Motivation for weight loss history slimming with photos before and after

A person can dream of getting rid of excess weight and become slender for decades, but never begin to take decisive action in this direction. And all because he has no motivation - the incentive that would have forced him to finally take himself in hand and start moving towards his goal. Each person can have their own motivation - someone wants to lose weight, to restore their health, someone - to attract or return the attention of an expensive person, and someone just wants to like themselves in the mirror. Excellent examples of reinforcement of motivation are real examples - stories of famous and not so people who could lose weight and fulfill their dream.

  • Christina Aguilera
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • Jennifer Hudson
  • Kelly Osbourne
  • Ani Lorak
  • Dana Borisova
  • Irina Dubtsova
  • Anna Semenovich
  • Tatyana Rybakova, St.(Russia)
  • Julia Kozerski, Milwaukee
  • Angelina Shmidova, Mogilev( Belarus)
  • Svetlana Akhtarova, Almetyevsk( Russia)
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Christina Aguilera

At the very beginning of her career, Kristina was slender andeven a fragile girl, against the background of herlegged rivals from the world of show business is significantly lost. For almost a decade of her career Aguilera remained in shape and even the pregnancy and the birth of her son left no traces on her beautiful figure. But the divorce from her husband led to the fact that the singer has collected more than a dozen kilograms and even the most severe diets in combination with significant physical loads did not help her get rid of them. They say that Aguilera even resorted to hypnosis, but the weight was still in place. Training and diet began to work only when a new lover appeared in her life, and her mental state returned to normal. In just a few months Christina got rid of 12 kilograms. Having thrown off weight, the star continues to adhere to proper nutrition and regularly visits the gym.

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Jennifer Love Hewitt

Hollywood actress Jennifer Love Hewitt is known not only for her roles in movies, but also for her history of losing weight. Always slim and smart, in 2007 she began to rapidly gain extra pounds, in addition to them the actress had a pronounced cellulite. Blame everything, according to Jennifer, the wrong diet and lack of physical activity. Regular attacks of the paparazzi in her direction and discontent with her own reflection in the mirror made the star of the film "Heartbreakers" finally take care of themselves. The actress lost weight due to proper nutrition, as well as a special fitness program "Buti", combining elements of dance and yoga.

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Jennifer Hudson

A well-known American actress and singer from a young age had rather magnificent forms, which she always did not like, but did not worry much, so she did not take any active steps for losing weight. Everything changed after the birth of the child, when the weight of Hudson began to interfere with her normal way of life( in particular, it was difficult for her to walk on her heels, and the dress code of many social events requires just this shoe).Adhering to proper nutrition, Jennifer was losing weight, but very slowly. Breakthrough in losing weight, she managed to do thanks to participation in the program "Weight Watchers"( Weight Watchers).In a short time, the star managed to lose 36 kilograms. Today, Hudson adheres to a healthy lifestyle, eats properly and does sports at least five times a week.

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Kelly Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne's daughter struck everyone with her slender figure in 2010.Kelly was never thin, every year her uniforms became more and more rounded, and Kelly decided to say "Stop."Kelly never adhered to any rules, so her diet was special. Its main point is the rejection of the so-called fast carbohydrates, the excessive use of which leads to the formation of fatty deposits. At the same time, Kelly used other products without restrictions, allowing herself even meals for the night. In addition to everything, Osborne has made a pretty busy schedule for himself. Thanks to this regime, the weight of Kelly rapidly declined, the result was getting rid of 20 kilograms of excess weight. The magazine 'Fitness' awarded her the title of "Best Body 2010" for her hard work on the figure.

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Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak also had to fight with excess weight. Always slender, she scored extra pounds during pregnancy. The hormonal changes in Lorac's body led to the fact that even diet and exercise did not lead to a change in scales. However, the singer did not stop, failures did not force her to abandon the goal. Physical exertion only increased, and dietary restrictions became increasingly severe. The result was Ani's weight loss of 16 kilograms. The singer is sure that only proper nutrition and suitable physical activities are the key to a beautiful and harmonious figure.

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Dana Borisova

In 2010, Dana Borisova, known as the owner of one of the best figures in the Russian show business, shocked fans and not only with her appearance. TV presenter recovered more than 15 kilograms. The exact reasons for such a rapid set of weight Dana does not disclose, in secular circles it was rumored that the blame for all the nervous breakdowns due to parting with the lover, which led to hormonal disorders. After the tabloids took Borisova pride of place among the stellar "fatties", the TV presenter seriously took up work on her body. Elimination of harmful products from the diet, fractional meals, regular exercise - all this helped to cope with excess weight and Dana Borisova. However, the host does not deny that to accelerate the result resorted to injections for weight loss. But the main merit, she still believes control of yourself.

