Trophic ulcers, although not a fatal disease, can thoroughly damage the life of a sick person. According to scientific research among the causes leading to trophic ulcers, most often varicose occurs.
To date, there are many options for treatment, as well as traditional and traditional medicine. Most often, combines these approaches for the best effect of .
A trophic ulcer is called a non-healing wound for more than a month on the foot or shin. Trophic ulcers can occur with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, chronic arterial and venous insufficiency, and is not an independent disease.
- Treatment of illness
- Treatment with folk remedies
- Recipes verified by time
- Need to know
- Prevention
- Video: Treatment of trophic ulcer
Treatment of
disease When treating ulcers, needs the comprehensive approach of , aimed at eliminating the cause of their appearance.
Treatment of trophic ulcers is mandatory by local therapy.
In the treatment of ulcers, is also used for the operative and conservative treatment of , both local and general treatment is popular. Local treatment contains 3 stages:
- cleansing of ulcers from dead particles;
- elimination of infection;
- closure of the defect.
Treatment of trophic ulcers by the operative route - is the most effective method of , because in the operation it is possible to get rid of the cause of the trophic ulcer.
Often, traditional medicine copes in cases where traditional medicine has been powerless.
Than the thrombosis of the external hemorrhoidal node is dangerous and why it is extremely important not to start the disease you can learn from our article.
What stands out is one of the most popular operations on veins miniblectomy and patient reviews about it you can find here.
Treating folk remedies
It has long been believed that the trophic ulcer is best treated with folk remedies.
The main folk methods of treatment of trophic ulcers are various baths and lotions, ointments, as well as bandages , impregnated or lubricated with curative composition. The complexity of treatment lies in its duration and strict observance of the proportions of the therapeutic agent.
Recipes, time-tested
Folk methods of treatment of trophic ulcers are based on such recipes:
- Protein with honey: mix egg white and honey 1 to 1, whip and apply on sores, and then cover with burdock leaves in three layers. After that, wrap the cellophane and bandage it, leave it for the whole night. A similar procedure is carried out 6-8 times. When all recommendations are observed, a thin crust is formed on ulcers, and pink spots appear on the skin, which will come off within 2 weeks.
- Hydrogen peroxide: before streaking with streptocid it is poured over with peroxide, then cover with a cloth soaked in boiled water. The compress is covered with polyethylene and bandaged. The compress is changed a couple times a day. When the wound is moist, it should be sprinkled with streptocid.
- Creptocidnaya ointment: in a mug put 1 tablespoon of unrefined sunflower oil and boil it for 20 minutes.on a water bath. Then add a spoonful of fish oil and wait another 20 minutes. Then 25 tablets are added to the mug.crushed streptocide and it all boils on the fire for another half hour. The resulting ointment is applied every day to the affected areas and bandages.
- Yolk Ointment: for yolks of chicken eggs, 5% iodine solution is added to 1 to 1. The resulting dark yellow mass is stored in a cool place protected from light. Ointment applied directly to the wound, it is not allowed to hit the healthy skin. The dressing is done once a day. After 12 hours, the ointment will become firm and can be removed painlessly.
- Baths: potassium permanganate diluted to a dull pink color and keep a ulcer of half an hour. After this, dilute 100 ml of calendula tincture per 1 liter of water. In this solution the ulcer is kept for half an hour. The last one is a bath with eucalyptus. Then wrap the ulcer with a bandage folded into 8 layers. On top of the bandage.
- Onion compress: 1 onion finely chopped. The grated carrots are added to the onions. The resulting mass is roasted until a golden color appears. When frying, use half a glass of sunflower oil. The resulting mass is squeezed and applied to ulcers. The procedure is repeated at least three times a day.
- Meat compresses: , fresh meat is laid on the wound, covered with polyethylene and bandaged. The compress is held for 2 days. After it is removed, the wound is washed with soap and sprinkled with streptocide.
- Golden mustache : a sheet of golden mustache is washed in warm water and tears into small parts. Further, the stupa kneads, and the mass gives off the juice. It is spread on the ulcer and covered with a sterile gauze napkin and bandage. Severe pain is possible.
- Cabbage leaf : the cabbage leaves soaked in sea buckthorn oil are applied to a sore spot. The leaf will dry the next day.
- Ointment on wax : a small amount of beeswax is added to a glass of refined oil, the dishes stand on fire until the wax melts. From egg-boiled egg is separated yolk. For 1 portion of the ointment, take half the yolk and add it to the wax mixture. After removing the dishes from the fire, the ointment is infused for 10-15 minutes. Then it is filtered through a nylon fabric and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, it is heated to 40 ° C.
Treatment of trophic ulcers folk remedy is better spent under the supervision of a doctor.
You need to know
Tips and tricks that will be useful if you have chosen folk treatment for trophic ulcers:
- Treatment of ulcers and skin: specialists advise disinfecting not only the ulcers and surrounding skin affected area, but also the skin between the fingers, and the nail plates. All these methods will help to minimize the risk of parasites and fungal infection.
- Application of the preparation: on the surface of ulcers and skin affected by the disease, the cream is applied for external use. The cream is characterized by a good healing effect and prevents the infection of wounds, helps to reduce the time of the anticipated treatment.
- Change of dressings: dressing should be changed once a day or every other day. The change depends on how much the bandage is moistened. The peculiarity of dressings is that the silver salt of sulfatiazole helps maintain a constant concentration of drugs in the affected tissues at the same level.
In the complex therapy of it is recommended:
- adequate elastic compression;
- medication;
- rational organization of work and leisure;
- change the power mode.
Prevention of trophic ulceration is mainly the treatment of diseases, because of which it appears. Such diseases include chronic arterial insufficiency, varicose veins, venous insufficiency.
An important factor is the place of your work. It is recommended to choose a place of work, considering your illnesses and predisposition to them. Work can be the main cause of varicose veins, and as a consequence - and the appearance of trophic ulcers.
Folk methods of ulceration are very effective and is often more effective than classical therapy. Although, as a rule, treatment with folk remedies takes longer, it leads to complications less often.
However, before starting treatment with traditional medicine, it is advisable to consult a doctor.