How to cure hemorrhoids at home quickly and forever

how to treat hemorrhoids at home On the piquant problem in the form of suffering from manifestations of hemorrhoids in society to speak is not accepted. Many are embarrassed to admit this disease not only to their relatives, but even to a specialist.

But in any case, if the development of the disease has reached its peak, you need to seek help from a proctologist.

But for first aid and for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the initial stages, you can use some tips and methods that are easy to implement at home on your own.

Contents of

  • Unpleasant acquaintance and its consequences
  • When is self-treatment permissible?
  • First aid - pain relief and inflammation
  • Basis of therapy
  • Natural treatment - safe and effective
    • Effective healing herbs
  • Features of internal hemorrhoids treatment
  • When the disease is visible in all its beauty
  • Pregnancy and after childbirth assistance
  • When to see a doctor
  • Prophylaxis of the disease

Unpleasant acquaintance and its consequences

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Hemorrhoids - an increase in venous nodes in the rectum and anus. The disease is quite common and very unpleasant.

It is possible to cope with this disease at home if it is not started.

The causes of hemorrhoids are different, the most common of them:

  • regular diarrhea or constipation;constipation
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcoholism;
  • postpartum effects;
  • infectious diseases;
  • failure in the work of endocrine glands;
  • various bowel diseases.

The disease begins with itching in the anus. Then you can see the growing pain, especially after bowel movement.

There are blood smears on the underwear or on the feces. If the disease does not begin to heal, inflamed hemorrhoids( cones) can form around the anus or inside the intestine.

Hemorrhoids are divided into internal and external, and also can be combined. Disease is dangerous for its consequences, if it does not start to be treated in a timely manner.

When is self-management permissible?

To avoid dangerous consequences from the further development of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to begin treatment in the early stages.

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You can cope with primary symptoms at home, for example, if you have pain after going to the toilet, you do not need to immediately go to the doctor. Here it is enough to know that the use of several useful methods will help to completely eliminate the disease.

But also do not forget that the symptoms of hemorrhoids in the initial stages are similar to the symptoms of rectal cancer. If you have the opportunity to visit a doctor, do it immediately.

Well, if for some reason a specialist visit is postponed for an indefinite period, you can start treatment for hemorrhoids at home.

The disease is treated in several ways. When applying them, it is important to follow a unique sequence.

how to treat hemorrhoids

First aid - relieve pain and inflammation

At the initial stage of hemorrhoids, to ease discomfort, treatment should be started with local anesthesia, applying ointments and rectal suppositories.

Drugs are used only after reading the instructions to avoid side effects. Ointments are applied directly to the inflamed knot with a cotton pad.

Some ointments can be used without consulting a proctologist, without harm to health.

The following drugs are prescribed for medical treatment:

  1. Levomekol - relieves pain, inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect. Apply ointment should be several times a day. Bezornil
  2. Bezornil - this ointment is made on the basis of natural constituents and has a wide range of effects. Removes swelling, dries out damaged areas of the mucosa and restores diseased cells. Apply externally to the sore spot and internally with the help of an applicator that is attached to the product.
  3. Flemming Ointment is a homeopathic remedy. Anesthetizes and resolves the inflamed knot. Apply several times a day for a week.

Internal hemorrhoids at home are most often treated with rectal suppositories. Almost all of them are made from raw materials of natural origin and do not harm health.

To number of effective and safe preparations carry:

  1. Candles with sea-buckthorn oil - possess antiseptic property and lead to fast healing of fabrics of a rectum. Enter several times a day.
  2. Candles based on propolis - stop the inflammatory process, restore the affected cells of the mucosa, act as an antiseptic.
  3. Candles with ichthyol - relieve inflammation and restore the microflora.
  4. Posterizan - these candles improve immunity, treat inflammation of the rectum. Apply in the morning and evening.
If the use of an ointment or a candle causes discomfort, you should stop using them further, and if necessary, consult a specialist for help and a thorough examination.

The basis of therapy

For successful and rapid treatment of hemorrhoids in the home, it is necessary to apply and drugs inside to improve blood microcirculation near the hemorrhoids.

One of their effective drugs are Detralex tablets. After the application, the patient's state of health is improved the next day. This is a naturally occurring drug with a minimum of side effects.

There are other drugs that differ from each other in the range of effects, including: Venus

  • Venarus and Flebodia - venoprotectors, improve blood microcirculation and raise the overall tone of blood vessels;
  • ProctoGlivenol, Ginkor Fort, Pileks - tonic, strengthen the walls of venous vessels;
  • Calcium chloride, Vikasol - hemostatics, repair damaged cells of the rectal mucosa;
  • Heparin and Hemaroidin - anticoagulants, prevent the formation of thrombi.

Taking complex tablets, suppositories and ointments, you can not only alleviate the condition of the patient, but also completely forget about this disease. It is important to observe a number of preventive actions so that there is no relapse.

Natural treatment - safe and effective

To cure hemorrhoids at home, you can use traditional medicine along with traditional methods of therapy, good, the number of "natural" recipes is huge.

You can use medicinal herbs, make preparations from products of beekeeping or minerals. Their use as a local, in the form of lotions, candles, trays and enemas, and internal, - broths, tinctures.

