbaceous plant of the Astro family up to 60 centimeters in height. Samosev. Stem erect, branched from the base. Leaves are regular, narrow, small, carved. Inflorescences are numerous, in the form of a conical basket. The flowers are regular, white with a yellow center. There are bisexual yellow small flowers. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine, cosmetology, food industry.
to the table of contents ^Camomile yellow
Perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Pupavka of the Astro family. The height reaches 25-100 centimeters. Stem erect naked. Leaves are regular, pinnately divided, large. Flowers collected in single cone baskets on long pedicels. The flowers are regular, yellow with a yellow center. It grows everywhere. It is used in medicine and gardening.
to the table of contents ^Ryabchiki chess
Perennial herb plant of the genus Ryabchikov family Lileyny. The height can reach 35 centimeters. Stem erect, smooth, under the weight of the flower bends into an arc. The leaves are thin and long, sparsely distributed and symmetrical along the stem. Flowers single, drooping. The campanulate flower is burgundy in color and on the basic color you can see the blue dots, located in checkerboard pattern. The species range covers almost all of Europe except for the extreme northern and extreme southern regions. Decorative rare plant. It is used in medicine.
to the table of contents ^Eastern Sverbiga
Perennial herb of the genus Sverbiga of the Cabbage family. The height can reach 40-100 centimeters. Stalk erect, branched at the top. Leaves are jagged, oval-lanceolate, located in the basal zone, near the first tribe of the stem. Flowers up to 5 millimeters in diameter, yellow, collected in corymbose brushes, and brushes collected in a large panicle. The plant is not whimsical to the climate. Used in the food industry and traditional Armenian medicine.
to contents ^Serpuha
A herbaceous perennial plant of the family Astrope or Sacred color. The plant can reach a height of 15-90 centimeters. Stem is thin, erect, bare. Leaves pinnate, next. Inflorescence in the form of a coarse basket. The flower is tender pink, single or bisexual. It grows everywhere. Excellent honey plant. It is used as a dye.
to the table of contents ^
Perennial herbaceous plant Umbelliferae. The height can reach 1.5 meters. Stem is straight, glabrous, bluish, branched at the top. Leaves are whole, pinnately divided, prickly, dentate. The flowers are small, mostly blue-blue, ordinary umbellate type, collected at the top of the branches in the egg-shaped head. It grows mainly in the southern regions. It is used in folk medicine and as an ornamental plant.
to contents ^Blue-eyed blue
Perennial herbaceous plant in height of 35-140 centimeters. The stems are single, erect, hollow, unclearly ribbed, simple or branched in the upper part. The leaves are alternate, nonparodiporous, glabrous, oblong-lanceolate, pointed. Flowers from blue to violet, occasionally white;are collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stems. Cup with five lobes. Corolla widely open, spicate, bell-shaped with five-bladed limb. It grows everywhere. A good honey plant. It is used in folk medicine.
to contents ^Smoothing
Perennial herbaceous plant, semi-shrub, Clove family. Weed. Stems erect or ascending, branched at the top, up to 50 centimeters in height. Leaves are located opposite, sessile, lanceolate, linear, scapular, ovate. Flowers are single or dioecious, collected in general paniculate or spicate inflorescences, sometimes they are solitary. Corolla white, five petals. It grows everywhere. It is used in folk medicine.
to the table of contents ^Smolka vulgaris
Herbaceous perennial dicot plant Clamorous families. Stems erect, small-branched, reach 30-90 centimeters in height, glabrous, in the nodes usually sticky. Radical leaves on petioles, lanceolate or almost linear, pointed. The flowers are regular, pink in the dihasic inflorescences. The area of growth of tar is almost all of Europe except for the south-west. Decorative plant.
to contents ^Sleep-grass
Perennial herb of the genus Windbreaker of the family Lyutik. The height reaches 7-15 centimeters. Stems erect, dressed with thick, protruding, soft hairs. Root leaves on long, not densely hairy petioles, round-heart-shaped, three-sectioned with rhombic tripartite segments. The flowers are purple or white, six-petalled, star-shaped, with a yellow center. A rare plant. It is used in folk medicine as a soothing and hypnotic.
