Trophic ulcer is not an independent disease. This complication of certain pathologies: varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, lymphaderma, erysipelas.
Often it is formed as a result of trauma, frostbite, burn. By appearance it is an open wound on the skin or tissues under the epidermis, which does not heal after 6 weeks.
The described trophic ulcers are characterized by long treatment and frequent relapses. The cure depends on the course of the underlying disease and the possibility of eliminating the disorders that led to the pathology.
Varicose ulcers appear on the lower part of the shin with a cyanotic stain and small sores first. Gradually they merge into one wound, from which oozes blood or purulent, sometimes with a smell, contents.
- General principles of treatment
- General principles of treatment
- Groups of medicines used
- Topical preparations
- Elimination of skin defects - complex of
- products Unique in nature medicines
- Effective and popular means
- A couple of recipes from the people
- Results and conclusions
General principles of treatment
First of allit is necessary to eliminate the cause of the trophic ulcer. It usually occurs because of venous insufficiency, so you should start treating varicose veins, even if surgical intervention is required.
The trophic ulcer itself is eliminated in conservative ways. This occurs outpatiently - if the wounds are superficial, and if the ulcer is deep - treatment is carried out under stationary conditions.
The general treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities involves the course use of drugs that improve venous outflow, nutrition of tissues, promote the healing of a defect. Local treatment implies the selection of an effective drug for long-term use. It should be of two types: in the form of an ointment or gel.
The composition of the drug should stimulate the growth of cells, improve the formation of collagen and metabolism, ensure the supply of oxygen to the tissues. All this should contribute to a quality and safe wound healing.
Groups of used medicines
Since the beginning of treatment, preparations improving the condition of the vascular system have been prescribed:
- Flebotonics - strengthen vascular walls, increase elasticity, normalize blood circulation: Detralex, Troxevasin, Venoruton, Flebodia.
- Anticoagulants - dilute blood, reducing the risk of blood clots: Heparin, Decumarin.
- Fibrinolytics - reduce the ability of blood clots. The funds are assigned if the patient is in the hospital because they provoke internal and external bleeding. The most effective include Urokinase, Streptokinase.
- Spasmolytics - relieve spasms and pain, dilate blood vessels: No-sppa, Papaverin.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve inflammation in the vessels and anesthetize: Ibuprofen.
- Means that improve fat metabolism - remove toxins from the body, regulate the level of cholesterol and pancreatic enzymes: enterosorbent FISHant-S, consisting of natural components.
- Systemic enzymes - for improving metabolism.
Restoration of blood flow, removal of inflammation and improvement of metabolic processes promote the healing of the defect. This is the list of the most effective and common drugs.
Topical preparations
In addition to preparations taken internally, topical medications are also used to treat trophic ulcers.
These are ointments and gels that eliminate infection and accelerate the healing of wounds.
The use of these drugs depends on the extent of the lesion.
The groups of medicines include:
- Antibacterial drugs - used in the early stages, when the defect is small. They disinfect the wound and reduce the risk of re-infection: Levomecol, Actovegin, Solcoseryl.
- Ointments with plant components - are used to completely get rid of the infection. Here from the most effective it is necessary to allocate Vul'timulin - it accelerates wound healing, removes inflammatory processes, is applied to a dying ulcer.
- Regenerating preparations - after using the above mentioned products, when the ulcer formed a thin layer of epithelium, it is necessary to use regenerating ointments to improve the cellular metabolism in the skin and complete healing of the wound: Bepanten, Mefenat, Kuriyozin.
Means that help in the restoration of the skin, also relieve inflammation and pain, promote the penetration of active components into the depth of the skin, thereby speeding up the healing.
The most effective and popular preparations for the treatment of trophic ulcers of topical application are:
- Solcoseryl - besides antibacterial action it has the properties of improved regeneration of the affected tissues. Does not have side effects. When applied to the wound, burning and tingling begins - it should be so, it should not be discarded.
- Iruksol - it contains collagenosis, as a result of which this drug can not be used for a long time to avoid side effects. The product helps to clean the wound from pathogenic microflora, contamination.
