Very often you can see in the apartment of various insects, which feel like full-fledged owners of the house. There are many fables about the usefulness of the presence of spiders, ants in the dwelling. But do not forget about the harmful effects of insects, and most importantly, the health of the household. All small inhabitants of the apartment need to know "in person" and in time to exterminate.
- Bloodsucking
- bed bug
- Mosquitoes
- Fleas
- Lice
- pests and disease vectors
- Cockroaches
- Brownies ants
- diplura
- Woodlouse
- black carpet beetle
- Book louse
- Centipede
- shubnye mol
- clothes moth
- midges( midges)
- Spiders Opilliones
- Flies
- Scale
- Termites
- Insects in food
- Flour
- Bread grinder
- Flourless grinder
- Weevil
- Food mole
Blood moles
Insects of this species feed on blood, they can infect people with serious diseases:
to the table of contents ^Bedbugs
A common bloodsucking insect of the kind of bugs, coleopteran order. Ectoparasite of humans and warm-blooded animals. Insect with body size 4-8 millimeters. Has a color ranging from light yellow to dark brown. He leads a nightly parasitic life. It feeds exclusively on blood. The average life expectancy is 1 year. Habitat cushions, mattresses, cracks in the floor and under the wallpaper. It does not harm people, only in some cases there are allergic reactions to a bite.
Mosquito ordinary( bloodsucking) belongs to the family of dipterous insects, a kind of polytypic. It has a body size of 3 to 7 millimeters. Coloration in most species is yellow. And this blood-sucking species is mostly gray, less often brown. It leads a parasitic life. Feed females plant juice and human blood( for eggs), and males are exclusively juice plants. Life expectancy of the female varies from 43 to 57 days, depending on the temperature of the air and nutrition, and the male lives only 19 days. Habitat wet places and swampy terrain.
Small bloodsucking insects of the family of ordinary fleas. They lead a parasitic way of life. The length of the body is from 1 to 5 millimeters. The color is dark brown. They feed exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals and humans. The flea's life expectancy is several months. Habitat - live and lay larvae in carpets, behind the baseboard, in cellars and cellars, in soft toys.
Very small insects - ectoparasites. The detachment is fluffy. They lead a parasitic life. Have a body size of 4-6 millimeters. They feed exclusively on the blood of the host. Life expectancy is 38 days. Live on birds, mammals and man. In humans, lice are of two kinds: pubic and head, live exclusively on the hair. They are carriers of typhus and recurrent typhus.
Pests and vectors of
infections This kind of insects can damage the property and health of people:
to the table of contents ^Cockroaches
Very nimble insects of the squad are cockroach-like. They lead a nightly secretive way of life. The size of the body reaches from 1.7 to 9.5 centimeters. They feed on plant and animal remains, various garbage and even feces. The color is mostly yellow-brown and black. Life expectancy is about 30 weeks, and in some species even several months. Habitat - basements, garbage cans, human dwelling. They damage indoor plants, book bindings, spoil food, furniture.
House ants
Tiny insects of the family Hymenoptera. They lead an active lifestyle close to a person. The body size is 2-4 millimeters. House ants are omnivorous, but prefer meat, fish, sweets. Coloration is mainly yellow, brown. They live in large families, the number of individuals reaches up to 1 million in one family. Life expectancy is as follows: males live only 20 days;working ants and ordinary females - up to 2 months;queen female - 275 days. They live mainly in human dwellings, trade and catering enterprises. They damage plants, spoil the products, they are the bearers of all sorts of microbes.
Insect type - arthropods, detachment - latent-jawed six-legged. They lead a secretive night life. They have a body 2-3 cm in length. They feed on microscopic insects, living microorganisms. Coloration is red-brown. They live about 1 year in damp rooms( bathroom, kitchen, etc.). They evoke dislike of a person with their own kind, hurt bites, spoil plants, books, furniture.
to the table of contents ^Mokrytsa
Arthropod Insect Detachment - isopods, suborder - crustaceans. They lead a hidden way of life( hide under rocks, lying trees) in damp places. The body length reaches 20 millimeters. Life expectancy is from 9 to 12 months. They feed on plants that are living and decaying. Color gray, abdomen white. Harm to a person does not cause and do not pose a danger.
Carpet skinned
Beetle, squad - coleoptera, family of kozheed. Lives mainly in houses, apartments, in nature in bird nests, tree hollows. Body size from 2.5 to 5.5 millimeters. It feeds on organic residues in house dust. Color uniform from light brown to black. It is a serious pest of skin, fur, wool, feathers, silk, carpets and tracks, upholstered furniture and toys, as well as all types of grain and food.