to the table of contents ^Sturgeon ordinary
Perennial herbaceous plant with biennial shoots, the genus Surepka of the Cabbage family. The stem is tall, branched, glabrous or slightly fluffy, 30-80 centimeters high. The leaves are sessile, entire, from lanceolate to back-ovoid, with jagged edges. Inflorescence - a brush, at the beginning of flowering a single. The flowers are four-membered with a double perianth, bisexual, golden-yellow. There are five stamens in the flower. It grows everywhere. It is used as a forage plant, in medicine, in cosmetology, in cooking, in floristry.
to contents ^Tavolga
Perennial herbaceous plant of the family Pink. Stem erect, pinnate to 80 centimeters in height. Leaves palchate, collected in a star, on long legs. Numerous small white or pink flowers are collected in terminal corymbose, paniculate inflorescences. Perianth is double. It grows in a temperate climate. It is used in folk and traditional medicine, food industry. Decorative plant.
to table of contents ^Yarrow
Herbaceous perennial plant, semi-shrub of the family Astrope or Complex. Stem erect or slightly curved near the surface of the soil. Leaves are jagged, carved or pinnately-dissected, arranged in the next order. Inflorescences are small baskets, mostly collected in a common corymbose inflorescence. Flowers are correct, white. It grows everywhere. Medicinal plant.
to the table of contents ^Tulip field
Perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the family Lily. Stem is dense, erect, with a single pedicel. Leaves smooth or wavy, elongate, lanceolate, depart from the base of the stem to its middle. In an adult plant, usually 2-4 leaves, a young plant always has only 1 leaf. Leaves are gray-green in color. The flower is single, six-petalled, regular with a large number of stamens. Most often the flowers are red, yellow, white or pink. Decorative plant.
to the table of contents ^Violet meadow
Perennial herb of the genus Violet of the family Violet. The stem is aboveground, branched, erect or rising 5-20 centimeters high. Leaves are regular, simple, serrate. The lower leaves are petiolate rounded-oval. Flowers single, irregular, zygomorphic, purple. Perianth double, sepals and petals of 5, not fused with each other. Flowers exude an intoxicating aroma. There is a plant everywhere. It is used in cosmetology and medicine.
to the table of contents ^Horsetail
Perennial spore herbaceous plant of the genus Horsetail, family Khvoshchevye. The height can reach 40-60 centimeters. Generative shoots brownish or pinkish, not branched, with triangular brown leaf teeth. Vegetative shoots are green, erect, hollow, with a pico-shaped apex. Leaf teeth are collected in whorls at 6-12, sometimes up to 16 pieces, loose or fused. The plant is widespread in subarctic, temperate and tropical climatic conditions. It is used in traditional and folk medicine, food industry.
to contents ^Common horseradish
Perennial herb of the genus Horseradish of the Cabbage family. The stem is straight, branchy, with a height of 50-150 centimeters. Basal leaves very large, oblong or oblong-oval, crenate, heart-shaped at base;lower - pinnately-divided;oblong-lanceolate;upper - linear, entire. Calyx about 3 mm long;petals about 6 mm long, white, short-nodular. It grows everywhere. It is used in cooking and medicine.
to the table of contents ^Chicory vulgaris
Perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Chicory of the family Astrological. Weed plant. The stem is erect, rod-shaped, green or bluish-green, rough, with a height of 15-150 centimeters. The basal leaves are pinnately divided, one-piece, dentate along the edge, at the base gradually narrowed into the petiole. Baskets are single, numerous or bored over several at the top of the stem. Flowers are reed. Corolla length 15-25 millimeters, different shades of blue or white. It grows everywhere. The plant is toxic. It is used in medicine and cooking.
to contents ^Thymus
Perennial half-shrub plant with thin stems up to 40 centimeters in height. The leaves are thin, small, hard, oval in shape green. Flowers are collected in small elongated inflorescences of pinkish-violet with a very fragrant smell. It grows in Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, the eastern part of Russia, in the Caucasus. Decorative plant. It is used in cosmetology.
