Occasional dark circles under the eyes significantly spoil the appearance of a person, give him an unhealthy and tired look.
Darkening of the skin under the eyes can be permanent, in this case, the danger is not a cosmetic defect, but internal problems in the body that occur in a number of diseases.
Sometimes, in order to return a fresh face to a person, it only takes a change in the regime of the day, but in order to know exactly how to eliminate the defect, it is first necessary to determine the cause of the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
- 1. Causes of darkening of the skin around the eyes
- 2. First steps
- 3. Treatment of
- 4. Tips for those who work long before the computer
Reasons for darkening the skin around the eyes
The secret for most is not the fact,that the skin in the area near the eyes and eyelids is the thinnest on the whole face, under it there is almost no muscle and subcutaneous fat layer.
This feature of the structure contributes to the greatest stretching of the skin layers and its increased sensitivity, while the protective forces are the least.
All this influences the change in the structure and color of the skin to a bad side under the influence of the most insignificant factors. Simply put, the reason leads to a rapid change in the familiar form.
Provoking changes in the skin around the eyes in different color factors is in fact a great variety, among them the most likely group is identified:
- Lack of sleep .Every day you need to sleep for 7-8 hours. Going to sleep should begin at 9 pm, and it's better to wake up at dawn. Want to get rid of dark circles under the eyes? Go to bed before 10 pm, then the body will have a good rest and restore its strength. Lack of sleep makes the complexion pale, and the vessels become more noticeable.
Scientists have determined that sleep, beginning at 8-10 pm, is more qualitative and gives a person more benefit than sleep after midnight.
- Overstrain, chronic fatigue. Today's rhythm of life and overwork of the eyes( especially if a person reads a lot, works for a PC, works in adverse harmful conditions) contributes to the formation of stagnant phenomena in the capillaries. To eliminate these problems, you need to bake the work schedule, walk more in the fresh air, take soothing.
- Bad habits - alcohol and smoking .Long years of smoking will certainly worsen the color of the whole face, and under the eyes this will be noticeable above all. Excessive consumption of alcohol will lead to hyperpigmentation, even if you relaxed only one evening. Anatomical skin feature of .In some people, small blood vessels go too close to the outer layer of the dermis, which is manifested by a noticeable blue color.
- Psychoemotional stresses of worsen the functioning of all systems. Chronic stress leads to the appearance of unhealthy complexion.
- Kidney disease is one of the most probable causes of permanent circles and puffiness under the eyes. Lead to the appearance of spots of different colors, and liver and heart disease.
- Anemia - a lack of iron is expressed in the appearance of yellowish and brown circles both from above and from below the eye.
- Sharp weight reduction - all kinds of diets based on the use of just a few products, lead to a metabolic disorder and to vitamin deficiency. Due to the lack of vitamins and the most essential trace elements, the skin color on the face changes.
- Chronic lack of fresh air , which often occurs with hard work, but in young people in the process of intensified learning.
- Ultraviolet rays - it is proved that the sun in unreasonable doses leads to negative changes in the structure of the skin, and under the eyes it is expressed in the first place.
- Emission from computer screens .Even the safest monitors can not reduce eye strain and fatigue.
- Incorrect use of cosmetic products. Sometimes, wanting to make the skin shining overnight, the ladies apply a thick layer of cream on their face and leave it until the morning. This can not be done - under the layer the skin does not breathe, the metabolic processes slow down, blood circulation is disrupted and instead of a healthy appearance one can get a dull complexion.
- Low-quality cosmetics. The skin around the eyes is sensitive. It is important to choose special lightweight products that protect against stretch marks and exhaustion of the dermis. Use only natural products( cook them yourself or look for eco-friendly cosmetics with natural ingredients), use light concealers designed for thin skin around the eyes.
- Allergy - a negative reaction to food, pollen of plants, medication is reflected on the face.
