How quickly and effectively get rid of fleas in the apartment and house

The appearance of fleas in an apartment or a house is always unpleasant, especially since there is a huge number of their varieties. They harm animals and humans, feeding on their blood, and also carry dangerous diseases. Fortunately, these insects can easily be taken out at home without too much expense and harm to health.

  • Causes of Types
  • Getting rid of fleas
  • Chemicals Sprays
  • Solutions
  • Folk remedies
  • Wormwood
  • Vinegar Salt
  • Prevention

Causes of

main period of the appearance of fleas in human habitation - it is summer and autumn. Especially attacks of fleas are exposed to private houses and apartments on the ground floors of multi-storey buildings.

Where can these parasites come from? The most common sources are:

  • apartments neighbors;
  • entrance;
  • pets;
  • basement;
  • mouse and rat.

Apartments on the lower floors are particularly at risk due to the proximity of the basement with its dampness. But residents of the upper floors may encounter parasites, the cause of which may be increased humidity in the bathroom of the apartment. Dampness is a favorable condition for the reproduction of fleas.

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A common reason for the appearance of fleas in the house is their presence in pets.

Pets can get infected while walking outside or in another place. If parasites are found in a pet, disinfection should be started immediately. For these purposes in pet stores and pharmacies are sold specialized shampoos, creams, tablets and sprays.

It is important to understand that by getting rid of fleas on the body of a pet, you will not get rid of fleas throughout the room. Therefore, after the treatment of the animal, disinfect the room.

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Types of fleas

Fleas are classified according to the types of organisms on which they prefer to parasitize. There are omnivorous fleas, which easily change their owners.

Currently, about 2 thousand species of this insect are known. The most famous are:

  • Dogs .Parasitize on dogs, cats, able to bite a person.
  • Feline .They live on the body of cats, but can use dogs as well as blood. When you bite a person does not cause infection.
  • Birds .This species of fleas can be carried by pigeons and domestic chickens.
  • Rat .They live on the body of rodents and can consume human blood. These parasites are very dangerous: they are carriers of plague and mouse typhus.
  • Human .These fleas are omnivorous, they can feed on the blood of other mammals. Carried typhoid, tularemia and other such diseases.

There is another classification of fleas - by habitat:

  • Earthy ( basement).The main habitat is the top layer of the soil. In homes they prefer to settle in dark and damp places: in cellars, behind skirting boards, in crevices of furniture and floor, in carpet nap.
  • Lingerie .They live in soft furniture upholstery, in bed linen, on clothes. The greatest activity is shown at night, biting a person.
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How to get rid of

You need to get rid of fleas immediately after you have learned about their appearance in the house, because in a short time they can multiply.

The first step is the general cleaning of the room. Wash laundry, carefully wipe all surfaces from dust, vacuum carpets and upholstered furniture. You can also use the services of special cleaning firms or even call a sanitation service for disinfection.

When the question arises of how to get rid of fleas in an apartment, there is a choice between chemical preparations and folk remedies for pest control.

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Chemical preparations

To get rid of earth, basement or black fleas in the apartment, you need to choose chemical preparations.

There is a huge variety of means for destroying pests. Their dignity in the rapid result and ease of use. Minus of chemical agents - harm to the human body. Therefore, before using them, you should prepare protective equipment:

  • rubber gloves;
  • medical mask or respirator.

After treatment with chemicals, leave the premises for several hours.

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Wear protective equipment. Spray spray on walls, furniture, flat surfaces. Pay special attention to skirting boards and window sills.
Leave the room for 5-6 hours. On return, it is good to ventilate the rooms.


This product is an aerosol. Wear protective gear. Shake the can well and apply the drug on furniture and smooth surfaces at a distance of 30-40 cm. Leave the room for 40 minutes, after which it should be well ventilated.


Widely advertised effective spray. It is enough to spray the product indoors and leave it for several hours.


A qualitative preparation that has no odor. To quickly get rid of fleas, you must apply aerosol to infected surfaces, and you can not leave the apartment.


Concentrated substance based on chlorpyrifos, which has an unpleasant, pungent odor, but effectively relieves fleas. The agent should be diluted according to the instructions and sprayed into the flea habitat.

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This drug can be purchased at every pet store. After using the product it is desirable to leave the treated room for three days.
Prepare the solution. Dosage: 30 ml of the preparation per 10 liters of water. The processing of 100 square meters of the floor surface requires 5 liters of water. Apply the solution to the floor surface. After three days, ventilate the room well.

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This is a potent drug, so you need to follow the instructions on its packaging clearly.
Prepare 1% solution of powder or 10% emulsion solution. Pour it into a spray gun and apply to infected surfaces. Leave the room. After 2 hours, open the windows for ventilation. After 1-2 days, carry out a wet cleaning to remove the drug.


Effective drug based on cypermethrin. To destroy fleas on a surface area of ​​up to 100 square meters, one bottle in 50 ml is enough.


The most effective tool. To prepare a solution, 100 ml of the drug should be diluted in liter of water. Using a spray gun, spray the solution onto all surfaces, including furniture.


Sufficiently effective tool, but for processing a two-room apartment will need at least 20 vials of the drug. Each bottle must be diluted with 500 ml of water.


Very effective insecticide. For 100 square meters of space, one bottle in 50 ml is enough.

Learn how to sober up at home
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Folk remedies

Folk remedies are much cheaper than chemicals and less dangerous to health. Their minus is that they are not so effective, their preparation requires more strength, and use - more time.

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Wormwood repels fleas due to its strong specific flavor. You can get rid of fleas in an apartment with wormwood in the following ways:

  • Spread out bunches of dried grass near places of insects;
  • Wash the floors with water with a solution of wormwood - a liter of decoction of wormwood on a bucket of water;
  • To bathe infected animals, rubbing their wool with wormwood;
  • Place small open containers with wormwood oil near places of insect accumulation.
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You can get rid of fleas in the apartment with vinegar in the following ways:

  • Wipe carpet and upholstered furniture with vinegar solution;
  • Smooth hard surfaces with vinegar solution;
  • Rinse the animal's coat with a mild vinegar solution. This will kill adult fleas and purify the wool from the larvae.
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Salt for pest control is used in a mixture with baking soda.

Mix in one container 100 grams of table salt and 100 grams of baking soda. Sprinkle the finished mixture with the floor surface, carpets, soft toys, hard surfaces. After a day, remove the mixture with a vacuum cleaner. Repeat the next day.

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Prevention of

Removing fleas is a very long and time-consuming job. Therefore, after getting rid of parasites, care must be taken to prevent their reappearance. Preventive measures can serve:

  • Regular ventilation of bed linen, pillows, carpets, mattresses;
  • Wet floor cleaning with the addition of a solution of wormwood, eucalyptus or tansy;
  • Regular cleaning of the house by vacuuming;
  • Use of dried eucalyptus leaves. They should be disposed in places of the former accumulation of insects.
  • Mar 05, 2018
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