Book louse
Small parasite, an insect of a detachment of hay-eaters. He lives everywhere: in the forest on trees, in bird nests, in holes of rodents, in human habitation - mostly on shelves behind books. It has very small body sizes of 1-2 millimeters. Life expectancy is 3-4 weeks. Coloration light brown, yellowish, whitish, depending on the habitat. Eats in nature - mushrooms and lichens, in the house - with book bindings( remnants of paste or starch) with old albums, in granaries - with grain and other products. They cause irreparable damage to libraries, granaries.
to table of contents ^Millipedes
Arthropods with body size from 2 millimeters to 35 centimeters. The body is divided into a head and a body, which consists of 25-100 segments and counts the number of legs from 10 to 750. It leads a nocturnal life, predator. Coloration is more often gray, brown, less often reddish. Life expectancy reaches 5-6 years.
Furrow mole
Insect, Lepidoptera, butterfly. The body size is 5-8 millimeters. He leads a nocturnal life. Coloration is golden brown. Life expectancy is from 200 to 250 days. Lives in the nests of pigeons and in living quarters. Representative of dangerous pests: destroys fur, wool, felt and products from them.
to contents ^Moth
Lepidopteran insects in the form of a butterfly of straw-yellow color. Body sizes vary from 5 to 9 millimeters. They lead a nocturnal life. They live on average 8-10 days, in dwellings and warehouses. They feed on products made of cotton, wool, fur, carpet products, furniture upholstery, thereby harming people.
to the table of contents ^Moshkars( midge)
Very small, too annoying insects of the family Diptera. Body size is 1-3 millimeters. The color is light brown. They lead a parasitic way of life. Love the dampness. They are planted in spoiling fruits and vegetables, food products. They feed on the blood of people and animals. Life expectancy is about 1 month.
Spiders of haymaking
Small insects, spider family. Dimensions of the body can vary from 2 to 10 millimeters, but they have very long legs up to 9 centimeters. Coloration gray-brown. They lead a nocturnal life. They like to settle in dark, damp rooms, but in residential houses they prefer dry, warm places near the windows. They feed on flies and small insects, thereby benefiting people. Life expectancy 1 year. They have poison, but they use it exclusively for the purpose of killing their victims who have fallen into the web and then eat them.
to contents ^Flies
Awfully annoying insects, detachment - Diptera. Dimensions of the body in accordance with the varieties are from 5 millimeters to 1.5 centimeters. Coloration gray-black. They lead a parasitic way of life. Live everywhere. They feed on everything that people do, plant juice, human and animal excrement. Lifespan 1-2.5 months.
Small wingless insect, detachment - bristle tails. The body size is 0.8-1.9 centimeters. They have a very beautiful silvery color. They lead a nocturnal life. Live in rooms with high humidity( most often in bathrooms, baths, saunas, etc.) Eat all that comes in their way. Special harm does not bring and danger to the person do not represent.
to contents ^Termites
White insects, squad are herbivorous, family - cockroaches. They have a soft white body, measuring 1-10 millimeters. They lead an underground way of life. They live in large colonies, where the number of individuals reaches several million. The main food is cellulose. Pests inflict enormous damage on forestry and agriculture. Some types of termites are useful - they form and mix the upper layers of the soil and, thus, improve the yield of cereals.
to the table of contents ^Insects in food
Insects of this species are food reserve fighters, can cause harm to human health:
to the table of contents ^Mikoyed
Small insect, squad - coleoptera. The body length is 1.5-2.5 millimeters. Coloring red. Habitat - rooms with high humidity and air temperature of at least 20 degrees( barns, granaries, mills, food stores).They feed on flour, all types of cereals and flour products, do not disdain and any other kinds of food, so they are malicious pests.
to contents ^Bread grinder
Small bug family of grinders, squad - coleoptera. The body size is 1.7-3.8 millimeters. Coloration is red-brown. He leads a nocturnal life. Eats everything in the world, even some kinds of poisonous medicines. Lifespan 1 month.
Flourless Khrushchak
Small insect family of darkling beetles, order - coleoptera. The body size is 12-18 millimeters. Color brown. Lives in the kitchen in furniture, in pantry with food, granary rooms with grain, macaroni factories. Life expectancy 1 year. Eating is omnivorous. The harm lies in the spoiled almost all types of food.
to table of contents ^Weevil
Insect, squad - coleoptera. Body dimensions are 1-30 millimeters. It happens black, yellow, brown, depending on the place of habitation. They live inside plants and in the soil. They live from 1 to 2 years. They feed on dicotyledons and plant roots. Pests of agricultural and forest lands, including granary groats.
to contents ^Food mole
Very hardy and hardy insect. A small butterfly with a body size of 8-10 millimeters. Coloration gray-brown. Lives in kitchen furniture. He likes high humidity. Lifespan is 2-3 weeks. It feeds on dried fruits, flour, tea, coffee, baby food, cereals, all kinds of pasta and many others. It spoils all kinds of food, harming people.