- Severe Diseases of the .Often the appearance of circles under the eyes accompanies respiratory diseases, especially this is immediately apparent in children and people with weakened immunity. Nasal congestion leads to reflex dilatation of the veins under the eyes, which becomes visually noticeable.
- Hormonal failures of .Women often notice that darkening in the eye area appears a few days before critical days. A marked change in the skin in the eye area is observed during childbearing, which is associated with increased stress on all major organs and especially on the kidneys.
Strengthens the hyperpigmentation effect of several factors at once, which is typical for all people of working age: constant lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, stress, the desire to quickly lose weight due to diets, constant work behind the computer monitor.
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In the article( link) all the analogues of Strix Forte.
Symptoms of Cataracts!http: //moezrenie.com/bolezni/khrustalika/ katarakta-chto-eto.html
First steps
In order to quickly cope with such a nuisance on the face as dark circles you need to determine the exact cause, in some cases you can establish a provoking factor and the color of the changes on the skin.
- Dark circles under the eyes of - the reasons for the appearance of such a problem may be related to the insufficient enrichment of the oxygen in this area, which arises in cardiac and pulmonary pathology, anemia. The yellowish or brown color appears when the bile duct is blocked and when there is an excessive accumulation of slag in the body. With such diseases, you can determine and many other symptoms - problems with digestion, constant fatigue, symptoms of intoxication, dizziness, skin rash.
- Blue circles under the eyes of are most often associated with closely located vessels or with kidney diseases and pathologies of the heart muscle and system. If the blue color near the eyes is noted from the very childhood, and when the test does not reveal an internal cause, it remains only to accept and use corrective means. And if the color has changed not so long ago, then it is necessary to go through all the diagnostics.
In children, darkening under the eyes can be associated with low immunity, helminthiases, chronic sinusitis. When fixing the first persistent signs of a shade near the orbital area, one should not delay the visit to the physician-therapist, sometimes hyperpigmentation appears as the first sign of serious health problems.
Identification of the true cause will help determine and with the tactics of eliminating the cosmetic defect.
Treatment of
Dark spots under the eyes, arising from internal problems, can be completely eliminated only after the course of treatment.
The common reasons for the change in color under the eyes can be reduced, using the following recommendations:
- It is necessary to ensure a complete rest - get enough sleep for at least 7 hours, exclude the influence of negative emotions.
- Calming the nervous system - you can drink light sedatives or decoctions of soothing herbs for several days.
- During the daytime, it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of water - dehydration first of all affects the eyes negatively, leads to a sharpening of the periorbital area and as a result to darkening.
- Food should be correct - a large number of vegetables with vitamins A and C are necessary in the treatment of skin. These vitamins strengthen the vessels and reduce their permeability.
- Fresh air is a prerequisite for the return of fresh appearance. If it does not work on weekdays to arrange a nightly outing, then you need to get out on a weekend in an ecologically clean area for several hours.
- Inadmissible sharp weight loss with the use of the rigid diet .This will lead not only to the problem with skin, but also will cause hair loss, increased fragility of the nails, pathological changes in internal organs.
- It is possible to remove the circles under the eyes caused by the accumulation of slags by using various methods of bowel cleansing .But it is necessary to take into account the presence of other diseases, since not all methods of slag removal are suitable for chronic ailments.
- Refusal to smoke noticeable on the face will be after a month of healthy lifestyle .Contained in nicotine harmful components lead to a change in all vessels and organs.
- On sunny days and when visiting beaches it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin around the eyes.
Efficiently get rid of hyperpigmentation under the eyes can only be using all these recommendations in a single complex.
Sometimes, in order for the skin on the face to become a uniform even tone, without spots and circles, one should adhere to the recommended problem-solving plan for only a few days. Naturally, the positive effect of the events will last for a lifetime, if you follow simple advice constantly. Will help in returning the habitual skin tone and using folk tips and special creams.
