Symptoms and types of gum burn, diagnosis and treatment methods

Burn is a common and dangerous injury and is often affected by the oral cavity, in particular the gum. The patient can eat something hot or drink, there may be other reasons, and this will be discussed later.

Gum burn can be of a thermal origin and is most often due to the intake of hot food and drinks - tea, coffee, soup and so on. It is less dangerous than chemical.

Most often it is provoked:

  • self-help attempts to eliminate toothache with alcohol or analgin;
  • by rinsing the mouth with strong solutions;
  • by the intake of medicinal and alkaline preparations;
  • household chemistry, which the patient can swallow by mistake.

Contents of

  • Kinds of gum burns and their symptoms
    • Burn symptoms depending on the kind
  • Gravity grades
  • Diagnosis of injury
  • Treatment of injured gums
    • Folk methods

Types of gum burns and their symptoms

In practice, doctors share the chemical and thermal appearance of a gum burn - it is directlyis determined by the primary cause that provoked it, namely:

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  • the thermal appearance of the burn occurs under the influence of temperatures, both high and low, as well as electric current and irradiation;
  • chemical is a consequence of the negative effects of chemicals and reagents.

After tooth treatment, there may also be chemical gum scorch by arsenic or alcohol. In particular, arsenic, which is used in dentistry for pain relief, with prolonged influence, can provoke not only burn, but also destruction of the tooth and bone tissue of the jaw.

With regard to oral cavity treatment with alcohol solutions - with high sensitivity of soft tissues, the patient can be diagnosed with gum burn.

Symptoms of burn depending on the type

Symptoms of thermal burn:

  • severe pain;
  • the mucosal surface becomes rough;
  • bubbles appear on the surface of the gum defense area;
  • with time on the spot of the vesicles appear ulcerative neoplasms.

Chemical gum burn( pictured) shows itself as follows:

  • swelling and redness;
  • tissue necrosis with deep lesion.

No one is insured against burns, but those who by virtue of their work and life contact with medicines and radiation, increased electric current, are at risk. Also, every visitor to a dental office can get injured, from a medical error, no one is insured.

Degrees of severity

Doctors distinguish 3 degrees of severity of the gum burn current:

  1. First .There is not a pronounced reddening of the gums and mucous membranes, swelling in the lesion and pain when touched.
  2. Second .Puffiness becomes strongly pronounced and on the gums there are bubbles that contain exudate inside. Mucous - bright red, worried about constant pain.
  3. Third .In addition to the symptoms described above, the infection of the affected gums, as well as the pathological process of dying of the affected tissues, will show itself.

If timely not to take action - with a chemical type of burn tissue gums will die off. There will be a strong irritation, and the mucous membrane will turn very red.

Negative consequences will be:

  • development of necrosis;Dying tissue;
  • jaw destruction;
  • deformation of the front.

Diagnosis of injury

First aid for the patient includes the following:

  • elimination of the root cause that caused burn, food or chemicals
  • mouth rinsing clean, room temperature water
  • alone can use antiseptic drugs in the form of solutions for rinsing and ointments.
Burn can cause serious, negative consequences. If you burned the gum, it is worth to visit a doctor and undergo an examination with a specialist.

If the gingiva is very hard to stop the pain, you can take painkillers, such as Analginum or Nimesil, taking into account the individual tolerability of a given composition. For the diagnosis of a dentist, it is sufficient to conduct a visual examination and collect an anamnesis, after analyzing the information collected during the examination and questioning, the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Treatment of injured gums

Treatment of a patient with a gum burn can be both medication and surgery. With an easy degree of damage to the gingival tissue, the doctor prescribes rinsing of the oral cavity with such medicinal compounds as hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, or a solution of furacilin. In the application of each has its own peculiarities:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide .Has a contraindication with increased sensitivity of the body to this composition. Side effects from its application can be burned by the oral mucosa, which only aggravates the situation. As a consequence - to prepare a rinse solution is based on the calculation of 1 part hydrogen peroxide 11 parts water.
  2. Furacilin .Prepare a rinse solution at a rate of 1 tablet per 100 ml.water. It is important to consider and individual allergy to the drug.
  3. Manganetsovka .Rinse your mouth with a solution that is not allowed for an individual drug intolerance. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to properly prepare a rinse solution, the strength of which should not exceed 0.1%.
  4. Ointments .To conduct additional treatment of the burn and such ointments as Metrogil or Solcoseryl, which accelerate the process of regeneration and healing of damaged tissues.
  5. Surgical treatment of .Applied with extensive damage and predisposition to the development of tissue necrosis. In this case, the affected tissue is removed to avoid the spread of the destructive process to healthy, neighboring cells.

When taking immediate first aid measures and prescribing the right course of treatment, the predictions for gum burn are the most favorable.

Folk ways of

In the arsenal of folk medicine there are many tools than can be treated with a gum burn. To rinse your mouth, you can use decoctions and infusions from such medicinal plants as chamomile, sage and violet fragrant. Prepare them in accordance with the instructions that are written on the package.

Besides this, it is worth remembering that it is forbidden to rinse the oral cavity with soda, as it irritates the affected tissues, although it is considered a powerful antiseptic.


In any case - the chosen tool from the arsenal of traditional medicine is recommended to agree with the doctor in advance and take into account the individual intolerance of a particular plant.

As prevention - do not eat too hot food, and when taking certain medications for anesthesia - to exclude their contact with the gums.

Gum burn is a serious injury that requires attention and observance of preventive measures in order to avoid and to prevent the development of negative consequences. If you still burned the gum, you should do everything that is indicated in the instructions for first aid and always consult a doctor.

Only with proper treatment and compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor - restoration of the gum tissue is carried out in the shortest time and without negative consequences.

  • Mar 07, 2018
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