The most highly effective folk methods include:

  1. Fresh potato juice of raw potatoes is injected into the anus with a syringe. The course of treatment is 10 days. Crude potatoes are effective in the form of candles. Cut a piece of root in the shape of a candle and insert very gently into the anus.
  2. Butter is used to treat external hemorrhoids and internal if you make candles out of it. Oil with honey addition increases the effect of pain relief and stop bleeding. Melt 100 g of butter and add 3 tbsp.spoons of chopped herbal extract from chamomile, mullein florets and flaxseed. Stir and keep on low heat for an hour, let him protomize. Cool the mixture at room temperature and heat again. Strain and add a little beeswax, again heat. Pour into the molds for candles and cool. Candles to keep in the refrigerator, help with cracks in the anus and inflammation of the nodes of hemorrhoids.
  3. You can also use vegetable oils in the form of lotions, baths, ointments. It is tea tree oil, black cumin, milk thistle, cocoa, camphor, vaseline.

How to make candles from potatoes

Effective curative herbs

List of useful herbal remedies, which includes:

  1. Wormwood - relieves pain and inflammation. Take in the form of tinctures or externally, as a compress or microclyster. Tincture of wormwood: in 100 ml of medical alcohol add a tablespoon of wormwood and insist in a dark place at room temperature in Sagebrush for a day. Take a few drops of tincture, diluted with water, 2 times a day. Broth for microclysters: 4 tbsp.spoons of herbs per liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, wrap in a towel and hold for 6 hours to insist.
  2. Chamomile - anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and itching. Take in the form of trays, microclyster and inside. For the trays, mix 2 liters of boiling water and 2 tablespoons.spoons of chamomile, let it brew for 3 hours, pre-heat the procedure. Take daily for 15-20 minutes, remove inflammation and itching. For microblogging apply the same decoction.
  3. Other herbs also help in the treatment of hemorrhoids and : yarrow, calendula, aloe, bay leaf and many others.
Before applying traditional medicine, it is better to take a test and consult a doctor.

How to cure hemorrhoids at home - 100% working methods on the video:

Features of internal hemorrhoids treatment

With internal hemorrhoids, the nodes are located inside the anal opening, which is complicated by anterior cracks, bleeding and acute pain. To remove the pain and inflammation at home, you can decoction herbs, applying them in the form of microclysters and trays.

Chamomile, sage, bark of an oak, calendula will approach. From juice of a potato, a propolis, juice of an aloe it is possible to do candles and tampons - they will help to remove a pain, an inflammation, possess a hemostatic and antimicrobic property.

For their production, the obtained liquids are mixed in equal amounts and softened propolis is added until density is reached.

should be allowed to freeze and use for severe pain or every time after going to the toilet.

When the disease is visible in all its beauty

sea ​​buckthorn oil External hemorrhoids are characterized by the appearance of venous nodes outside the anus.

To cure external hemorrhoids at the initial stage is fairly simple at home. Therapy can be done with lotions and baths, ointments and compresses.

For lotions and trays suitable for various herbs: chamomile, oak bark, wormwood, sage, horse chestnut seeds.

Compresses with propolis help remove nodes, relieve pain and itching. To make it simple: 13-15 g of crushed propolis, pour 200 ml of boiled water and insist for 3 days. Make compresses every day for 2-3 weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil helps a lot in the treatment of external hemorrhoids. Wipe the cotton disc with oil and apply to the anal opening or gently insert it inside.

Pregnancy and postpartum care

During pregnancy, the incidence and development of a disease increases fivefold due to changes in the hormonal background, circulatory system and physiology of a woman.

Medication for pregnant women is contraindicated in order not to harm the child. hemorrhoids and pregnancy

From folk remedies you can use potato candles, microclysters from the juice of raw potatoes, compresses from potato slurry.

You can remove inflammation with celandine juice - make tampons and gently insert into the rectum. You can drink juices from beets and mountain ash half a cup twice a day - it helps to empty the bowels.

The appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth is influenced by the process of delivery, the weight of the child and the characteristics of the woman in childbirth. And also the constipation arising after birth and kilograms collected during pregnancy.

To treat hemorrhoids in a nursing mother, it is necessary with the use of external means: candles, ointments, lotions, compresses.

Well-established sea buckthorn oil - it is used in the form of candles or tampons. Baths with decoction of onion husk, oak bark, marigold, linden. Lotion from the decoction of the horsetail of the field, leaves of thorn.

When to call a doctor

After trying the approved medications, all methods and means of traditional medicine, but not having received a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hemorrhoids and fissures of the anus can lead to bleeding, fistula, thrombosis and even rectal cancer.

Feeling a burning sensation, pain, feeling of not emptying the intestine and foreign matter in the anus should immediately visit the proctologist.

Prevention of

As a preventive measure one should use the advice of specialists:

  1. It is necessary to adhere to the correct nutrition of - to exclude from the diet acute, smoked, marinated, alcohol. prevention of hemorrhoids Focus on cereals, fruits and vegetables.
  2. Beware of constipation .For this, in addition to proper nutrition, you should lead an active lifestyle, move more.
  3. Do not lift the weights of the .
  4. Observe the hygiene of the anus .After evacuation of the intestine, it is necessary to wash with cool water and lubricate the anus with cream.
  5. Perform special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvis .

Observing these simple rules can avoid this unpleasant disease. It is important to know that only a person is to blame for this problem, which means that he must immediately help himself before applying to the proctologist.

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