Self-study of the English language. How fast and easy is it to learn English? Methods of teaching English

Today, English is a universal means of communication. With its help excellent career prospects are opened. And you should not forget about access to the big information material. Thanks to the knowledge of English, you can watch your favorite TV shows at the time of their show, and not wait until they are translated and adapted to the Russian language.


  • How to learn English from scratch?
  • How to start learning English?
  • How easy is it to learn English: how to teach English?
  • How to quickly learn words in English?
  • How to learn the verbs of English?
    • How fast can I learn the wrong verbs of English?
  • How to learn the times in English
  • How to learn the text in English?
  • How to learn English in a dream?
  • Learning English: feedback from
  • Video: Polyglot for 16 hours. Lesson 1 from scratch with Petrov for beginners

Advantages of knowing a second language, and usually it's English, a lot and they can be listed for a very long time. Learning the language of Shakespeare is difficult even in England itself. But, you can learn the basics of a simple spoken language.

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This does not require teachers and stuffy audiences. Thanks to modern techniques, self-study of English is a fascinating and interesting activity. And not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

IMPORTANT: People incapable of "languages" are not. Yes, someone learning a foreign language can be easier, but someone more difficult. The main thing is to learn how to properly motivate yourself and find a course of study that is suitable for this.

Of course, if English is not needed to watch TV shows and read your favorite blog, but for more serious tasks, then independent study is unlikely to help. Will have to attend special, narrowly focused courses. But, and they can be reached, starting with an independent study.

Of course, it is much easier to learn any language from scratch, including English, by attending special courses and communicating with the "live" instructor of

. However, such communication has a number of drawbacks:

  • such classes cost money
  • needs to adjust to the
  • schedule when skippingone lesson can be far behind

Of course, many disadvantages of such training can be minimized by training with Skype .But, if there is no possibility to find a few tens of thousands of rubles from the budget for such an occupation, the only way to learn English is to study it independently.

How to learn English from scratch?

  • In order to learn the language of Joan Rowling from scratch, it is best to use a computer program or an audio course for beginners. With their help you can understand the pronunciation of individual letters and words. By the way, the audio course has a lot of advantages in this.
  • With its help, training can be carried out without detaching yourself from other matters. It can be turned on in the car when traveling to work. If you prefer to travel by metro, then download this course to your smartphone and listen to it on the road
  • Of course, an audio course can not replace the visual perception of the English language. But, for this, there are special online trainings. Choose the course you need and start learning

IMPORTANT: From the first day of learning English, you need to try to talk on it. If this is not done, then you can not talk on it when the vocabulary and knowledge of the grammar improve.

In order to learn English from scratch, first learn the alphabet, then go to simple words - home, ball, girl, etc.

Choose such training, where the study of new words is presented in the form of cards. It should have a word written in English and a picture of what it means. Scientists have long established the power of visual memorization of information.

It is not necessary to try to remember a lot of words at once. First, new information will be given easily. Then, new words will be remembered easily, and old ones can be forgotten. In order for this not to happen, it is necessary to pay more attention to fixing the new material. It is better to learn one new word a day, but to fix all the old ones than to teach 10 new words a day, but forget what has already passed.

How to start learning English?

  • Usually begin to learn English from the alphabet. This has its own reason, you can understand how this or that letter sounds. But, it is not necessary to remember its correct order. Remember the pronunciation of letters can be without the alphabet. Moreover, they do not always sound like this list of letters from "Hey up to Zeta"
  • When you begin to understand letters, try to read as many English texts as possible. Understand what is written there is not needed. Of course, interesting pictures in the text will make you want to understand that it says
  • Then you can use online translators. But, do not insert all the text in them. Translate one word at a time. This will allow you to better understand the language and remember a few words
After you become familiar with the English language, start the
  • dictionary. Write down all the unfamiliar words and phrases in it( write down the pen) and their translation
  • Parallel to the maintenance of your dictionary,attention grammar. In English, a very complex system of times. There are irregular verbs and other difficulties in the way of learning this language. They all need to spend a lot of time. But it will pay off with a vengeance
  • Do not forget about pronunciation. Even a person who understands well what is written in the English text will not always be able to make out what the speakers of this language say. As a rule, they talk faster than teachers and teachers of
  • language schools do. To make it easier to understand English speech, watch movies, TV shows and documentaries without translation. This is a great way to learn this interesting language

IMPORTANT: Try to give English at least 30 minutes daily. To do this, it is desirable to select a specific clock. So our brain by this time can "tune in" and the learning process in a few days will go easier.

