Anoscopy as a method of diagnosing hemorrhoids and proctologic diseases

anoscopy diagnostic Almost every 10th person on Earth has such a disease as hemorrhoids.

The patient exhibits symptoms such as constipation, itching, pain, discomfort in the anus, prolapsed hemorrhoids at low physical exertion. In patients, the quality of life decreases, the number of complexes increases.

At the first manifestations of hemorrhoids it is necessary to visit a proctologist who will prescribe the necessary examinations, including an anoscopy.


  • Essence of the study
    • Adjacent diagnostic methods - what's the difference?
  • Indications for the
  • Study Suitable for almost everyone and always
  • Preparing for the
  • study How is the
  • diagnosed? They passed this test - the opinion of the people

The essence of the study

At the initial stage of the examination, the doctor performs a finger examination. With hemorrhoids, a similar examination reflects the severity of the disease. If the inflammatory focus is located at a great distance from the anus, then anoscopy is prescribed.

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With the help of an anoscope, the area of ​​the fistula or other inflammatory focus is determined.

In this case, an anoscope is used, which is a smooth metal or plastic rod without sharp protrusions up to 1 cm in diameter. The handle is slightly extended from the slightly expanded base.



For convenience in operation the device is equipped with illumination, which allows you to analyze in detail the condition of the rectum and mucosa( structure and color), blood vessels, consider all the details.

Complete with an anoscope is a ligator for applying latex rings to hemorrhoids.

Metal devices are used many times with pre-sterilization. The plastic device is intended for one-time use, it is in a sealed package.

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The patient's position is selected individually, according to his constitution and structure. Adjacent methods of diagnosis - what's the difference?

An anesthesia is an internal examination of the rectum with the introduction of a device to inspect the inner surface of the organ by 12 cm.

sigmoidoscopy In turn, sigmoidoscopy allows you to examine the rectum to a depth of up to 35 cm, and colonoscopy is used for more in-depth examinations when detecting tumors.

If you compare these three methods, anoscopy is safer, but gives less information about the condition of the walls of the rectum, vessels, etc.

Irrigoscopy is an addition - a radiographic examination of the organ with filling it with radiopaque lime.

Indications for the

Study Diagnostic anoscopy is assigned to patients who are suspected of having hemorrhoids.

The study allows to identify and study the following problems:

  • hemorrhoidal nodes( presence of inflammation, parameters);
  • causes stool disorders( diarrhea, constipation);
  • causes the release of pus, mucus or blood from the anus;
  • presence in the rectum of fistulas;
  • anal fissures;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • rectal cannillomas, anal fimbriae and polyps.

Doctors prescribe a study for anal bleeding, pain in this area( with defecation, before or after it), with significant mucus and pus discharge, intestinal disorders.

The method can be prescribed for medicinal purposes, for the administration of medicinal products, for taking a biopsy( sampling a part of the tissue for histology).

For therapeutic purposes, the device is used for sclerosing therapy and infrared coagulation of hemorrhoids, when they are doped with latex rings, with electrocoagulation of polyps.

In addition to assessing the condition of the mucosa, anoscopy is designed to confirm the diagnosis, take tissues and smears for tests, perform minimally invasive surgical interventions.

Suitable for almost everyone and always

This study has no absolute contraindications. But in the acute stages of hemorrhoids or paraproctitis, the study is best transferred until the symptoms are eliminated.

With a narrowed anal valve or lumen of the gut, thermal and chemical burns in the acute stage, it is better not to do an examination. But in essence the method is safe.

Preparing for the

study An anoscopy can not be called a pleasant method of research, but with numerous therapeutic and diagnostic cleansing enema options, it is safe and has no contraindications.

No special preparation is required before the study. It is enough for the patient to make 1-2 cleansing enemas of 1.5 liters before the procedure( the first in the evening, the second in the morning no more than 2 hours before the study).

Today, the preparation for the study can be performed without the use of enemas by special means: Flit soda, Fortrans and Microlax. In addition to cleaning the intestine, the patient should limit himself to consuming fatty foods and food, causing a buildup of gases( irritating juices, cabbage, legumes).

Basically, the doctor does not anesthetize the patient, but with its special sensitivity, ointments and gels of local anesthetic action can be used. Sometimes anesthesia is performed by intramuscular injection of analgesics, especially if there are anal fissures or inflamed nodes.

The procedure does not require the patient to stay in hospital, it is performed by the doctor on an outpatient basis.

Preliminary finger inspection is performed in the chair or on the couch. The doctor puts on gloves, lubricates them with a special gel or ointment.

After the patient podnatuzhitsya, proctologist enters the finger in the anus, probing the area of ​​the anus, sacrum, coccyx for hemorrhoids, their consistency, the condition of the muscles and walls of the rectum. Such a study will make it possible to determine whether the methods of the nodes themselves will be brought back into the rectum.

But finger examination rarely allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis, so the next step in the study is anoscopy.

How is the diagnosis of

anoscopy The design of the anoscope is designed for examination by the proctologist of hemorrhoids.

For examination, the patient takes a comfortable position in a special armchair( knee-elbow or on the side) and the proctologist inserts the device into the anus in circular motions. A competent and careful introduction of the device allows the patient to experience a minimum of uncomfortable sensations.

After the mandrel is taken out, the examination of the anus begins.

In doing so, the patient should relax and do not interfere with the examination. The duration of the manipulations does not exceed 30 minutes, after which the anoscope is also withdrawn from the anus in a circular motion.

The duration of the study may be longer if polyps are doped or tissue is taken for analysis. In this case, the patient is offered the following types of anesthesia:

  1. Irrigating with anesthetic .Before cauterizing the polyps, taking tests, an anesthetic is applied to the area under investigation.
  2. Sedation. Excitable and hypochondriacal patients are offered sedation( prophol, midazolam), which effectively calm nerves and allow you to relax.

The optical device displays all detected details on the monitor. A high-quality image is obtained, which allows the specialist to make a correct assessment of the mucosa. If there are any abnormalities, they are photographed.

How is the diagnostic anoscopy - a video clip with the comments of a specialist:

They passed this test - the opinion of people

Reviews of patients who were anoscopy.

When the doctor prescribed a rectal examination for me - an anoscopy, I was very frightened. Before these did not sleep, I wanted to take a sedative.

But the specialist said that this will not be required. If I follow all the recommendations, the procedure will pass with minimal discomfort.

And really, after that I began to feel more relaxed about the research that went well.

Vera, Moscow

After birth, I started constipation, pain and blood discharge from the anus. She began to use candles Relief, changed the diet and began to consume more water.

For several months I felt improvements, but then the symptoms appeared again. I had to contact the proctologist who ordered the study, after which I was diagnosed and I underwent the correct treatment.

Nastya, Kiev

As a medical research, anoscopy is important for detecting hemorrhoids, various neoplasms and assessing inflammation in the mucosa.

It is desirable to calmly treat such an investigation, which is necessary for the correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the disease.

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  • Feb 26, 2018
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