Is your iron covered with a hard coating and an ugly flush? However, do not despair! From our article you will learn how to clean the iron from dirt, both outside and inside.
- How do I clean the Teflon iron at home?
- How do I clean the iron with a ceramic coating?
- How do I clean the iron from the scum inside the citric acid?
- How do I clean the iron with a pencil?
- How do I clean the iron with vinegar?
- How do I clean a steam iron?
- How can I clean the iron from burnt cloth?
- How do I clean the iron from rust?
- How do I clean the iron with salt?
- Video: How to clean the soleplate of an iron? Also tips how to remove scorpions
Even the most high-quality and expensive iron starts to work badly over time and leave ugly spots on clean things.
And, although the most common cause of deposits and deposits is the use of not with distilled water, in some cases the appearance of a problem can trigger woolen or synthetic fabrics .
The correct use of the device and regular cleaning both inside and outside will help you avoid such problems.
How do I clean a Teflon iron at home?
Teflon iron is rather gentle and whimsical thing, so it can not be subjected to mechanical cleaning in any case. Such an effect can irrevocably ruin a thin layer of Teflon, and you simply have to buy a new device.
To clean the sole of such an iron, it is best to use liquid cleaners.
ammonium alcohol will cope with this problem. This rather effective tool does not require any additional training. All you need to do is buy an ampoule of ammonia in the pharmacy and treat it with the sole of the iron.
Tip : If you want to permanently get rid of the scale, then after removing it, pour only distilled water into the steam tank.
• Take clean, non-dilute ammonia.
• Wet a cotton swab in it.
• Wipe the bottom of the appliance with it.
• If the scale and the fines are not lost the first time, repeat the manipulation again.
• Rinse the surface with clean water, without using detergent.
How do I clean the iron with ceramic coating?
Ceramic iron is considered to be the most convenient to use. He pretty well ironed any fabric, almost does not overheat and is not covered with scum. It is also quite easy to clean it, but as with Teflon instruments, it is best not to use for this purpose products containing coarse abrasive substances.
The ready-made cleaner for cleaning glass ceramics is considered to be the best option for removing the deposit from this household assistant. Also, it can be safely used as a measure of prevention.
Board : Take the rule every 10 days to process the sole with this tool. So you can avoid any problems with the ironing device.
• Unplug the iron and wait for it to cool down.
• Apply cleaning fluid to the sole of the ironing agent.
• Wait for about thirty minutes and wipe with a soft sponge.
• Additionally, clean the surface of the iron with a clean, damp cloth.
How do I clean the iron from the scum in citric acid?
To my great regret, the scum can appear not only on the outside of the iron, but also inside. Its appearance in the steam compartment leads to the fact that the liquid that is poured into it becomes soiled and begins to leave spots on all things.
Therefore, if you noticed small pieces of salt deposits during ironing, do not wait until they completely clog the steam holes, and immediately clean the inner tank.
To get rid of the scale inside the iron, ordinary citric acid will help you.
• Dilute 25 g of citric acid in a glass of distilled water.
• Pour the resulting product into the steam tank.
• Connect the iron to electricity and set the maximum heating temperature.
• As soon as you see that the appliance has become very hot, press the "steam" button.
• If you did everything correctly, then along with the steam will begin to leave pieces of scale.
• Repeat manipulation until the salt deposits cease to fall out.
• After the iron is cleaned, drain the citric acid solution and replace with distilled water.
• Wipe the soleplate with a soft, damp cloth.
How to clean the iron with a pencil?
If you are not helped by home remedies, you can try to get rid of the scum and sludge using a special pencil. You can buy this miracle product in any hardware store.
Advice : Be sure to prepare all the necessary materials beforehand, before proceeding directly to the removal of dirt.
After all, after the pencil begins to melt, you will literally have a couple of seconds to remove the deposit. If you miss the right moment, the molten tin will fall into the steam holes and, subsequently, will stain the water yellow.
• Preheat the iron as much as possible.
• Process the entire sole with a pencil.
• Pay special attention to places of accumulation of carbon.
• Wait until the pencil starts to melt and begin to remove it from the sole with a soft sponge.