How easy is it to learn English: the method of teaching English?

There are quite a few techniques for studying this foreign language. The most popular are:

  • Dmitry Petrov's method. A polyglot well-known in our country has invented its own method and method of submitting information, which fits in 16 lessons. Probably, many who were interested in learning English saw a series of TV shows in which Dmitry trained famous people. Thanks to this technique, you can quickly immerse yourself in the language environment and understand the grammar
  • Method "16". Another technique that allows you to learn the basics of English in just 16 hours. It is built on learning dialogs, mastering which you can understand and the English language
  • Schechter Method. This system of learning English was developed by the famous Soviet linguist Igor Yuryevich Shekhter. Unfortunately, this method can not be used for independent study of a foreign language. Moreover, a linguistic teacher who will be allowed to teach this method should himself undergo special training and take the
  • exam. Dragunkin's method. Popular in our country is the method of teaching English, which was developed by the famous philologist Alexander Dragunkin. He built his system on the so-called Russified transcription. In addition, he derived the "51 rule" of English grammar. After learning which you can learn this language

This list of methods of learning English can continue for a long time. The above systems are well suited for the self-mastery of this language.

But, the best method for mastering English is Frank Method

English is taught by this technique, two texts are given. First comes the adapted passage. Usually this is a literal translation, often provided with lexico-grammatical comments. After reading this passage, the text is in English.

The technique is very good, interesting, but has one significant disadvantage - it is more suitable for learning to read in English, rather than talking on it.

How to quickly learn words in English?

  • There are many methods of memorizing words in a foreign language. The simplest of these is the traditional method. In the notebook it is necessary to record a few words in English( on the left side of the sheet) and translate them into Russian
  • . It is advisable to keep the notebook always open and in a prominent place. Read the words and repeat from. Try to remember and go to do your thing. Refer to your notebook several times a day. After a while, you can write a few more words. It is advisable to do this on another sheet. So, to leave it in a prominent place and at any time throw on the sheet with the words your view
  • Do not want a notebook, you can use the method of cards. To do this, cut the sheets of cardboard into small cards. On the one hand, it is necessary to write a word in English
  • And on the second, its translation into Russian. Flip the cards English or Russian side to yourself and try to translate the words that are written there. Expand the card and check with the correct answer
The method of cards is very popular

On the Internet you can find online services where such cards are presented in electronic form. Thanks to the popularity of this method, today it is not difficult to buy ready-made cards. But, nevertheless it is better to make them independently. After writing something on paper, we write it down in our subconscious.

Do not immediately try to remember a lot of words. In the long term, this is not very effective. Quickly learned words are, as a rule, quickly forgotten.

How to learn the verbs of English?

In principle, the above methods of memorizing English words are suitable for both nouns and verbs. But, among this category of English words there are so-called "irregular verbs".Like the right ones, they mean:

  • Action - to speak, to come
  • Process - to sleep
  • State - to be, to know, etc.

At school suchverbs are taught as follows. Students are given their list, and the teacher asks you to learn from him to the next lesson as much as possible. There is no structure that facilitates the study of such verbs, this list does not. Therefore, few of us were able to master English at school.

Modern methods are very different from those for which foreign languages ​​are taught in the school

How quickly learn irregular verbs of English?

  • As mentioned above, you can apply the "card method" to memorize such verbs. But, unlike "simple" words, irregular verbs have three forms. What actually makes them wrong
  • To make cards with irregular verbs, you need to write the first form on one side, and on the other side, two others. Moreover, the first form does not need to be supplied with a translation. And on the reverse side you need not only write two forms of the verb with a translation, but also provide a hint. For example, "alternating irregular vowel verbs in the root with [i:] on [e]"
  • The advantage of this method is that it is easy to use. Cards can be touched by hand, memorizing the main form first, and then turn over and do the same with other forms. Such trainings can be conducted at home or at work. Students can take these cards with them to the institute and repeat the verbs during the

change. Card Example:

To facilitate memorization of irregular verbs, they can be grouped according to:

  • way of forming the second and third forms of
  • repeatability or non-repeatability of
  • forms to the alternation of root vowels
  • similarity of sound
  • features spelling

All other verbs need to be structured not in alphabetical order, like in school, but according to the above principles:

How to learn the times in Englishm language

Another pitfall for all who want to learn English are times. Understanding their use, you can make a big step forward in learning this language.