Cosmetic procedures from dark circles
Special attention is paid to salon procedures. They will quickly get rid of bags under the eyes and blue circles around the eyes:
Procedure name | Short description |
Lymphatic drainage | Microcurrent, electrostimulation therapy, which is used to drain fluid from the lower eyelid. As a result, the facial muscles regain their tone. Enough 4-5 procedures |
Laser therapy | The laser works on problem areas. Why the skin becomes lighter. To get a good result, you need to repeat the procedure after 30 days. But usually the result is noticeable after 1.5-2 weeks. |
Mesotherapy | Various medicinal substances are administered under the skin. They act on cells, stimulate metabolism. The procedure is sufficient for half a year |
Lipofilling | Under the skin around the eyes, adipose tissue is inserted( it is taken from the patient's thigh).As a result, the skin becomes dense and any dark circles are no longer visible. After a couple of years the effect becomes less noticeable and it is necessary to repeat the procedure |
We remove dark circles under the eyes with creams and folk recipes
Noticeably the skin tone is leveled after following the preventive morning procedures and using folk methods aimed at brightening the face.
- After waking up, you should wash yourself with cool water and apply cold compresses to the eye area. This is not worth it, it will be enough for two minutes, because the excessive influence of cold temperatures can lead to swelling.
- It will help to refresh the area around the eyes morning light massage. On the massage lines above the eyes and under them it is necessary to tap the skin with the pads of the fingers. Stretch and rub this area is impossible.
- Helps to eliminate the cosmetic defect of the compress from the sage broth .One small spoonful of grass should be brewed half a cup of boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. Then half of the liquid is cooled in the refrigerator, and the second is heated before use. The compress is done before bedtime, first, cotton swabs are moistened in hot broth, apply them for 5-7 minutes to the eyes, then take cold lotions and use the same length of time. Alternate cold and heat can be up to several times.
- Efficiently whitens the hyperpigmentation of parsley .The leaves of the plant are freshly crushed and put on the area near the eyes, parsley heals the entire face, so the mask can be applied over the entire surface. Efficacy is achieved by aging the plant on the face of 20 or more minutes.
- A gruel mass from grated potatoes eliminates dark circles and nourishes all layers of the skin .You can make this mask both after waking up and before bedtime in the evening.
- Ice cubes. Prepare a decoction of chamomile( for 1 tablespoon of flowers take 200 ml of water), cool it and pour it into ice molds. In the morning and in the evening, wipe the skin around the eyes.
Dark areas of the skin around the eyes, unfortunately will not be eliminated at a time. Therefore, before work, in trains or just at home to eliminate a defect, you can use cosmetics, designed specifically to give the face freshness. Decorative products for the skin around the eyes are called concealers, they are produced in gels, emulsions, pencils.
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In the news( here) treatment of a swollen eye.
Treatment with drops of a burst vessel in the eye!http: //moezrenie.com/poleznoe/stati/ lopnul-sosud-v-glazu.html
The color of the concealer is selected based on the basic skin tone. The application of a quality product not only eliminates pigmentation, but also prevents premature aging and protects the area near the eyes from the negative influences of external factors.
Tips for those who work long before the computer
Does your work or study make you spend a lot of time sitting at the monitor? Make sure that your physical activity level is high. Do daily exercises. A minimum of 10 minutes. Three times a week, visit the pool or go to the gym, run or dance.
Install a special program that protects the eyes from overloads: there are computer programs where the "virtual eye" blinks. Such software involuntarily stimulates to blink.
If you spend more than two hours a day per PC, be sure to do gymnastic exercises( according to Zhdanov, Bates).Especially useful is palming: rub your palms to warm them well, close your eyes and cover them with your hands, and then open your eyes and look into the darkness.
Repeat the palming several times a day. A week later, there will be noticeable improvements related not only to the disappearance of dark circles. You will feel how your vision becomes more acute. And my eyes less tired of PCs.
Set yourself a timer. Let it signal every 10 minutes: it is necessary to distract for a few seconds, to blink intensively, to look into the distance.