Often people abandon attempts to lose weight from the first days, and without waiting for the result of their torment. The reason is that diet and exercise should be harmoniously combined with the lifestyle, capabilities and physiological characteristics of a person. To do this, 4 tips dietician how to start the correct weight loss.
- Clear plan and purpose
- Proper nutrition and calories
- Water
- Physical exercises
- Errors of newcomers
Clear plan and goal
Before performing any complex task, it is necessary to concentrate on the result. Therefore, only someone who sees it as a necessity can lose weight purposefully.
Think about each of them and understand that only your actions will give a result, no one will lose weight for you.
So, when the goal is set and the motivation is determined, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan of their actions. It is not necessary to prescribe breakfast time and the exact number of calories per day. It is important to concentrate on the main thing and not to depart from the intended path. For example, to promise yourself that for a month you refuse white bread or increase the number of sit-ups three times in a week.
It's important to remember - your plan should not be so strict that it is difficult to carry out, and so easy that you do not have to make efforts of will.
to the table of contents ^Proper nutrition and calories
It is possible to effectively lose weight to a woman only when the food is balanced, but will not exceed 2500 calories per day. This is the daily norm for a woman, necessary for the normal functioning of the body, without leading him to exhaustion.
Diets with a daily rate of one thousand calories are not productive, because the body is under stress and trying to accumulate as much nutrients as possible for the future.
Such restrictions will not be disastrous for your health and purposefulness, nor for the body.
If kilograms do not go away during a week of diet, do not stop it - pay attention to physical activity. After all, the role of diet should not be reduced to the work of the body for wear, but consist in the harmonious consumption of useful nutrients.
The diet should also be deleted:
- Fatty meat and vegetable fats in large quantities. Calories and potatoes.
- Do not get carried away by fruit.
- Alcohol.
Included in the diet is:
- Low-fat meat.
- Milk and sour-milk products. Curds and hard cheese( low-fat).Rye bread or bread.
- Vegetables.
It is important to adhere to the diet:
- full breakfast and lunch;
- allow yourself a light supper;
- make small snacks in the form of lunch or a snack.
It is worth remembering that the amount of food eaten is as important as its quality, so do not overeat. Do not eat full portions, in time there will be enough and half.
So the body will receive the necessary nutrients and vitamins, not too heavy calories: everything that you eat will go to ensure life, and not be stored in fat cells.
to contents ^Water
It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water during the diet. This amount is enough to provide the body with moisture and accelerate the process of losing weight, because water removes toxins and toxins, helping to get rid of excess weight.
It is believed that an excessive amount of water leads to its deposition in fat cells, which increases the weight. In fact, the fat cells hold water in the intercellular space, which causes edema, but in order to avoid stagnation of water it should be drunk as much as possible( within 2.5 liters per day).
In addition, for the best effect, you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, and if you plan to do sports - grab a bottle of mineral water with you. Physical exercises lead to dehydration of the body, and the water reserve must be restored.
It is important to drink not any liquid, but clean water without gas, preferably at room temperature. It is this water that is best absorbed.
At the same time, the main task is not to try to drink all 1.5 liters from the first day of losing weight. It is important to start with small doses, for example, from a glass of water on an empty stomach, before dinner and dinner, gradually increasing the amount of liquid drunk, listening to your own body.
Physical exercises
Only with the help of sport can one really start droppingkg. This does not mean that you should start with a run of two kilometers or 50 sit-ups in one approach. Here the same principle applies as with water and food: start small, do not overstrain your body, allow it to adapt. Of course, physical exertion should be noticeable: do not stop until you feel the ultimate tension of the muscles( except for the situations of poor health).
You can schedule and follow it clearly. It is best to do exercises every other day, that is, thrice a week.
The principle of playing sports is the load on all muscle groups. If you want to get a narrow waist, you can not ignore the exercises for the legs and back. The transformation of forms is possible only in a complex. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the exercises:
- For the press: you can lift your legs or trunk, as well as twisting.
- For the feet: to climb on socks, to jump, do attacks, crouch.
- For hands and back: push up( can be from the knees), work with dumbbells.
It is important that losing weight after 50 years or with a lot of weight requires caution in the exercises - you should not run for weight loss, it can negatively affect the joints. It is better to give preference to soft sports:
- swimming,
- gymnastics,
- aerobics,
- Pilates.
Regardless of what physical activities you get, you need to add a walk element: if possible, replace in this way with public transport. This allows you to burn calories unobtrusively for yourself, without much effort and stress.
It is worth remembering that sports do not necessarily involve hiking in a paid gym: this can be done without problems at home, you just have to be able to control yourself and not give up after a week or two.
Errors of newbies
Sometimes even the greatest desire for improvement can fail along the wrong approach. Consider the most common mistakes that are allowed at the beginning of weight loss:
- Large intervals between meals or refusal of breakfast or lunch.
- Indulgences for themselves in the form of "one candy on a Sunday evening."
- Violation of the regularity of physical activity.
- A sharp decrease in the daily calorie rate.
- Excessive attention to the calorie counting along with ignoring the quality characteristics of the products( whether they contain fats and carbohydrates, or proteins).
- Constant self-checking on scales: not always the result is visible at once, especially in weight calculation. If you are doing sports, you need to consider that the muscles are heavier than fat, and the scales will not show any improvement.
- Termination of the diet after losing several kilograms. Weight will return very quickly, if not maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
And after the octal weight is not returned?
Tips are good if a person has no limitations. I am an invalid instead of the hip joint, I have an endoprosthesis, as well as an operation on the spine, as a result of which I can neither run nor lift more than five kilograms, and severe shortness of breath even at the slightest load. So I would like to know how to lose weight in such restrictions.
Everything is perfectly described I'll start from tomorrow. Thank you!!!