- Delaxin is the only drug in pharmacology with synthetic tannin content. It forms a thin film on the surface of the ulcer, which protects the wound from infection and suppuration. It dries well the wetting wound and accelerates the regeneration of the tissue. In addition, it removes itching, inflammation, pain, swelling and has antibacterial action. Available in the form of a powder or cream.
Elimination of skin defects - a set of tools
Treatment of trophic ulcers is aimed at improving circulation of blood in the legs, as its violation led to a lack of nutrition of the cells of the epithelium and their death, which caused an ulcer. For the treatment of skin defects, drug complexes are used:
- Dienai - cleanses blood vessels and stimulates blood microcirculation, restores blood flow to tissues. The composition contains enzymes that dissolve thrombi, as well as elements that remove inflammation, improve metabolic processes, and accelerate regeneration.
- Venomax is an improved preparation of Dienay, which additionally contains plant extracts that strengthen the vascular walls.
- Bifidim is an immunomodulator capable of enhancing the body's natural reserves. It restores the functions of the immune system and is used as an additional remedy for sluggish infections.
All three drugs are applied in one course by alternating with each other according to the scheme. The uniqueness of these drugs is that they do not disintegrate in the aggressive environment of the stomach and manifest themselves as if they were injected into the body.
This is very convenient for the patient - do not lie under the dropper and take them at home.
Unique in nature medicines
For the treatment of trophic ulcers, not only preparations of internal use, but also various means for local administration have been developed. They include:
- Branolol N - is available in the form of bandages, improves regeneration, performs drainage, prevents the formation of scars. Promotes wound healing, eliminates swelling and inflammation. Dressings with it are painless and not traumatic. The dressing is made of cotton fabric with large cells, which promotes free air circulation. The dressing is impregnated with Peruvian balsam, as well as with medicinal acids and essential oils.
- ActiveTex is a napkin made from knitted fabric, impregnated with different compositions. For the treatment of wounds on the legs, the ActiveTex Chlit wipes( chlorhexidine, vitamins E and C) and ActiveTex FOM( furagin and sea buckthorn oil) are suitable. They have anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic and hemostatic effect.
- Vitargol is a spray based on an aqueous solution of colloidal silver. Apply with a spray on the wound, if necessary, you can apply a bandage. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Effective and popular remedies
The following effective drugs not included in the previous categories are also used for treatment:
- Antitax - the drug is based on flavonoids, which relieve swelling, inflammation, improve regeneration, increase vascular tone. Used at different stages of varicose veins. Has a minimum of side effects. Convenient in use - two capsules of the drug in the morning, so that the effect of the action is noticeable.
- Escuzan - made from the seeds of horse chestnut. It is used in the initial stages of varicose veins or for the prevention of venous insufficiency.
- Pentoxil is a synthetic preparation, manufactured in the form of tablets, stimulates blood formation, improves healing of ulcers, increases immunity. The dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets three times a day. The course of therapy depends on the stage of the disease.
A couple of recipes from the people
Treatment of ulcers is a long process and, in addition to traditional methods of therapy, the application of folk medicine prescriptions can help in recovery:
- Golden Husk .Wash the leaves of the plant in boiled water, cut and grind with a wooden spoon until the juice forms. The resulting mass is applied to the wound, covered with a sterile napkin and a bandage applied. Apply golden mustard for the night, until the ulcer is tightened, before it is treated with hydrogen peroxide.
- Garlic .4 cloves garlic clean and pour three cups of apple cider vinegar, let it brew for two weeks. This means to moisten the napkin and put on the wound, fix it with a bandage. To conduct such treatment for the night - the ulcer ceases to hurt, dries up and gradually decreases.
Summary and conclusions
During the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs, a hot bath or shower is not allowed. It is not recommended to wear a bandage or belt to correct the abdomen.
You can not carry weights and stay in a stationary position for a long time. From the diet should be excluded salt and spices. It is necessary to get rid of smoking - it slows down the process of recovery.
Preventing the appearance of ulcers is the prevention of varicose veins and other diseases that cause the formation of such complications. To do this, care should be taken for the legs: when heaviness occurs in the legs, apply creams and gels to relieve unpleasant symptoms.
The main thing is to observe the hygiene of the lower extremities to avoid infection.