Cacti are very popular in the house of florists and amateurs. There are innumerable varieties of cacti. There are representatives of various species and genera, flowering, not flowering, branched, high, very prickly. We bring to your attention a colorful collection of 20 species of flowering domestic cacti.
- acanthocalycium
- Aporokaktus
- Astrophytum
- Gymnocalycium
- Zigokaktus
- cleistocactus Strauss
- mammillaria
- Notocactus
- Opuntia
- Parody
- Rebutia
- Rhipsalis
- Trihotsereus albescent
- Wilcox
- Fraile
- Hametsereus
- Saguaro
- Epiphyllum
- Echinopsis
- cereus
cactus bodymost often a dull dark green color. It is spherical or cylindrical, ribbed with frequent small bushy spines. The height of the cactus can be 10-60 centimeters. The flowers are white, pink, light purple, funnel-shaped, wide open, 3-6 centimeters long. Flowers on short, pubescent legs, are located in the upper part of the body of the cactus.
to contents ^Aporectactus
Epiphytic cactus. Stems creeping, can reach 5 meters long and 2 centimeters in diameter. Form a large number of bright green shoots. Areola prickles are located densely and cover almost all the stems. The plant blossoms magnificently, in the early spring. Flowers in the cactus are crimson or pink, zygomorphic, elongate 6-10 centimeters in length and 4-6 centimeters in diameter.
to the table of contents ^Astrophytum
The body of the cactus is a murky-green color. The shape of the body is spherical or cylindrical, ribbed with small white specks and curly, bushy soft thorns. The height of the cactus can be 20-60 centimeters. The flowers are yellow, zygomorphic to 7 centimeters in diameter.
to contents ^Hymnocalitium
Succulent plant. The body of the cactus is spherical and flattened. The height of an adult plant can reach no more than 15 centimeters, in diameter 4-10 centimeters. The body of the cactus is gray-green in color. Spines up to 3 centimeters in length, collected in bundles and symmetrically arranged. The flowers are white, zygomorphic, up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
to the table of contents ^Zigokaktus
An abundant branching cactus shrub. The branches are flat, articulate, without spines, with jagged edges. Flowers zygomorphic, tubular, located at the ends of branches. Flowers can be crimson, pink, red and orange.
Straus' gluey cactus
Colon-shaped cactus with lodging or erect stalk. Can reach a height of 30 centimeters to 2 meters. The body of the cactus is ribbed, gray-green in color, thorns thin and frequent. Outwardly, the cactus does not seem prickly, but pubescent. The flowers are red, in the form of tubes, 2-9 centimeters long.
The body of the cactus is spherical to 25 centimeters high, gray-green in color. A distinctive feature of mammilia, is the presence of a white spider between the spines. Spines long, up to 3 centimeters, collected in bundles and symmetrically arranged along the body of the cactus. Flowers zygomorphic, pink or lavender, located at the top of the body of the cactus. Often the cactus blooms in the form of a wreath.
to contents ^Notocactus
The body of a cactus is most often a dim, dark green color. The body of the cactus is spherical, with frequent small bushy spines. Outwardly, the body of the cactus seems fluffy. The height of the cactus can be 10-60 centimeters. The flowers are yellow, funnel-shaped, wide open, 3-6 centimeters in diameter. Flowers are located in the upper part of the body of the cactus.
back to contents ^Opuntia
Succulent plant. It can grow into a whole small tree up to 2 meters. The body of the plant is in the form of shoots of an oval flat shape. The plant is very densely covered with bunches and tiny spines. Flowers are tubular, yellow or red.
to the table of contents ^Parody
The body of the cactus is a brilliant dark green color. The body of the cactus is spherical or cylindrical in shape, ribbed with frequent small bushy spines. The height of the cactus can be 10-60 centimeters. The flowers are white, pink, light purple, funnel-shaped, wide open, 3-6 centimeters in diameter. Flowers on short, pubescent legs. Flowers are located in the upper part of the body of the cactus.
