Features of nutrition during exacerbation of hemorrhoids: a menu and a diet

diet for acute hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids is a very delicate problem, which is accompanied by constipation and cracks.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids brings a lot of discomfort to patients, which is why it is necessary to use the right diet to reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Contents of

  • Features of exacerbation of
  • Incorrect nutrition - the main cause of exacerbation
  • Basic principles of nutrition
    • What products can and should you eat?
  • Therapeutic menu

Features of exacerbation

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids is a very unpleasant pathological condition, which is characterized by a pronounced symptomatology. An exhausting and painful symptom of the disease - burning, itching and pain in the anus.

In some cases, the pain is so acute that a person can not sit. Exacerbation of pain is observed during emptying. Because of severe pain, a person begins to be afraid of a stool, which subsequently causes constipation.

Because of hard feces, the patient has injuries of the inflamed bowel. This makes defecation not only painful, but also painful. In the behavior of the patient there is aggression, irritation.

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In some cases, patients experience a temperature increase. A frequent symptom of exacerbation of hemorrhoids is chills. In some cases, patients are diagnosed with intoxication of the body. exacerbation of hemorrhoids

If the patient has an advanced form of hemorrhoids, then during an exacerbation, hemorrhoids fall out, which can not be reversed back.

In some cases, patients experience thrombosis, which is characterized by the pinch of the fallen nodes. As a result, their blood supply is disturbed. In this case, the patient must necessarily perform a surgical procedure.

If the blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal nodes is disturbed, this leads to the breakdown and necrosis of the tissues. In some cases, there is a rupture of inflamed nodes, which leads to bleeding. Their complication may be anemia.

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If the timely treatment of acute hemorrhoids is absent, then the anorectal region develops an inflammatory process.

In case of complications, the patient develops a bacterial infection, which results in purulent processes.

If this symptom is present, the patient must be provided with emergency medical care. Otherwise, there may be a condition that is dangerous for the patient's life.

After providing medical care, the patient must adhere to a diet that is prescribed by his or her attending physician.

Incorrect food - the main cause of exacerbation

Canned food

Canned food - clearly not what your body asks for

The main cause of exacerbation of hemorrhoids is often the wrong food. This is because harmful food causes constipation.

As a result of this, stool masses, passing through the intestine and anus, damage the vascular walls, which leads to exacerbation.

With the use of some products, there is an increase in blood flow to the vessels. This leads to overflowing with blood veins and overstretching and protrusion of their walls. As a result, formation of hemorrhoids is observed.

Most often, this effect on the human body is when using:

  • spices;
  • sharp seasonings;
  • pickled products;
  • canned food;
  • smoked products.

If the patient has regular intake of alcoholic beverages, this leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Negative and irregular intake of food affects the patient's health condition negatively. Water plays a significant role in the human body. With insufficient use of it, constipation is observed, which leads to an exacerbation.

Malnutrition is the main cause of exacerbation of the disease. That is why a person who is diagnosed with hemorrhoids should avoid such troubles.

Basic principles of nutrition

If a patient has an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, then he needs to ensure the correct and full functioning of the digestive tract. For this purpose, certain foods are eaten.

It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that provoke gas formation, and also provoke constipation.

In order to avoid these troubles, it is necessary to refuse:

  • sweets, chocolate and baking;
  • fatty meat and fish varieties;
  • smoked dishes;
  • radishes and radishes;
  • marinades and canned food;
  • white cabbage;
  • fried food;
  • semolina porridge;
  • beans;
  • rice;
  • dishes based on potatoes;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • pasta;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • jelly.

If a person adheres to the right diet, then he must completely abandon such products as smoked products, alcoholic beverages and canned food. If necessary, it is better to replace them with less dangerous similar products.

For example, white bread is best replaced with a bran, and fatty meat is lean.

What products can and should you eat?

If a patient has an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, then he needs to use slag-free diets. They consist that

vegetables with hemorrhoids

Vegetables and fruit - that is necessary for an acute hemorrhoids

the person uses products in a plenty, which consist of dietary fibers.

That's why nutritionists recommend that patients eat foods from cereals, fruits and vegetables. A large effect on the patient's body is characteristic for beets, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin.

Nutritionists recommend the use of bananas, apricots, apples, and orange.

If a patient has an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, then he needs to take daily consumption of egg omelet, lean dishes from fish, fruits and vegetables, honey.

High impact effect is enjoyed by low-fat varieties of poultry, which include turkey and chicken breasts.

Dairy products are quite effective. Therefore, nutritionists recommend to patients daily consumption of kefir, yogurt, and fermented milk.

Patients should eat bread, which includes bran or replace it with diet breads. Nutritionists recommend proper nutrition to patients the use of prunes, dried apricots, figs.

If a patient has acute hemorrhoids, then he needs to consume salt, spices and sugar with extreme caution.

Eggs, dairy products and herbs must be eaten in minimum quantities. It is necessary to drink a glass of whey every day on an empty stomach.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, the patient must necessarily adhere to the diet and exclude from the diet of harmful products. This will have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease.

Therapeutic menu

In order to ensure proper nutrition for the patient, it is necessary for him to make a corresponding menu.

Regardless of it, in the morning, the patient should drink one glass of water. In the diet menu, during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, only allowable products should be included. Cooking should be done by steaming, baking or cooking.

Eating a patient can be very diverse.

One of the menu options:

  • for breakfast a person needs to eat salad from cabbage and apples, for salad dressing one can use one spoon of sour cream, Salad for breakfast also during this period is recommended the use of boiled eggs, milk porridge, tea with milk;
  • for the second breakfast is recommended the use of an apple and a glass of kefir;
  • The patient's lunch should consist of vegetable soup, boiled meat, stewed vegetables and fruit jelly;
  • on the afternoon snack it is recommended to use soaked prunes in the amount of eight pieces or cottage cheese with apples;
  • dinner of the patient should consist of vegetable cabbage rolls, fruit porridge and tea;
  • before sleep the patient must use a glass of yogurt.

If you provide the patient with timely treatment, as well as the correct diet, hemorrhoids can be eliminated as soon as possible.

The patient must adhere to the diet. The quality of food should be at a high level. If you follow simple food recommendations, you can also eliminate problems with constipation and cracks.

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  • Feb 26, 2018
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