• When the iron is completely cleaned, unplug it and cool it.
• Wipe completely cold appliance with a damp cloth.
How to clean the iron with vinegar?
Cleaning the iron with vinegar does not require any special accessories and knowledge. All you need is ordinary table vinegar and, of course, patience. And, although the vinegar is not sufficiently strong activity, with the heat and scum, he still cope.
- If you remove dirt by this method, take care of safety measures.
- As the vinegar will be applied to the heated sole, it will evaporate sufficiently.
- Therefore, you need to protect your respiratory tract from these vapors.
- If you do not have a protective mask at home, then clean it, for example, under the kitchen hood.
• Heat the iron to maximum temperature.
• Wet a cotton pad or a piece of rag in un-diluted vinegar.
• Wipe the soleplate thoroughly.
• If the scale layer is large enough, you can leave the rag for a while to lie on the sole.
• Wipe the steam holes with cotton swabs soaked in vinegar.
• As soon as you see that the scum has softened and begins to fall off, take a wet cloth and begin to iron it.
• After the scum is completely lost, iron the dry cloth and put the iron to cool.
How do I clean the steam iron?
If you have bought a high-quality steam iron, then it must necessarily have a self-cleaning function.
If there is one, then you are very lucky. You do not have to bother with cooking cleaners and patiently remove the consequences of not using the iron correctly.
In this case, it will only be necessary to warm up the device as much as possible, and after it is turned on for the second time( as almost all manufacturers advise), you must press the special button sharply and wait until all the deposits from salt and calcium come out.
If you selected a model without this function, then use the following method.
• Preheat the appliance.
• Wet a cotton swab in peroxide.
• Treat all deposits of scale and carbon deposits.
• If this does not help, then soak a piece of cloth in peroxide and rub it with a little pressure.
• Repeat manipulation until the sole is completely clean.
How can I clean the iron from burnt cloth?
Every woman knows the situation when, for some incomprehensible reason, a beloved blouse or dress is burned.
When this trouble happens, almost all ladies first of all think about the spoiled thing. Although in this case the iron itself suffers.
Usually, after that, pieces of cloth remain on its sole, which require immediate removal. If they are not removed in a timely manner, then there is a possibility that after cooling the iron they will tightly seal the steam holes and the device can no longer function normally.
Ways of cleaning the iron from burnt cloth:
• If the right moment is not lost, then the problem can be solved with an ordinary waffle towel. To begin with, heat the appliance as much as possible and wait until the pieces of cloth begin to melt. As soon as this moment comes, carefully wipe the sole with a towel.
• Take the candle, wrap it in a piece of cloth, swipe through the soiled areas, preheating the iron. Together with the melted paraffin, the pieces of charred cloth will also depart.
• Hydropyte tablets can also be used for this purpose. It is necessary to take a whole tablet and rub it with a well-heated sole. The remains of tablets and burnt tissue can be removed with a damp sponge
How do I clean the iron from rust?
Usually rust on the iron appears due to the regular use of untreated tap water. Therefore, if you want to avoid such problems, then pour only distilled water into the steam tank.
Some housewives do not bother and get rid of this problem with a usual powder detergent or even fine sandpaper.
But if you have, for example, a Teflon or ceramic iron, these methods can scratch the base of the device quite severely. If the layer of rust is large enough and is not washed off with soap solution, then try to remove it with a special tool Silit.
• Preheat the iron.
• Apply Silite to the soleplate.
• Thoroughly rub the areas of contamination with a sponge or old toothbrush.
• Rinse rust off with a damp cloth.
How do I clean the iron with salt?
salt. Clearing the soleplate of the iron is completely possible by the old folk way - salt.
If you do not want to spoil the iron, then use fine salt to clean it. Sea salt is best first grind in a mortar and only then use to remove dirt.
- Find a thick sheet of paper and spread it on the table.
- Pour salt on it with a slide.
- Heat the appliance and walk it several times up the hill.
- Do the same movements as during ironing, just a little stronger.
- Press the iron against the surface of the table.
- After the salt darkens, you can stop cleaning