How to test your eyesight without leaving your computer

The appearance of the first signs of vision impairment - the appearance of discomfort in the eyes, redness, burning, lacrimation, increased sensitivity to sunlight, eye fatigue, headache while reading and working at the computer - is the reason for urgent testing to exclude eye diseases.

Many Internet resources allow you to independently pass your online sight test for free, without leaving your home and without losing your work.

The method allows you to roughly estimate your vision and does not replace medical examination. But if problems are found, it will make it clear that it's time to turn to the oculist.

    • 1. Rules for self-testing
    • 2. Sightseeing tables from Sivtsev
    • 3. Orlova table for children
    • 4. Online tests for sight testing
    • 5. Additional tests for
    • 6. Some useful tipsfor preservation of vision

Rules for self-passing tests for eyesight

  1. Checking to pass only if you feel well. Elevated temperature, headache, fatigue overall and fatigue of the eyes after prolonged exertion, taking certain tablets may distort the results.
    instagram viewer
  2. Provide enough bright light in the room.
  3. When testing, do not tilt the head, do not screw up your eyes.
  4. Set the monitor according to the rules.

Tables for testing vision from Sivtsev

The most common method for determining visual acuity is the Sivtsev table( SB). The author is the Russian ophthalmologist DA Sivtsev. This table contains 12 lines of 7 capital letters of the Russian alphabet, the size of which decreases from top to bottom.

The distance in meters( D) from which the eye sees with 100% vision is indicated to the left. On the right is the conventional magnitude of visual acuity( V).If you see the tenth line from 5 meters, then you have excellent vision.

For independent vision control, the Sivtsev table can be downloaded( right-click on the image above and click save) on three A4-sized sheets, glue them with adhesive tape and fasten them to the wall. Sitting or standing you will pass the test, the table should be located at eye level. Provide the necessary lighting with an incandescent lamp( 40 W) or a pair of fluorescent lamps( 700 lux).

When checking one eye, the other needs to be closed with a dense cardboard, plastic or just a palm. Visual acuity corresponds to the indicator on the left( the letter V) on the line where you did not allow more than one error.

Orlova table for children

To check the sight of children who do not know the letters, use Orlova's table , which depicts familiar objects to children.

Online tests for sight testing

Interesting simplified tests for online testing of visual acuity( although it is difficult to say about 100% reliability).A sign similar to the letter W or E is shown. As the test passes, the sign decreases in size. It is necessary to indicate the direction of the open side of the sign by pressing the cursor, until you stop distinguishing it. Similar tests are enough in the network, you can pick up for every taste.

Note - the price of eye drops Irifrin. Instruction and reviews about the drug.

In the news( link), all the analogues of Half-Life.

Instructions for the use of eye drops Lecrolin!http: // kapli-dlya-glaz / preparat-lekrolin.html

Additional tests

On macular degeneration

The Amsler table is used to test the central fields of vision. This is a graphical grid with a black dot in the center. At this central point, you need to fix the view, observing the lateral vision behind the grid lines. Normally they should remain even and equally black. Any distortion of the grid can be a sign of macular degeneration. It should alert and force to be surveyed at the oculist, to exclude a pathology of a retina.

On Astigmatism

The Siemens star is one way of testing the vision for astigmatism. Astigmatism is a violation of the normal, spherical curvature of the cornea and( or) the lens. A slight curvature of the sphericity is possible and normal, if it does not interfere with the quality of visual perception.

With imperfect vision, the rays of the star overlap, not reaching the center, merge with the background. There is an inversion of the rays, when black is seen as white and vice versa. With healthy eyesight, such an inversion effect is observed if the image of the star is brought close to the eyes.

There are several variants of stars and lined squares for determining astigmatism.

Duochrome table for refractive eye test

A duo-chrome test is a non-instrumental method for examining eye refraction. It is based on a phenomenon in which rays with different wavelengths( of different colors) are differently refracted by the optics of the eye. It is necessary to determine whether optotypes differ more clearly on a red or green background. In different versions of the test, they can be in the form of letters, Landolt rings and numbers.

Clear distinguishability of black marks on a red background and vagueness on green indicates nearsightedness, which is corrected by minus dioptres. Clarity of signs only on a green background is a sign of hyperopia, corrected by plus diopters.

Some useful tips for preserving vision

To relieve fatigue and raise the tone of the eyes it is useful to make contrasting compresses: alternately apply to the eyes pieces of cloth, moistened first in hot, then in cold water.

Do not forget to blink often when you spend time at the computer( we recommend that you get acquainted - why the eyes are hurting from the computer, eye gymnastics and vitamin).This will protect the cornea from drying out. Take breaks, during which hold your eyes closed.

Choose for yourself a convenient complex of gymnastics for the eyes and perform in the breaks of work at the computer, reading, watching TV, knitting.

Adjust the diet so that it is complete in all respects. Supplement it with vitamin-mineral complexes, eye supplements.

Set the computer monitor correctly, just below eye level. Use if necessary special glasses and drops of "natural tear"( after consulting a doctor).

In case of visual impairment, do not attempt to correct it yourself. Correctly pick up glasses and lenses can only specialist.

If there are any changes on the part of the eyes, consult an ophthalmologist for a prophylactic examination which is recommended every year.

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