In general, there are three times in English:

But, the difficulty lies in the fact that each time there are kinds. The first kind of such times is called Simple. That is, there is:

Continuous( continued, long) is the second kind of times.

The third kind is called Perfect( perfect).Thus, there are:

There is also another kind of time, which combines all the previous Perfect Continuous( completely-continued).Accordingly, the times can be:

IMPORTANT: In the special literature on English Simple can call Indefinite, and Continuous - Progressive. Do not be scared, it's the same thing.

  • In order to use English times in sentences, it is necessary to understand what action is taking place? It is regular, it was yesterday, happens at the moment, etc. Simple times denote an action that occurs regularly, but its exact moment is not known.on Sundays - on Sundays( specific time is not known)
  • If the offer specifies a specific time( currently, from 4 to 6 hours, etc.), then it is used Continuous - for a long time. That is, the time that indicates a particular moment or a specific time interval.
  • If the action is complete, Perfect is used. This time is applied when the result of the action is already known or it is possible to know exactly when it will end( but can still go)
  • The Perfect Continuous design is rarely used in English. It is used to indicate a process, the action of which is not completed, but it must be said about it at the moment. For example, "May will be 6 months how I study English"
  • To study English times, you can also create tables, as for irregular verbs. Just replace them with linguistic formulas. You can use the special literature. Better than several authors
Very well told about the times in Dmitry Petrov's technique "Polyglot 16"

How to learn the text in English?

  • If you need to learn the text in English in a short period of time, you can use several
  • techniques for this purpose. Before learning the text in a foreign language, you need to prepare. Namely, to translate it. On the one hand, it is impossible to learn the text in English without knowing what is written there. And on the other hand, while we translate, something will already be written to the "subcortex" of
  • . During the translation of the text, you need to reread it several times. If you do this day, then before going to bed, repeat this procedure. We will sleep, and the brain will work
  • . In the morning, the text should be printed and weighed in prominent places. We prepare food, the text should be in the kitchen in a conspicuous place. Vacuum in the living room, it should also be visible
Very well remembered text in English, if it is recorded on the recorder

. Go to the store, headphones in your ears and listen, repeating to yourself each word. In the gym, instead of heavy rock, you must again listen to this text.

If the text is large, then it is better to break it into several small fragments, and memorize each one in turn. It is not necessary to be afraid, to learn the text in English is not so difficult as it seems.

How to learn English in a dream?

At the end of the Soviet era, a lot of "unique" methods of self-education poured into our country. One of them was the study of foreign languages ​​during sleep. Before going to bed, a cassette with lessons was put on the player, headphones were put on and the person fell asleep. They say that some of this method helped.

That the dream is very useful, I know everything. According to researchers working on this problem, with the help of sleep it is possible to improve mental abilities.

And anyway, a sleepy person better "absorbs" information
  • But, for some reason, he absorbs it after sleeping. English words from the player can only spoil the dream. So, worsen the perception of information the next day
  • But, the dream can really help. But, only if you take the time immediately before the
  • to learn English. After such a lesson you can sleep, and the brain during this time will "process" the information and place it on the "shelves".This method of studying foreign languages ​​has proved its effectiveness and is used by many people.
  • And this technique can be improved if immediately after sleep, consolidate what was learned before going to bed

Learning English:

reviews Katia. To learn a foreign language you need to give it a day at least 30 minutes. Every day for half an hour. Even one missed day will have a very negative impact. I definitely pay 30 minutes of English a day. Plus, if there is still time, then definitely take up a bonus.

Cyril. Now on the Internet, a lot of sites, where the game provides material. I study English with the help of serials. I watch serials in this language with Russian subtitles. I used to read subtitles all the time. And now I'm trying to understand myself.

Video: Polyglot for 16 hours. Lesson 1 from scratch with Petrov for beginners

  • Mar 04, 2018
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