to the table of contents ^Sweet cherry
Perennial herbaceous plant with trihedral stem in height up to 50 centimeters. It has two oblong sharp leaves. The flower has the shape of a half-shaped umbrella of white color. Flowering period May-June. It grows in Central, Northern, Southern Europe and Turkey. Cultivated as a cultivated plant.
to the table of contents ^Blackgrass ordinary
Perennial herbaceous plant in height of 15-30 centimeters. Leaves petiolate, oblong. Flowers symmetrical on short legs in false whorls of blue-violet color( rarely yellow-white).The area of growth of the country of Asia, Japan, North America and Africa, Australia. It is used in folk medicine.
to contents ^Thistle
Thorny perennial herbaceous plant with a straight stem up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are large, stiff, prickly. Flowers in the form of a basket of pink or purple. Blooms from early July to late August. It grows in Central Europe and Asia, North Africa, the United States. It is used in traditional and folk medicine.
to table of contents ^Celestial
A perennial herbaceous shrub with a straight, branchy stem of 50-100 centimeters high. Leaves lyrate dark green color. The flowers are golden yellow in the correct form, collected in an umbrella. Blossoms from May to August. It is widespread almost everywhere. It is used in medicine.
to contents ^Salvia
A herbaceous perennial plant or half-shrub 20-70 centimeters high. The leaves are oblong gray-green in color. The flowers are blue-violet, pink or white, collected in the corymb-shaped whorls. Blooms from late May to July. It grows everywhere. Widely used in medicine and cosmetology.
to table of contents ^Cinnamon cinnamon
Prickly shrubby plant up to 2 meters in height. Leaves are odd-pinnate with five, seven incisions. The flower is single, rarely double-triple, pink or dark red. Blooms from May to July. Distributed in Europe and Central Asia. Medicinal plant.
to the table of contents ^Dog-rose dog
Shrub plant in height 1,5-2,5 meters, has rare spikes. Leaves are odd-pinnate mainly with seven incisions. The flower is pink or white-pink in color, with a diameter of 5 centimeters, practically odorless. Distributed in Europe, North Africa, Western Asia. Used in medicine and as a privea for garden roses.
to contents ^Stock-rose
Malva. A perennial or biennial herb plant with a height of up to 2 meters. Leaves are regular, the stem is herbaceous. Samosev. The flower consists of five intergrown petals of white, pink, yellowish, cream or pink. It is cultivated everywhere. Used as a decorative and medicinal plant.
to contents ^Espartzet
Grass, shrub or half-shrub with spines in height up to 70 centimeters. Leaves odd-pinnate with stipules. The flower is collected in ears, the brushes of which are white, yellow or purple. Distributed in middle and southern Europe, West Asia and northern Africa. Used in medicine or as a fodder plant.
to contents ^Echinacea
Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high with a straight, rough stalk. Leaves on long petiole, broadly oval, narrowed to petiole. The flowers are large, regular, collected in baskets up to 15 centimeters in diameter, the color can be from pink to red-brown. A native plant from the eastern part of the United States. Used as a decorative and medicinal plant.
Echinocystis lobate
An annual herbaceous creeping plant with a length of up to 6 meters. Samosev. The leaves are round, pale green, with long petioles. The flower is dioecious, collected in carpal inflorescences, with a subtle honey aroma. Flowering period from June to September, fruits ripen from August to October. Distributed in North America, Central Asia, the Far East, Japan, China.
to table of contents ^Essholtsiya
Perennial herbaceous sun-loving plant 20-45 centimeters in height. A leaf on a long petiole, thrice-cut. Flowers are cup-shaped from white to orange. The flowering period is from June to October. It grows in the western part of North America. Used for decorative purposes.
to contents ^Orchis
A tubular perennial herb medicinal plant with a single stem 10-50 centimeters in height. Leaves broadly lanceolate, tapering into the petiole. Flowers collected in spicate inflorescences from purple to dark cherry. It grows in the mountains of the Caucasus, Crimea, North America, Central and Southern Europe. Used in cooking.
Sleep-grass and lumbago than differ from each other? Judging by the photos, this is the same plant