to contents ^Rebirth of
The body of a cactus is most often a dim, dark green color. The cactus is spherical, with frequent small bushy spines. The spines are symmetrically located throughout the body of the cactus. The height of the cactus can be 20-60 centimeters. The flowers are yellow, orange, pink, funnel-shaped, wide open, 3-6 centimeters in diameter. Flowers are located on the circle of the top of the body of the cactus.
to contents ^Ripsalis
Succulent plant. Refers to the family of cacti, but it is not a cactus. The plant is bushy, consists of many dark-green shiny shoots. The shoots are thin, slightly prickly on the ribs. The flowers are yellow or orange, small, tubular. There are flowers on the ends of the shoots.
back to contents ^Trichocereus whitening
Colon-shaped cactus with lodging or erect stalk. Can reach a height of 30 centimeters to 1 meter. The body of the cactus is ribbed, gray-green in color. Thorns thin, up to 3 centimeters long, frequent, symmetrically distributed along the body of the cactus. Flowers are white, zygomorphic, on a pubescent leg 2-6 centimeters long, up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
Epiphytic cactus. Stems thin, erect, can reach 3 meters in length and 2 centimeters in diameter. Form a large number of bright green shoots. Areola prickles are located densely and cover almost all the stems. The plant blossoms magnificently, in the early spring. The flowers of the cactus are white-pink, zygomorphic, elongate, up to 6 centimeters long and 4-6 centimeters in diameter.
to contents ^Fraylei
Succulent plant. The body of the cactus is spherical and flattened. The height of an adult plant can reach no more than 15 centimeters, in diameter 4-10 centimeters. The body of the cactus is gray-green in color. Spines up to 1.5 centimeters in length, collected in bundles and symmetrically arranged. The flowers are yellow, zygomorphic, solitary, up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Flowers are located in the top of the body of the cactus.
to the table of contents ^Hametchuse
Epiphytic cactus. Stems thin, erect, short not more than 20 centimeters high, weaving. The cactus grows with a bush. The body of the cactus is gray-green, densely covered with small thorns. Flowers zygomorphic, regular, red, pink, white or yellow. Flowers on small pubescent legs, can reach 3-5 centimeters in diameter. Blossoms densely.
to contents ^Cereus
Colon-shaped cactus with erect stalk. Can reach a height of 20-80 centimeters. The body of the cactus is ribbed, gray-green in color. Thorns thin, up to 3 centimeters long, collected in bundles, arranged symmetrically along the ribs of the body of the cactus. Flowers are white or pink, zygomorphic, on a pubescent leg 2-6 centimeters long, a flower up to 10 centimeters in diameter.
to contents ^Epiphyllum
Epiphytic cactus. Stems are long, branched, creeping or drooping, often with wavy margins. Stems can be either flat or trihedral. There are no spikes in adult plants on shoots. Flowers large, white or red, funnel-shaped. Appear in the spring or summer. Both the flower tube and the ovary are covered with scales, hairs and small thorns.
to contents ^Echinopsis
The body of the cactus has a globular shape, with years somewhat elongated or pillarike. The body is symmetrical, with sharp ribs, smooth, shiny, from light green to dark green. The spines are bundled and evenly distributed throughout the cactus. The flowers are white, pink, light purple, funnel-shaped, wide open, 3-10 centimeters in diameter. Flowers on long pubescent legs. Flowers are located in the upper part of the body of the cactus.
to contents ^Echinocereus
The body of the cactus is low-columned, releasing numerous shoots. The stems are cylindrical, 15-60 centimeters high. The stems can be bushed and branched. Body is ribbed, spiral. The spines are bundled and symmetrically arranged along the body. Flowers of various colors( greenish, yellow, pink, lilac), large, funnel-shaped, wide open, 2-6 centimeters long at the foot and 4-9 centimeters in diameter. Flowers appear on the lateral surface of the body of the cactus.