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Irina Dubtsova

The famous Russian singer has a predisposition to completeness, therefore, as soon as she gives a slack, it immediately reflects on her figure. Prior to pregnancy Irina managed to keep her weight within the norm, but after the birth of the child, it became much more difficult, and the singer gained not one extra kilogram. As they say in the yellow press, excess weight Dubtsova became the reason for her parting with her husband. Problems in her personal life against the background of too rounded forms of steel for the singer's last straw, and, failing to achieve visible results in losing weight on her own, Irina turned to a dietician who developed for her a balanced diet. Proper nutrition Dubtsova complemented by sports, and a few months later appeared before the public slender and beautiful.

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Anna Semenovich

I was able to return the beautiful figure and singer Anna Semenovich. Forms of the singer have always been quite magnificent, but an outstanding belly is far from as beautiful as an outstanding chest. Realizing this, Semenovich began an active fight against extra pounds. Lose weight, she said, helps her work, during which she simply has no time to think about food, as well as a combination of days off with a visit to the bath and the holding of massage courses. She also had to give up her favorite dish - fried potatoes, which only harms the body. Thanks to this work over a very short period of time, Anna managed to lose more than ten kilograms and feel more beautiful and healthy. Semenovich is sure that with the right approach, any woman can lose weight.

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Tatyana Rybakova, St. Petersburg( Russia)

Not only stars, but also ordinary people, who do not have personal dieticians, personal trainers, after all, medical specialists, who can correct the figure in case of something, can boast of dizzying results. Definitely worthy of attention is the story of a simple girl from St. Petersburg Tatyana Rybakova, who managed to lose more than fifty kilograms. Tanya's weight was almost always far from ideal, at the age of 14 she already weighed more than 100 kilograms. Becoming a little older, Tanya began to look for ways to deal with extra pounds. Through trial and error Rybakova not only picked up the ideal conditions for herself( a combination of diet and exercise), due to which she lost weight by 55 kilograms, but she was able to help a lot of other people who faced the problem of excess weight. Today Tanya is a certified nutritionist and professional fitness trainer. Most recently, she published her book on losing weight, which gives useful advice to everyone who wants to have a slim figure.

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Julia Kozerski, Milwaukee( USA)

Julia grew up in a family of very busy parents who were constantly at work and did not care about the correctness of the baby's nutrition. So Kozerski ate everything that was in the refrigerator - and most often it was frozen semi-finished products, washed down with soda, and when necessary. Naturally, with this regime of nutrition, there could be no talk of any harmony. Julia began to recover."Stop" to herself, she said only when she saw herself in a wedding dress - 153 kilograms, wrapped in meters of fabric. Kozerski turned her story of losing weight into an art project, taking pictures every day to capture the whole process. Its result is minus 72 kilograms in just one year. The basis for the success of Julia - the right food, eliminating the use of harmful products, as well as moderate physical activity in the form of daily walking.

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Angelina Shmidova, Mogilev( Belarus)

The aspirations of another 21-year-old Belarusian woman, Angelina Shmidova, also ended in luck. With the growth of 168 centimeters, she weighed 57 kilograms and believed that for her it is a lot. Having read the literature on the subject of weight loss, Angelina completely excluded from her diet alcohol, sunflower oil and soda. All other products Shmidova allows himself, most importantly, according to her, use them correctly. Sweet and other caloric hazards can be eaten until noon, breakfast should have been saturated with carbohydrates. For lunch, you can eat almost everything, except for sweets and harmfulness, but the dinner should consist of protein food. On the day - at least three meals( preferably five - with snacks between the main).The result of this diet was a reduction in the weight of a girl by 13 kilograms in two months!

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Svetlana Akhtarova, Almetyevsk( Russia)

Svetlana Akhtarova is a woman who managed to get rid of 70 kilograms of excess weight in one and a half year. Having a hereditary predisposition to completeness, the economist from Almetyevsk did not seek to change what she thought was inherent in nature. I did not go in for sports, I led a sedentary lifestyle, ate everything. Decided to lose weight Svetlana after the birth of the child and sitting in the decree - recovering even more, she hardly did the usual household chores and child care. There is no secret in its success - proper nutrition, supplemented by physical exertion - and weight goes away. Svetlana adheres to the diet, one of the conditions is the refusal of meals after 16 hours( low-fat yogurt or kefir, as well as tea) are allowed. Physical loads - the most diverse( from walking a measured step to aqua aerobics).For a year and a half the weight of Akhtarova fell from 127 to 57 kilograms, the woman feels healthy and happy.


Here is an Angelina girl, who is from Belarus, she is a nutritionist on the Internet and helps everyone who wants to lose weight. Now she is not as bony as here in the photo, but very slender and fragile, although it has been in my mind for 3 or 4 years since she lost weight. I will say so, she is a professional in her own business and perfectly masteres weight loss programs and a charismatic person to madness. I managed to get her advice and a 40-day individual program, I was more than happy with her work and with her results on her program. The minus of 10 kg for 40 days, has already passed or has taken place a floor of year from the moment of growing thin and the weight costs or stands, does not grow, though my food not poor. Whatever the appearance of the person was not, but she is oh, how deceptive, Angelina looks very young, but she is a uuh what a specialist in healthy weight loss!

  • Mar 05, 2018
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